Unfortunately Clair Wolfe Designs website has to under go a major revamp and face lift, so in the meantime work can be viewed and purchased through Etsy.
I am just plain rubbish at being a regular blogger...MUST TRY HARDER!
But wanted to share new article in a new magazine.
Making is an exciting and contemporary creative magazine with a wide variety of crafts.
Finally we are in to our new home, and even though I only have a temporary work room, I will so have a purpose built studio to move in to.
I am back to work this week, writing more articles for Making Jewellery Magazine, getting a few new bits made and writing a list to get sorted ready for the website restocking......keep a look out there will be some bargains.
I have been off line for the past three weeks and have an amazing amount to catch up on, but will try to blog once a week and post some more work.
I do have some online tutorial work, where I will be using beautiful beads supplied by Beads Direct. These step by steps will show you how to make each item.
Well back to the catch up...........Ta ta for now.x
Clair Wolfe Jewellery will be moving in the next week and will be off line and only contactable by mobile. All emails, sales and anything else internet related will be responded too once the move is complete.
Packing up the work room has been a massive chore in itself! Looking forward to setting up the new one though, and I do promise to keep it as tidy and as organised as my creative brain allows.
All magazine articles have been submitted, all customers have their orders on the way to them.
.....now back to my very long list of things to do between now and then!!!!
Wish me luck!
Where have the first 6 weeks of the New Year gone????? Gone all too quickly, I know that.
Finally I have created the beginning of a new collection for 2010. Really pleased with the textures and styles so far.
Clair has had another step by step project published in this months Making Jewellery Magazine.
This month she shows how to make an easy pendant suitable for both sexes.
Keep a look out for up coming Issues.
Clair has also taken over the Tool of the Month page in the magazine and is thoroughly enjoying all the tool research that involves.
Please come and say hello on the Making Jewellery Forum.x
Haiti Auction
The auction to raise money for Haiti will commence on Monday 8th February at 10.00 am GMT finishing on Monday 15th February at 8:00pm GMT Please check back in for more details
Welcome to The Collective
A group of like minded Jewellery Designers and Lampwork Artists and Designers have come together to raise money for charity. Each of us has donated Jewellery or beads or both to be auctioned.
Every penny raised will go directly to the Haiti charity
Please visit the site, take a look at the fab collection of goodies and place your bid......
Thank you..x
I seemed to have forgotten to blog the last edition of Making Jewellery Magazine, but it is still available in the shops and their website. I have also had a couple of pieces in issue 11. Had the pleasure of trialling some wonderfully interesting metal called Mokume Gane, which is a combination of two or more metals. I also got to write a personal piece ....which was a bit scary, but think it is a subject that touches a lot of creative people.
Right my bench is calling, coffee is made, work to be done.....
.........don't forget to go buy a copy of the mag, or pop onto the Forum and say hi!
I hope that you are toasty warm where ever you are, I for one love this clean crisp weather. Back to the routine starting today, back to school run, house work and hopefully an hour in my workroom. New Year has brought new orders and a new stockist, and also an new address. Clair Wiolfe Jewellery will be moving to a new address in the coming months....2010 is already an exciting year full of new challanges and a lot of change.
My head is bursting with ideas for several new ranges of beautiful jewellery and there will be a lot of new magazine articles in the coming months.
I am going to use January to restock the depleted website, Misi, Coriandr and Folksy sites....the down side of so many sales means alot of work to replenish....luckily it is work that I love.
Well my to do list needs to be written and completed....well after I finish this coffee...xxxx
....well not literally, but feel like I am running around like one. My hours, days and weeks are dissapearing rapidly with Christmas approaching fast!
Hurrah and I have been put in print...well a step by step on silver earrings has anyway! I have really enjoyed putting together the step by step tutorial and have even made one to put on here next week. Its good practice to working towards the 12 projects left to do for the book I am in the process of putting together.
I also managed to finish most of the half finished projects that have been loitering in my work room, and start a few new ones too!
I even ventured out into todays horrid weather to visit 'Artists in Action' at the wonderful Model House. If you get chance to visit it is well worth your time. Beautiful beautiful jewellery, which inspires me to push my own work further forward, check out there website to help you plan your visit.... http://http://www.modelhousecraft.co.uk/
Its half term, but that is no excuse not to be productive......and productive I was. House work was all finished by 10am, then I played the chasing game to make sure others have done what they had promised me, then chasing my own tail to make sure all paper work and books are up to date! I even managed to sketch ideas for a new project, and source the materials for it.
Hoping todays productivity will continue, and I will finish some work and if the sun shows its beautiful face, even take photographs and upload them.
Also had a delivery of the most beautiful beads yesterday......so now will Have to place an order for some chain to compliment them!!! Any excuse to spend money!
....infact I seem to have been far too busy to post for a while.
I have got new branded boxes on the way, in preparation for my Christmas fairs. I have plenty of stock made, I have three articles being published and been commissioned to write a couple more. My book now has the first two chapters completed.....and I am bursting with new design ideas. SO yes I guess I have been too busy to post.
I am really looking forward to Halloween and have been sorting my costume...just need to make a couple of bits to complete it.
Have a jewellery party booked for tomorrow, another chnce to have some girly chat...tea for me though..no wine and pain killers like last week. (yes i was that stupid, did not realise my mistake until I had a second glass of vino and wondered why I felt so drunk)
I have also celebrated my 34th birthday this month, and got rather spoilt with a weekend away with my inlaws. Lucky to have such special ones!!!
Ready now to face the next few weeks, and be ready for the party season.
These pieces have been made for my pleasure as I am not sure that they will appeal to many people. I really enjoyed creating the oxidised finish on these, which has been sealed with beeswax. Thought I would use edible props for the pictures, and they were delicious.
Have had the pleasure to potter around the Brecon Beacons today, WOW, sometimes I do forget just how beautiful my home country is! We stumbled across a fantastic Garwnant woodland walks today, where they are currently building a new visitor centre. http://www.breconbeacons.org/visit-us/easy-access/places-to-visit-with-easier-and-disabled-access/garwnant-visitor-centre
....... but the walks are open and well marked, and the scenery is stunning. We will definately be adding this to one of our favorite places to visit.
A short drive north brought us to Brecon Town, a quaint little town with some quirky shops. After thoroughly boring my dear OH buy looking in each and every one of these shops, we drove homeward, passing through Bwulch, and Crickhowell, and many other very pretty places.
Home now, cooking bolognese ready for dinner after tomorrows outing........just need to decide where in Wakes we will visit tomorrow!!!...xc
...... more earrings, I do love them so.
On a forum at www.makingjewellery.com we have started to challenge each other. The first challenge was to be inspired by a photo I had taken at our local Wetlands, the second was to make a wearable jewellery item from recycled materials.
Here are my entries.
The first is a silver and copper necklace from my now newly christened On The Wing collection, and also a silver pendant.
The second was more of a challenge for me, as it took a while for me to come up with something I LOVED, and not just a make for the makes sake! I have melted a pile of scrap and then added a few AMAZING beads handmade by Caroline at craftedgems.blogspot.com.
I have now got about an hour of polishing to do, and will of course be back to show off the new makes!!.
..... have been to busy to update blog, replenish website, make many important appointments, and some days even stop and catch my breath!
Have been working, making selling, taking pictures, and all the other things one has to do running their own business, however small...
Have just managed to finish some new bits, I am really pleased with these, especially the earrings..MUST NOT KEEP!!
I managed to get published last month too, and hoping that I will make the cut for this months Making Jewellery Magazine.
...That's all I have time for, now getting ready for Caerleon Arts Festival, fingers crossed the weather will hold for us... will be a more efficient blogger once this week is over and life becomes calmer...xc
I had a rather nice commission order to create yesterday, the lady in question is off to Ascot for ladies day. Whilst busy making her jewellery I managed to knock a few more out beside......a thoroughly creative day in all!
I expect at least one pair of earring will stay with me......but which ones???
I can not wait to return to France and am already considering my retirement there.....although that is a few years off yet!