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ASSessment 23 Jan 2011 10:09 AM (14 years ago)

hi guys, how are you have been doing so far??

i know, it has been a while.
but i would not disappoint anyone here.
i'm just here to inform that i have a new blog now.
however, that is only due to the assessment that i had been assigned to.
do follow my new blog and maybe u will find something interesting that will benefit u there :)
till then ;)


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taking a peek 5 Jun 2010 8:55 AM (14 years ago)

hi people, sorry that i didnt update this blog for quite a while. really couldnt do anything when i dont have the mood or inspiration to write.

however,now that i'm back taking a peek of whats happening, i might be leaving something for u guys to read.
well, obviously it's a semester break and also the school holiday and everybody is enjoying their time at home with their family, sharing the happiness before they go back to the respective campuses to continue their mission of becoming a useful person. hahaha
i think that most of the people are already talking about the kenduri kendara everywhere especially wedding.
so,i'll skip that and move on with my thing.

it's really an enjoying moment being at home with the family even though one of my brother is away, at his college which hardly has a holiday and it's his birthday. poor him, but never mind angah we'll celebrate it when u come back.
so,what we did was SOTO. yummyy~~
everybody work hard to make it a very nice and tasty soto. my mum is a very good cook but u know she couldn't manage to do everything on time just be herself. so, me and my brothers lent her a hand because apparently i have two sisters who are below the age to help(they are good at messing up. hahaha)
let the brothers do it okay ;)

we divided the works.
mama-soup and the nasi impit and handle the recipe
ateh-peel onions,cutting and take care of aila(youngest sister)
acik-begedail(i dunno how to spell it right) p/s he's really good at doing it
abah-clean the backyards,fed his chickens and ducks(lots of them)

and as for me, i help to boil the soup,fry the potato for the begedail and some more.
so,we cook everything and by 12 we manage to have our lunch.
it was FABULOUS! we enjoyed it and the feeling is PRICELESS.
seriously,we had a good time and later on we go out to settle on the baju melayu for Eid Mubarak which will be told real soon. hehe
i feel happy and u guys too can do it -not the cooking but spend time with the family doing something real good,and u will be happy.
i think thats all for tonite,im going to bed now. CHOWWW!

*its raining outside,the aircond is on,pulling my comforter and bolster. i will sleep titely,i swear. hahahaha

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HOHOHO! 26 Dec 2009 9:20 PM (15 years ago)

2009 is coming to its end.
lots of things happened back then,good n bad

well,its okay the good ones,but for the bad,i wished i cud just go back and fix it so that i would not hurt others. huhu
still, i have few days to go until 2010.
so 2009,dont worry,im still here with you and there is still a lot to do. hehe

its been so long that i havent updated this blog. being busy!haha
okay now,where am i going to start?
haaa,still remember about vc cup that i've mentioned before??
its a great experience which i never had before.
i was having a great time,getting to know a lot of people,make new friends and get to know people better!
it is tiring to do all this an that,but im satisfied with the success of the event.

this is the picture of the organizing committee that involves in the event. there are also girls, but i dont have the picture. sory girls. huhu
plus,this picture was taken during the last event of vc cup, the grand luncheon!
the food was great! wish i will have another chance like that ;)

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FREEDOM!! 14 Nov 2009 3:58 AM (15 years ago)

finally,the exam met the end.

although it was just two papers for the semester,but the tense is so huge that cant be described by words(cewahhh)haha.
im already at home now,in alor setar.
i couldnt wait to come back,thats why i bought the ticket to come back the night i finished my paper.

at the first place,i never thought that she would board the same bus.(jeng3)
ehem2,but still the machoness need to be controlled.haha
she bought the ticket on the very last minute,so she got to seat at the back of bus,with guys surrounding her,with scary faces.muahaha

what do you think happened??
of course we exchanged the seats,so that she would have better place to seat.
even though i didnt have a chance to seat with her,i still manage to make something up for her.hik3
its okay,at least she was happy.
so,im going to enjoy my holiday as much as i could before i got back to malacca for VC Cup!
i'll share the story of VC Cup later on okay!
hope this holiday will bring a lot of good things for me(especially if it is about her.haha)

so,happy holiday guys!!
lots of hugs and kisses!! ;)

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one time! 4 Nov 2009 10:14 PM (15 years ago)


this is what happened when you dont know what to do.
seems like a real holiday,only that you cant enjoy yourself much as the final paper is approaching soon.
but,i havent done any study yet.hahaha
so,what am i doing??

its already been 3 days since i started to read naruto's manga.
actually,ive been reading it for quite sometimes,but i decided to start reading it all over again.
well,i guess it does help a lot in killing some times rather than doing nothing.
and its also quite a challenge
dont say that im not doing anything healthy ok!
as i also do some light exercises.muahaha(badan kena jaga gak)

current problems:
1. i dont know what else to do besides reading manga.huhu
2. ran out of money(abah,you said you will bank in the money today.huhu)
3. suddenly the feeling of being lonely appears.adoyaiii~

im going to lay down to my previous position in this lovely living room,and continue my manga reading.
the aim is to finish it by today,got about 50 more chapters to go.hahaha
wish me luck!

till next time folks!!
lot of hugs and kisses ;)

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BIENVENUE!! 1 Nov 2009 9:47 AM (15 years ago)

haaa,igt aku xreti cakap french ke ha?haha

well people,its my turn to join the world of blogging. hehe
i know that its been a while since people made their blog, now i think i wanna make mine too.

i will figure out what im going to write in this blog to share with everybody and i will try to update this blog regularly.

but for now,i would like to take a sleep first as it is already 3am.

till next time, c ya ;)

lots of kisses and hugs!

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