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CLICK HERE TO FIND MY NEW LOCATION 26 Aug 2010 12:19 PM (14 years ago)

To all of my subscribers; please subscribe to the new blog. It will be a lot better ;)

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The Lioness is back..... with great news! 11 Aug 2010 2:42 PM (14 years ago)

Hello my lovelies :)

Since my last post things have been a little hectic.... in a good and productive way. Working on my future and my brand with management; feel blessed that we share the same vision. Let me just quickly congratulate AAB International for their latest signings; model Sheldry Amirez. She is an absolutely stunning model with a very bright future. Daisy Dares; you should already know.... oh and AAB are also handling Cheryl Coles branding. I'm with the big boys ;)

Got some great news! So I mentioned in my last post that I was reading scripts and will be auditioning for some films; well I went for my first acting audition and guess what..... ;) Yep, you got it. Well, I did really lol. It is only a small part but to be honest that is what I wanted. I am so excited to be on set of my first film and to kick start my acting career! Plus I have read the whole script and love it; it is a comedy and very funny. I feel very priviliged to be involved. Contract/form was emailed to me today so everything is set! I will be filming next month..... yaaaay :)

What else has been happening? Went to Roundhouse to watch Chipmunk perform as some of my managers clients were also performing; Daisy Dares and Esmee Denters. Unfortunately my late arse missed Daisy, but Chipmunk was great. I'm not a fan of concerts as I get bored quite easily; I need entertainment like dancing or a great performance. You can't just stand there and sing/rap. Come on, I might as well just sit at home and listen to your cd then whilst doing something else useful with my time. But Chippy has great energy; very enthusiastic and keeps the crowd excited. Wretch 32 also made a quick appearance. Esmee was amazing as always with her rich vocals and sweet humble self. Was good bumping into my boy Dready and Smokey (SBTV); both rising stars and hardworkers.



The crowd were LIVELY and it was packed! Thank goodness we were seated up here and not standing down there with the over excited fans!


We then arrived at the Hills finale party 4 hours late..... ahem. So yeah..... not much to report on that LOL.

I gave away a FREEBIE yesterday! A download of my August Calendar pic for your mobiles, pc's, lappys, iPads.... yeah you get the drift. The image is at the top of this post. I promised to feature some of my fans who sent in their pics with me as their backgrounds.... so here goes!

Shout out to @JUMPINSOUNDS for this one


And lots of love to @Welshboi2010 for this one!


Looks hot right?

I will try to feature more supporters in future posts as I appreciate them sooooo very much. Without sounding corny :)

On a corny note though; is this not cute? My boy came back from Nigeria and got me this.


He said because he is a Lion (Leo) and I am a Lioness. So now I am back in Lioness mode and feel like I can take on the world! Hehehehe. No but seriously, I love gifts that are meaningful and special :) And I love gifts from different countries. So many of my loved ones are travelling at the mo so I'm hoping to get many more pressies lol.

I traded in Sarah Hardings party tonight to write you a blog and then chill out with my latest read; Modern European Art. I've got really into it; tres interesting. I might tell you more in my next post.

New pics below.

Love you all very much

P aka Lioness ;) xx


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Well well well, what do we have here? A NEW post? From moi? Wooooow. I'm due a telling off right? Long time, no write, I know. I have been quiet on the internet but everything else has been crazy!

I will start with the best and most recent news; Portia Freno signs with AAB International management. I am now managed by Daren Dixon. Daren's clients include Kelly Rowland, Keri Hilson, Ali Bastien (Hollyoaks) Natalie Suliman (face of M&S) and a few selected more. Oh, and now me!

We were first formally introduced in New York at Talib Kweli's listening party by a great mutual friend.... and the rest is to be history. I can now officially say that I am AAB interntaional's latest signing. I am extremely happy and excited for the future.

So,what else has been going on in my world?

Before I continue, let me apologise for a lack of images as they are all on my iPhone and I left my iPhone in my interns car! Very irresponsible!

Esmee Denters release party:




Esmee Denters threw a party in M*vida and it was great! Nice crowd, familiar faces and a positive vibe. I am really proud of Esmee; she has been putting the work in and really deserves all the success she is due to get. Her voice is rich and unique, her talent forever improving and she is a very sweet humble person. It was fun catching up over a couple of drinks. Make sure you buy Esmee's latest single "Love Dealer", now available in the UK.


Knight and Day Film Premiere, Odeon, Leicester Square

I have been to premieres before, but this was my first red carpet at a premiere. I must say, it was surreal. I just want to shout out all my fans that showed me love and shouted out my name. It was quite unexpected but a great experience. To think that I was sharing a carpet with the beautiful Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise, and you still spotted me and showed your support. Kisses to you!

Knight and Day is the latest film from US director James Mangold. A combination of action and humour, it was expected to be an enjoyable and exciting film. Unfortunately it got very poor reviews in America, and I was unable to watch more than the first ten minutes as I was pulled out for a meeting, but be sure to check it out and see for yourself. I will post up some images of myself once I receive them.


London Motor Museum launch party with celebrity chef Aldo Zilli

So the first ever pop up London Motor Museum had a small and intimate launch party in Piccadilly. Their car collection boasts a value of over £250,000,000 and they drove some down for the event. I was getting so excited by all the hot cars! The best part was meeting Aldo Zilli; you must have heard of his restaurants. His food is amazing and he catered for the event. I also got to meet Dynamo magician who completely freaked me out. These are not tricks but MAGIC. After witnessing and being a part of some of his madness, I decided I didn't want him anywhere near me lol. Check him out!

My girl Terri Walker performs

So you read my last post and know all about Terri's latest endeavours right? Well she invited me down to watch her rock the stage in Shoreditch House. She was amazing! It's one thing having a good voice, but it is sooo important to have great stage presence and performing ability. This woman has so much energy and it was a pleasure to catch her in action. Make sure you keep up to date with Terri Walker.

The London Clothes Show Live

I headed down to The Clothes Show as I was working with Pantene. I had to continuously wave my hair around and suffered from a stiff neck after lol. And I brought lots of dresses :) Shows were great; overall it was a success.

Auditions/Script reading

I have been script reading and auditioning recently; watch this space :)

Girls Night Out




My girl Toya Berry invited me to let my hair down and I thought, why not? I hadn't partied in London once that year, so felt like I deserved it. We went to Movida and stayed at the Carlton Tower hotel. Can you believe that it wasn't until the morning when we were lazing around eating that we discovered a door that led to the rest of the suite! Another 5 rooms lol. And all that time we were cooped up together, hahaha. We had champagne lunch and lots of food; it was nice to just chill out for once and be spoiled rotten. Thanks Toya xx

New photos below; I have some amazing new images that I am dying to share with you but I am not allowed to until they are published. But a few I shot for a boutique are below. They are untouched/unedited.

Have a productive week

Portia x









Congratulations is in order! 10 Jun 2010 10:26 AM (14 years ago)

Well well well! My first blog since back in sunny London ay! Yes I have been a lazy biiaaatttcch since arriving back in "the grey zone" as my friend calls it, but so what? Being away for 6/7 weeks made me realise just how much I love my fam and friends and that I cannot be away from them for too long!

Since arriving back I have spent everyday with those I love! I feel blessed to have so many around me who I love and trust with my life; it's a blessing.

New York was AMAZING and as you know I started a new project out there. My return to the States is already booked so my time here in London is temporary..... I have been refraining from writing about New York because I want to inform you of most things via video blog..... so hold tight.

I titled this post "Congratulations in order" because so many good things have happened since I came back and a few people deserve a pat on the back.

Firstly, my best friend finished her last exam. She has been working so hard on her psychology degree and finally the stress is over! I am so so SO proud of her! Next, she is off to the Caymen Islands for an internship before joining me in NYC! Aww God is good! We had a bbq and little party to celebrate as we had such a hot lovely day last week. We were there from midday till midnight eating, drinking and catching up with friends. Was a great day! Well done Laurs, love ya xx



Another HUGE congratulations goes to my sweethearts sister, who had a gorgeous baby boy last week! So last week we went down to the hospital to see the bundle of joy and I must admit tears came to my eyes lol. He is perfect. So much hair already and gorgeous eyes. His features are already so defined. He is adorable. His mother is glowing and doing well. God is good ;)



The last congrats goes to Terri Walker. Met up with her out in New York and was very happy to hear that she's working with Rocafella and is in the studio with big boy producer Ski beatz; working in the Dash Gallery studios (Damon Dash's studio) She seemed soooo happy; she was glowing! Her voice is amazing, she's got personality and drive and has been given the freedom to work on material she is passionate about, as opposed to being a puppet to the commercial market. She'll be back in London very soon gigging so follow her on twitter @therealmzwalker and keep updated. Well done girly! Mwaaah


Ooooh let me congratulate myself actually! I am currently fasting and I'm telling you it is HARD! Any of you who follow me know how I love my food; so much so I get called Food Queen and regularly asked for food spots, dinner ideas etc LOL. I had just returned to London and was stuffing my face with my guy when he decided to tell me that tomorrow he was starting his fast! Me being me (speaking before I think) I agreed to fast with him. Why oh why. No I'm kidding; I am happy to be fasting. Makes you appreciate how lucky we are and reminds you how greedy we all are too! But boy oh boy you should see us when 6pm comes....damn! Like scavengers over the pot of food lol.I even resigned to eating KFC the other day as we were on the road when 6pm came along, and who's waiting to get all the way home? Yeah.... so anyway, that is why I deserve a congratulations! One and a half weeks to go...... wish me luck!

It seems a long time ago that I was eating ish like this for brekkie....


I am looking for interns for Snobbish TV. If you are interested in fashion, music, film/theatre, food/wining and dining, PA work, PR, events and/or fitness and would like to join the team please email with a cv, pic and short bio on yourself, covering your interests and hobbies.

I miss some of my New York peeps.... :(

Michelle aka M dot aka M Dizzle




Harry aka Hari Hokis Pokis Bozadgerater Krishna


JJ aka Gadget aka My Homegurl!!

Crystal!!!! I just call her Crystal lol. She's actually from London and moved to NYC a few years ago. We had a blast in NYC. Luv ya girl x


There are many others I miss but I don't have pics so can't be bothered to mention them. You know who you are. See you soon x

Was also good linking up with Snips, Daren Dixon, Chris Stylez, Dready and Terri Walker out there. I got a Snobbish 16 out of Dready, Terri and Snips as well! You won't know what a Snobbish 16 is yet but you will soon! It's already evolved into the Snobbish 69, so the others got let off lightly!

You will know more soon........

Remember peeps; congratulate and applaud those when necessary; show people when you are proud of them, whether it for something big or small. Spread love! Encourage positivity and blessings.

A candle doesn't lose it's light by lighting another candle....

Portia xx


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I am writing this post from Manhattan in New York, (very SATC)to proudly announce TWO things;

I have had to extend my stay in New York for the SECOND time, due to work, bookings and so many more opportunities

The BIRTH of SNOBBISH!!!! Snobbish is my new venture and a project I am extremely excited about. Snobbish is a brand, and i have just launched it's lifestyle channel on youtube with it's website to come soon. The channel covers everything lifestyle; from food and drink and events, to fashion, book reviews and even my own video diary following me behind the scenes; at shoots, just being silly and snobbish etc.

Snobbish is a state of mind; an attitude. It's wanting to always improve yourself; to educate yourself so you can always know better. Snobbish is living life, being well travelled. It's experiences; a journey from your current self to your better self. Most importantly; Snobbish is fun, sexy and classy. It's being high maintenance; not because you are difficult, but because you know your worth, so why would you settle for any less? And what's the problem with having high standards when you are the one who can provide for yourself?

The Snob Commandments will soon be on their way!

The channel is new but I aim to upload new vids regularly; I am even learning how to use Final Cut Pro so that I can edit all my own personal videos.

I will also be flying back to London at some point to cast for new Snobs for team Snobbish as there will be a lot of new features being added to the site as the brand grows.

I am so excited!


So NYC saw the birth of Snobbish...... it was a blessing coming here. So much has happened already. I'm going to post a video diary telling you about it.

Does the birth of Snobbish mean the death of I am not sure. Although reading will always be my preferred method, times are changing. Blogs are dying and everyone wants the video version. People want to see visuals. We will see. If anything I will use this blog to write about topics; maybe something related to Snobbish or off the back of one of the current features.

I do miss London; family and friends.... in fact I pine for certain people sometimes. And I long to hug my mum and my little sisters; kick it with some of my closest friends... but everyone here is so friendly, and luckily I have a few London peeps here so it's ok. New York has been good to me so I can't complain; I've received a lot of love.....

So! Raise your glasses, or anything that happens to be nearby you as you sit and read this, to SNOBBISH and SnobbishTV, and follow me on the exciting journey of it's growth and development. If you would like more information on it hit me up on

It has a twitter page. Yep, you guessed it And make sure you subscribe to the youtube channel

Thank you daaaahhlings!!

Portia Freno xx
So I think it's time I updated you guys! I am currently in London, UK; I should have been in New York in a few hours! I am sure you are aware of the volcano that took place in iceland (if you're not you need to get it together and start knowing what's happening around you lol) and the fact that the ash cloud has affected thousands and thousands of flights. So unfortunately for my US followers I didnt make it today; but my flight has been booked for this coming Saturday.

I was looking forward to appearing on the Angela Yee Morning After show this week and apologies to those who were looking forward to hearing me on there! My team are working on getting things rescheduled so hold tight..... and I will keep you posted.
I've also missed out on a photo shoot but hopefully not much else will be affected...

I was actually quite ill recently; had to go hospital and all sorts! But God is good and I'm making a speedy recovery... almost 100%! It slowed down a few things for me but I'm back with a vengeance... ;)


My memory is awful..... ok so since my last blog basically I've been up to the usual; filming, shoots, studio, events etc. Went to Tinie Tempah release party, Shank screening, film premiere for The blind side... The Blind Side is a great film! If you haven't seen it yet make sure you do; I cried!! Talking about crying though; I cried during a play that I went to watch that my girl took part in. It was called "Agape" meaning "unconditional love". The message was so beautiful and I really could relate. I was proud of my girl Desiri, a friend from church. The play was supposed to be performed in Atlanta as we speak but unfortunately due to the flight disruptions they haven't made it yet. God will make sure they go though!

I hate when I leave it so long to blog as it means that I don't update you with everything and leave lots out. That is why it makes sense to blog day by day. When I return from the States (if I return ;)...) I will be working on my new website and my blog will be incorporated with my other site features; so expect a much better site and blog in the near future....

Oh! I deleted my facebooks! Hahahaha and it feels great. I had 17,000 messages and 6,000 friend requests on one account, and about 1,000 requests on the other; it just became too congested! I know some peeps have been able to get all their friends automatically transfered onto their fan page, which is a good look and makes life a lot easier. I might think about getting that done as I may still have some fan pages up, I'm not sure as I haven't even checked yet... but to all 13,000 of you that got deleted from my 2 accounts, apologies and follow me on twitter! I think it's more practical anyway..... I'm not a fan of social networks in general to be honest; they can be very useful I know but I don't have the time or the patience to be updating all the time, uploading videos, pics and reading messages. Long. Plus don't we deserve some privacy peeps? Some of us wanna tweet about real personal stuff.... hmmm... I dunno. As I'm sure I've said in a previous post it's a love/hate relationship for me and twitter.

My boy Hari (@thesheriff) flew down from the States recently; the last time he flew down I was literally too busy to catch up with him, but the other day I went to The Trafalgar for drinks with him, Ara and a few others. It was an intimate affair and a nice chillout for me. Hari is making major moves in the US since moving there; I love being around cool hardworking people.


At an Adidas event with @arathecoach

I have to go because I am craving the cheesecake that's in the kitchen;is that bad? I might blog again tonight. Below, in the next two posts you can view videos of me interviewing Logan Sama and Mr Midas. Make sure you check them out.

Talent is God-given; be humble
Fame is man-given; be grateful
Conceit is self-given; be careful

God bless

Portia xx

Portia Freno and Mr Midas 19 Apr 2010 7:47 AM (14 years ago)

Award winning artist Mr Midas sat down with Inbox magazine and myself; this video has been cut down so I will try to get the full version for you guys at some point. Midas is a cutie. I love his confidence and his drive.

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Portia speaks with DJ Logan Sama 19 Apr 2010 7:08 AM (14 years ago)

Here you can catch me speaking with DJ Logan Sama for Inbox magazine; considered a God to the grime industry! Logan has a show on Kiss and has done so much for grime artists; offering grime a platform to progress and be heard.

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LOOK OUT FOR ME!!! ;) 14 Mar 2010 11:21 AM (14 years ago)

I made Flavour Magazines 2010 Hotlist! Alongside talent such as Ikes, Jessica Cornish, Jewel clothing, Devlin and Charlie Sloth: I was labelled a superstar of the future and one to watch out for. I told ya :) Shout out to Flavour magazine, Ammika and Toya Berry. Click on the title above ("Look out for me!!") or go to page 36 to check me out and to see who else made the 2010 hotlist.

I keep neglecting you and I am aware; all I can do is thank you for still sticking around despite my absences! I think Twitter is partly to thank; though I barely tweet work stuff or everything I'm doing, I believe its a great way for you to be involved without having to wait on the blog. I'm not going to bother saying AGAIN that I will start blogging more regularly; it is what it is and I am blogging now as I literally have a minute to. I do often think of stories and experiences that I would like to share with you all though, including inspiring and uplifting words and I hope to one day have a full day to get some proper writing done.

I'm off to New York next month so things are a little hectic; deadlines are a bitch. I've got a lot of planning and decision making to do...... I've realised that we are all so spoiled for choice; there are so many things that many of us are capable of doing and as a result that can lead to confusion; we can find ourselves struggling to decide what path we wanna take. If only we were given no choice; life would be so much simpler! I'm not complaining though; I've the ability to do so many things for a reason and I just need to find a way to exhaust all of my passions/talents simultaneously or know what should be made priority etc. All that matters is right now I'm extremely busy and extremely happy...... ;)

I chopped off my hair! It's now just passed my shoulders. It was a scary move and I immediately cried but now I am happy; everyone says I look more mature and guess what? My hair will grow.

I will try to get some footage uploaded; got some of Eddie Kadi on a photo shoot after I interviewed him which is kinda funny; Eddie is hilarious. It was really nice interviewing him as he seems a genuinely sweet, good guy and he is JOKES!

I interviewed a few potential PA/PR interns this week and will interview a few more next week; then I am hoping to come to a decision; I want my new interns before flying to New York as tooooo much needs to be done. If you are interested then send your CV to Must be enthusiastic, hardworking, reliable,flexible,creative,organised and have the ability to use own initiative etc. Experience is a huge bonus but most certainly not compulsory. I look forward to hearing from some of you x

I have to go peeps! I'll update you again soon.

Lots of love,

ya girl Porsh xx


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♥ Lots to tell! ♥ 22 Jan 2010 10:44 AM (15 years ago)

Hellooooooo my darlings!

Long time no speak! Well kinda; I've definitely left it longer before!

Before I continue my post, I'd just like to give my condolences and prayers to the victims of Haiti. Damn; that shit really makes you realise how frikkin lucky you/we all are, doesn't it? Just when you're complaining about something trivial, you think about the devastating state of Haiti and kinda feel like a selfish ungrateful person for even moaning. I mean, we can only imagine what they are going through. We take taking things for granted to a whole next level; how often do you wake up joyous and grateful for a new day;for a roof over your head, clean water and clothes? How often do you go to bed at night and thank the Lord for even making it through another day without disaster or tragedy? We should never become complacent; tomorrow is not promised to anyone.......

Anyway, we can all help in some way, whatever our situation. Please try to peeps

My calendar is now available for download and all the proceeds will go to Haiti. I have sent clothes but still have another suitcase to send. You can purchase my calendar here Obviously a big incentive to buy is that the proceeds go to Haiti, but also you get 12 hot, unreleased images of moi so it's a win win!

Anyhoo.... moving on!

I have had a fantastic past few weeks; even the bad days have been great cos I always bounce back 10x stronger! The last few days have been particularly good, as I just moved to Angel! Oh my goodness I ♥ it. The buzz, the vibe, the energy and best of all....... the shops. I discovered some hidden little vintage boutiques last night; plus they have great stores like Joy and All Saints, wicked restaurants and bars; I am in heaven. What's even better is I'm tucked away on a quiter road; so not smack bang in the madness, but only a short walk away. Perfect ☺ It only got better when I was unpacking; I discovered two pairs of Vivienne Westwood shoes that I hadn't even worn yet and had forgotten about! It was my birthday all over again! lol. I did I have a slight panic attack when I couldn't find my diamonds; they are very special to me as they are from someone very special; but I still have lots of stuff down the road in Finchley so I'm hoping and praying to God every night that I find them there. Please pray for me peeps!!

Well it looks like I'm a North London girl now! As reluctant as I am; despite always reppin for West London, the truth is I've been living in North for roughly 3 and a half years now (besides a month or so when I was back right next to Westfields- disaster I tell ya!) So can I really call myself a West London woman? Lol I guess it's where your heart is. But it is fair to say an Angel is stealing my heart..... already ♥

So, as you probably already know, I am now presenting for the new mens publication INBOX magazine. I'm really excited about this mag; everyone behind it is dedicated and entrepreneurial and already I am really impressed with the first pilot issue. You can see it here It has a vast range of topics, all dedicated to men. I love the way it really focuses on entrepreneurial skills and interviews some real UK talent that can be under rated. For example, G Fresh; I've always rated him; his lyrics are sharp; his flow is deep and I've been following him for a while. Then there's SAS; who are more appreciated in the States. They are reppin Uk hard. I admire their grind and work ethic; I can relate ;) In addition to the website, you can check out Inbox magazine's YouTube channel, where you will find a video of me interviewing SAS. There are a lot more video interviews to come, including Mr Midas, DJ Logan Sama and Benjart dreams. Make sure you check it out!

Looks like everyone wants a piece of Portia the Presenter at the moment!


Today I got a phone call and was informed that The Sunday Show has been asked by channel AKA to be aired every week! That's great news for The Sunday Show team; they put the work in I'm telling ya! They more than deserve this. So I was more than happy when I was asked to jump on board as a presenter; I'll be conducting backstage interviews with the artists/acts and also interacting with the crowd; you know; spicing things up a bit ;) So now you will be able to see me on your tv screens every week! Woop woop! lol. Our only concern was my schedule; but hopefully I can fit it in and find a way for everything to work. I think I'm straight to filming this Sunday! Thats how this industry works. I will let you know how it all goes.


I have been speaking with a couple connects in the States who are telling me I need to be in New York like yesterday, lol. I would have just gone, but wanted to have my full lingerie collection before heading out there, plus I had other commitments etc and was in two minds. So I decided to go in May/June to give myself some time; I thought it best that way as then my American booker and stylist can have more time to work on my schedule. It wasnt only my collection, modelling/presenting, music etc that I wanted to do when out there, despite that being the obvious. I am in talks abiut getting involved in some marketing campaigns out there; I wont elaborate, but I have a strong interest. Anyway I have been doing a course on marketing and sales; I am going to be a pro! lol. I think it is very important to be multi-talented and to get involved behind the camera; not just in front. BUT; I spoke to one of my friends out in New York and he is telling me that May/June will just not do lol. Apparently it's too far away! So I have a meeting tomorrow and hopefully I will know more about when I will be leaving for NYC. I will be there for quite some time so it wasn't something I wanted to rush, especially now just moving house, but hey, that's the life of a working model!! I will also be working on a swimwear collection once in New York.

Lets talk working out.....quickly, lol. Had a very promising start last week; trained twice in one week! lol. It was with a personal trainer though so I was literally forced to do stuff; He kept shouting stuff at me like, "Get up get up!" and, "Go go go! Don't stop moving COME OOOOOON!!".
Very very mean man, I must say. Today, after being too afraid to see the trainer again for a few days, I worked out ALONE and I have to admit, I did well. It's not so bad after all lol. Despite never working out my body is in shape; but I know when you start thinking like that that's when things start going all pear shaped haha. So I am back at the gym and hopefully I will stick at it....... watch this space.


Anyway, I know it's Friday night, but the weekend doesn't mean parties for me. I have an early start tomorrow; meetings, seeing my friends daughter, meeting my girl, getting my nails and eyebrows done; etc etc. Soooooooooo



Sites to check out:

Me shooting for SHOW magazine; this video hit crazy views on; coming 2nd to Westwood with the most views! Anyone know why? lol - Site soon to be spiced up; look out for that

Shout outs; because I am loving her new blog. Because she is not only my business partner and American booker, but also because she is a hot hot stylist, recently featured in Essence magazine Because they did the graphics for my calendar and are 24,7 working Because he is my little gem photographer, shot most of my 2010 calendar and is mad talented. To book Jay for a hot price get at me

xx ♥♥ xx

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♥ PORTIA FRENO 2010 CALENDAR ♥ 30 Dec 2009 7:38 AM (15 years ago)

There were a few discrepancies regarding my calendar, and I am so very thankful your patience. But believe me; it was well worth the wait ;) It can be downloaded here for your pc's, lappys and mobiles I will be printing a limited amount and doing a signing party soon. Look out for details on that as it will be a private and intimate party.

I have uploaded my 2nd favourite month above; didn't want to reveal my very favourite and spoil it for you all lol.

Let me know once you've downloaded the calendar whether it be via twitter, facebook or my email, so that I can give you a personal THANK YOU.

You're gonna love it ;)

♥ Portia Freno

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Merry Merry Christmas! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 25 Dec 2009 7:54 AM (15 years ago)

Just a quick one to wish you a very Happy Christmas!!

Please try to remember what Christmas is all about. Many of us are with our loved ones and families, eating lots of food, giving and receiving gifts. It is good to take the time out to think of those who are less fortunate and who may not have the privilege of moments like these. Remember the best gift you can give and receive is love. I pray most nights, but I can admit sometimes I take things for granted. Christmas has the highest suicide rate; there is too much pressure on the wrong things; money, presents, elaborate gestures, having to have a huge family. Family is who you love, and even if that is only one person it should be seen as a blessing. Some people do not even have that; some people will be sleeping on the streets this Christmas, some may be ill or in hospital; others in poverty. It is these times that it really dawns on me just how lucky a lot of us really are. So make the most of it and be grateful; however you may be celebrating.

Enjoy my darlings

♥ ♥ Lots of love ♥ ♥




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Portia, SAS, and INBOX magazine 24 Dec 2009 2:18 AM (15 years ago)

I caught up with SAS the other day in an interview for Inbox magazine. The full written interview can be found in the published publication early next year. But for now, check the vid out. I get SAS talking about whos hot, UK and US hip hop, their former beef with Juelz Santana, and the inevitable groupies. Enjoy xx

Shout out to for also posting this video up

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Stay beautiful this winter..... 23 Dec 2009 12:15 PM (15 years ago)

I was very flattered when The Trusted Beauty Guide contacted me to do an interview for their Celebrity Special section of their website. It was a great opportunity to share some very useful health and beauty tips with their readers and also my fans. With the winter winds nipping at our skin and damaging our hair, it is very important to keep hydrated and to make sure we are eating the right foods to keep us looking gorge. I also let you in on some make up must haves, and the spas and salons you need to be visiting.
So, I thought I'd leave the interview below for you to read. Don't let the winter weather get the best of you! Enjoy xx

How do you manage to have such beautiful skin and look so fresh? What are your beauty secrets?

There are so many yet they are all so simple; get a skin analysis. Know your skin type to ensure you buy the right products. And you are what you eat; I eat a lot of organic superfoods that are rich with antioxidants and omegas. I would also always advise plenty of sleep; though I am guilty of not doing that myself! I swear by Kiehls products; their exfoliators and rare oatmeal face washes do wonders for my skin

Do you have anything you must do beauty wise before leaving the house?

I tend to stay away from make up the majority of the time if I'm not shooting. But my eyebrows must be perfectly threaded and my lips glossed up!

Trapped on a desert island; what 3 beauty products would you really miss?

Kiehls lip balm, my bronzer and my favourite coco bean body bar from Lush

What beauty or Spa treatment can you not you live without?

I could not live without being able to visit my hair sponsors Adee Phelan. They give my hair the most luxurious treatment using only the finest treatments. They treat and style many celebs. I aways leave the salon with a luscious silky mane; suiting my name "Lioness"!! Check them out

What is your favourite Spa/salon?

My Favourite Hair Salon is Adee Phelan. As for Spas, I like the Sanctury as it is extremely tranquil, they do fantastic treatments and they are for women only

How do you prefer to relax?

Playing some soulful music, running a bath with all of my favourite products, candles, oils, a good book. Writing music, Using an amazing scrub on my skin and then finishing off with the silkiest softest moisturiser

What do you do to stay in shape?

I work out when I can, often with a personal trainer. I never diet and I eat what I like when I like. My diet is varied and balanced though; I eat a lot of good food and yes sometimes I eat bad food. But I walk a lot and I'm always on the go. I'm a fan of belly dancing and I squat everytime I brush my teeth ;)

What are your favourite exercises?

Squats, belly dancing and I love to use the power plate....doing squats! I also really enjoy boxing; it's a good way to release angry energy!

Do you have any special diets?

No, I really don't diet. But I would advise people to find out if they have any intolerances; many of us are lactose intolerant or allergic to wheat, yet are still eating it on a daily basis. This can cause bloating, bad skin or discomfort.

Do you have any health tips for our readers?

I drink lots of water. It's great for so many things; your skin, your hair, your energy and hydration. 9 times out of 10 I guarantee if you have a headache it's due to dehydration and a bottle of water will cure it. If you eat fruit try not to eat anything else with it at least half an hour before and after. This way your body digests most of the goodness from the fruit. Some people try to lose weight by reducing what and how often they eat, but that is a bad idea! This will slow your metabolism down and cause your body to put on weight, as it will begin to store any fat that passes through your body. Eat little and often, and eat within the first hour of waking up, to kick start your metabolism and help you to continuosly burn off fat.

What is your favourite healthy food(s)?

I could never ever possibly choose one! This is the hardest question I've been asked in an interview! I love most fruit and veg, especially avocado, mango, spinach, goji berries, blueberries, beetroot, strawberries... the list is endless. Fish is also so good for you and one of my favourite dishes

Some of my modeling workshop classes offer nutrition and diet advice for models. If you are based in the UK you can get more info on The Workshop by emailing and putting "The Workshop" in the subject heading.

To read the inteview on The Trusted Beauty Guide's site, and to get more essential info, click here:

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Approaching the end of the year!!!! 22 Dec 2009 2:55 PM (15 years ago)

Well well well.... what can I say??!! Another year almost gone by...Again.......DAMN!! Is it just me or did this year not go really really quickly? Seriously I can remember last year like it was last week! What a mad blur... I'm so awful with dates anyway; I wanted to go through my year with you, highlights and lowlights but I would just be calling people up like "What date did we do this?" and "when was that shoot?" Lol. Wouldn't make sense.

The year has been crazy; I know that much. And I've probably learned more about myself than I have in a long time. Not everything I've learned about myself I've liked, if i'm honest. But im happy I can say that; because I've made/am making the changes. Some people don't like to better themselves. Those who are wise know they are in fact not so wise. There is always much to learn; keep an open mind. There is always room for improvement.

One thing I have learned more than anything this year, is that nothing is possible without FAITH. That might sound obvious to you, but not really. Just wanting something or thinking you deserve something isn't enough. You have to truly truly believe in it and have faith. And patience. And without God I truly believe you cannot have that real, honest and strong faith. Never. I'm not going to start preaching people lol. But please have faith. So much has happened to me in the last couple of years that without faith in myself and others I don't know how I would have coped!

I mentioned a few posts ago that I was dropping projects and trying to find MY main focus; not wanting to be pushed in a direction others wanted for me anymore. I dropped my management a long while ago now and have been happy with the progress I have made alone. It's been hard, I wont lie. But what was harder was the fact that I didnt know exactly what I wanted to do! I was so torn between modeling, presenting, acting, writing, singing, music, media, designing, settling down or continuing alone on my journey and adventures... Aww it was mad. The truth is I was capable and great at all those things but it's not good being a jack of all trades; what did I want to master in?

I was also scared to up and leave for the States like I was supposed to; my heart took over.....

But you know what they say.. you gotta fly and if its meant to be..... but I stayed lol.

At one point I was done with the industry; oh how fake, shallow, bitchy, nasty and pointless it can be! I was feeling ready to just have cute gorgeous little babies and play house wife! lol. Oooh that was close; I don't think you are tired of me yet? Don't worry I'm not shacking up for now. I decided what I'm focusing on and you guys will definitely know more come 2010......

There is one special man in my life who for the last 3 and a half years has touched my life, always been there for me no matter what, always had my back and has become my closest friend before anything else. We've had our ups and downs but I've realised that a real friend tells you about yourself when you need telling! When I look back at the good and bad times of the past year, he is at the forefront; either happy for me or catching me when I fall.

So I think peeps, when you reflect on your past year, rather than only look at your success, also look at those who truly have touched your life. Think of those who you love and make sure you appreciate them because you never know when God has sent you an angel. Real love is when you make it through the storm smiling. Value your friendships. Don't ever think you can do it all alone. Yes there are a lot of fake people, I'm not saying you need to have dozens of friends. I can count my real and closest ones on one hand. Even if it's just that one person, appreciate them. Call them now, go on! Actually wait! Read the rest of this first, lol. But don't forget....

First I want you to read below and then let me know how YOU would answer xx

I AM PROUD THAT..... I broke through the height barrier and have been booking a lot of high fashion shoots alongside top agency models.

I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO..... My lingerie line. Doing more work and presenting for new mens publication Inbox magazine

I AM ASHAMED THAT I........ EVER entertained the silly little bitches that are clearly very jealous of me and tried to get up in my business

I PLAN TO CHANGE...... the fact that I am quite impatient. The best things come to those who wait......

THIS YEAR I COULDNT HAVE LIVED WITHOUT..... God, my mother, my homie-lover-friend, my girls Lisa, Laura and Kisha

NEXT YEAR I PROMISE TO....... Give more to charity, deepen my convictions and my faith in Him, see my family more often. Hold more regular workshops for aspiring models

How would you answer?

This is just a quick one and I will be posting again before the end of the year. Just wanted to share and swap some thoughts....

"Love is food to the soul....."

Lioness xx

A few features;

Celebrity feature for The Trusted Beauty Guide

UrbanWorld feature

Kanye West personal blog

Daily Sport Feature

Wanna watch TV

Get rich or die trying; trespass mag

Awesome bods


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Setting The Record STRAIGHT 16 Nov 2009 5:53 AM (15 years ago)

So,the story goes like this:

I've always had haters, I'm sure most of you reading this have. No matter what line of work you are in, you will have haters.

Definition of a hater:Someone who is jealous and envious and spends all
their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. (Thanks to Maya Angelou)

Before I elaborate, let me raise a few very valid points about haters.

Haters can’t stand to see you happy,
Haters will never want to see you succeed,
Haters never want you to get the victory,
But most importantly......Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side.

How do you handle your undercover haters?

You can handle these haters by:

1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are *(VERY IMPORTANT!!)

2. Having a purpose to your life. Purpose does not mean having a job;You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.

3. By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation

Fulfill your dreams!

You only have one life to live…...when it’s your time to leave this earth,
you want to be able to say, ‘I’ve lived MY life and fulfilled MY dreams… Now I’m ready to go HOME!'
When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, 'Don’t look at me…Look at Who is in charge of me…’

Haters are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever good enough! When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters…That’s why you have to be careful with whom you share your blessings and your dreams, because some folk can’t handle seeing you blessed.

So..... I hope now that some of you are more clued up about haters and how to deal with them? And for those who are my haters and reading this blog, as you do avidly, realise that you are your own biggest hater! That's not good!

Ok, so a hater has been broken down... let me continue with my short story.

So, for over a year now I think, personal pictures of me, pictures which I have never published or taken for any commercial or entertainment purpose, pictures which are strictly for myself and of course my lucky man, have been posted up all over the internet including my fan pages and social network sites. Someone even went as far as to open new accounts in my name, email addresses, social sites and post up all these pictures.

Now these pics are not images that I would want anyone but myself or my man to see.

How did such personal pics get out you ask?

I was booked to appear at a club in Kensington one evening. I went with my girl, but stupidly not with my PA at the time. In fact the first thing the manager said to me when I got there was "Where's Rebecca". I had told her not to worry coming, that I was going to behave and she wouldn't be needed.

The reality is the club got me extremely drunk. Ok, I got myself drunk. But Belvedere Vodka mixed with endless champagne is a guaranteed formula for a drunken state right?

Anyway the whole night was a blur, my personal belongings were left on my table. Usually Rebecca would have been there and she would stay sober, my things would be safe etc etc. But being the silly cow I was, I left them on the table and danced the night away. I remember at one point even leaving the VIP and hitting the main dance floor, so yes, my bag was just...there.

Anyhoo, woke up the next morning on Lisas sofa. Now most of the time my phone is with me and literally the second I woke up (dry mouthed and hungover) I had that horrible sinking feeling you know you get when you know you've lost something? I just knew instantly I had lost my phone, oh that feeling in my stomach, it was horrible! I rang it immediately and it actually rang. No answer.... then about 20 minutes later, mobile phone switched off.

I literally cried instantly cos what hurt me the most is I had such personal family stuff on there, like video footage of good memories,jus vids u crave to watch again, you know? Endless pics....

And of course, not before long, my personal pics started to get posted up.

They were naughtyISH pics, yes, but they were MY naughtyISH pics. (They werent actually that bad, coulda been a lot worse!) What I do for my man or in my spare time has nothing to do with anyone else. Yet I put myself in the public eye with my line of work so I guess I will have to explain things from time to time. I dont think I mentioned or wrote a blog when the images first started getting posted up; my PA literally saw to it that they were removed as quickly as they were put up, and after talking to a couple of big names in the industry, who reminded me of HATERS and how it is a reflection of MY success, I felt better. I knew there was literally nothing I could do about it anymore; they had my pics, the pics were out there.


I stopped feeling sorry for myself and instantly felt sorry for the poor girl that was doing this

Girl; why did I make you so mad? I'm sorry xx

Anyway, that was aaaages ago and things went quiet for a while as far as the images went. And I continued to work, NEVER doing a topless shoot, not doing cheap shoots or anything distasteful, and apart from one or two "favours" YEARS ago never doing videos. Even the ones I did do were not degrading, I was fully clothed etc.

I have made my name by being choosy and respecting myself and not falling into the typical urban model category; tell me when you saw me at a typical UK model event? Don't for a second think I'm putting UK models down, cos that is far from what I'm doing, but anyone who is being honest knows the UK model industry is slipping. Besides, money talks, and it doesn't talk loud enough in most videos, features, underground gigs etc, as far as I'm concerned.

So recently after interviewing Tevin Campbell, I passed through a photo shoot that was taking place and was asked to do a quick interview for Nothing But Talent. I'll be the first to say it wasn't my best interview; I had the flu, had had little sleep as had found out about the Tevin interview literally the night before and had had to stay up researching. No excuses, but I'm my biggest critic and no it wasn't an award winning interview lol. I was ill, tired, but most importantly; IT WAS JUST A QUICK FRIENDLY CHAT.

I was waiting for the haters comments, but damn; at least some constructive criticism! The classic had to be the person who said excitable wasn't a word. Oh no, the classic had to be the one who after clearly sitting there watching me for 10 minutes, turned round and said "Wheres the lingerie then, shes making it up", after I had clearly said I'm hoping to launch it at the end of the year BUT I AM NOT RUSHING ANYTHING; I LIKE TO DO THINGS RIGHT. Who must I rush for, you? Nope, sorry, if I rush it's for myself..... and it's not gonna happen!

Wait for it though...... just when I thought that was hilarious, I get "She does do topless modelling, oh and Ive seen her tatto on her arse"

BITCH PLEASE; Show me these PUBLISHED, PRINTED and USED images that are topless. The images posted up were the same images from my phone, sent to my man, that were posted up after my club booking and phone loss. So obviously I assumed it was the same person. Which means.....

This bitch has had a vendetta against me for OVER A YEAR


It has to be someone close to me right? Someone who has had access to my lappy; someone maybe who even smiled and faked it out and danced the night away with me that night.

Aspiring high-achievers, hardworkers, successful peeps; BEWARE. People just wanna see you fall

Damn!! Life is crazy

Oh and something else to set straight;

I didnt say I had recorded with Leona Lewis, I said I had been in the studio and watched big artists and producers at work, meanwhile being inspired to write my own content. I was in Atlanta the same time as Leona. Not that big a deal.

I had had a real bad day and when I saw the images posted up again I will admit, as much as I hate to, that I felt quite upset. Hatred is EVIL. I might have been just a bit of a bully in school (hey it's be the bully or get bullied right?) but constant mean antics and spiteful behaviour, its just not necessary.

Corny moment time.....


Of course I was inundated with messages of support, and I was literally feeling better quite quickly; like my girl Xian said "Fuck A Bitch thats gotta hide behind a PC and cuss you" ;)

My man sat me down and I swear the way he reasons with me is something else. He's a blessing to me and if I'm being honest I'd be lost in many ways if I didn't have him to keep me sane! He reminded me what a greedy, competitive, envious and pathetic industry I am a part of; he said he's never understood why someone like me is even in it! But it's not all bad. Like my wise friend Toya said; you just have to find the meaning and purpose in everything you do. Just because the majority of those that surround us in this fake industy are exactly that, fake, doesn't mean I can't still shine and take whats good from it.

Obviously I've achieved more than the sad cow that's been plotting against me ever has or ever will.

So why was I affected yesterday?

Am I becoming too nice? Am I dropping my mask? Or am I starting to feel incomplete?

This experience has given me a new idea to add to my workshops though. Yes my modelling workshops. I'm not a bitch like many others; can you believe girls message me on facebook asking why I would want to teach other girls stuff that they could then use against me? Can you believe it? Do they not all realise that we can all shine? I can give you my tips, my advice, my help, equip you, start you off, etc, but then it is also up to that person to be wise enough to use my advice and make it their own. The way anyone else shnines will never be the same way I shine. We all glow differently, I guess. We all have something different to offer. Yes, we are all lightbulbs Portia.

Some people are clearly not switched on though; I know that much

So, lesson learned readers;

BE WORRIED WHEN YOU HAVE NO HATERS. Trust me. It's sad, but it's true. Only then be worried.

Keep your head down, remember YOUR purpose, do not allow yourself to be socially created, keep striving. Allow yourself off days, you are allowed to slip up, you are human. Just make sure you learn from the blip, change direction if necessary, but KEEP IT MOVING. Make every day a learning day.

Remember, every day is a good day, even the bad ones. Sometimes you NEED the worst shit to happen to you, and for your whole world to come crashin down, in order to rebuild and reach your full potential. Its a blessing xxxx

Portia xx

Oh, and you can watch the interview below, or check out to read comments from both supporters and haters. Haters, feel free to leave more comments, pictures etc, always welcome ;) I'm sure NBT would also like to thank you for the mad hits they've experienced since my interview; I'm good for business! Love ya all xxxx

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Nothing But Talent 13 Nov 2009 6:10 AM (15 years ago)

Nothing but talent catches up with Portia Freno to catch up with her life, touching on her modelling, her lingerie line, her music, her playstation skills and her thoughts on the industry in general

Check out Nothing But Talent's site. They've got some great features and interesting posts.....Spread The Word!

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I DID IT!! 3 Nov 2009 7:59 AM (15 years ago)


Hahahahahaha I stuffed my face the same as usual and still managed to lose weight and fit into all of the clothes! It's all in the mind I tell ya!

For those of you who need updating; I had a high fashion shoot but it clashed with my calendar shoots. Obviously I wanted to keep my curves for my calendar but when I got booked for such a great designer I knew I couldn't turn it down; the stylist was even flying down from the States! It was only two days before the shoot that I realised I wasn't quite SKINNY enough! I hadn't been shooting much besides the calendar, the rest of my time had been spent on my business ventures. And Im sure I mentioned my boyfriends comments on the fact that my bum was growing by the day (no complaints ladies, no complaints)

So the first evening I was soooooo good. Kinda.

Had fish and lots and lots of salad; spinach, rocket, avocado, tomato and a boiled egg.

Half an hour later I was STARVING. So I naughtily DEVOURED half of ONE of my birthday cakes. Yes, one. I had a few. Well not at this point actually; a couple had already been eaten.

Anyway I'm sure you know how the rest of the story goes; blah blah blah I continued to eat like there was no tomorrow; even managed one or two double cheeseburgers. I just dont know where it all goes, because come the day of the shoot and I had already lost weight (maybe it was the stress or worry??) Some of the pieces were even ever so slightly big for me.... not a good look.

But hey, gotta get paid right? And I felt really privileged to work with such talented people. I learned so much. The other model booked was a columbian model called Margerita; she was lovely. Such long limbs! I just had to put my A game on and prove that height IS NOT a factor.


In a next post I will introduce you to the creative team

So now I need to put weight on really quickly because I want ALL my curves back to finish my images for my 2010 calendar. It's a shame it had to go on hold but I didn't wanna shoot being skinny; not attractive as far as I am concerned!

Tell me; where do YOU prefer me?



and here...


Or.... here....


And here....


I know what I prefer! Let me know!

By the way, these images have not been edited or touched up at all; when I receive the touched up ones and the ones being used by the designer I will post them up for you

I am also very happy to announce that I have joined forces with Societe Noir; a big and expanding international lifestyle company. I am now an associate and I will be working on my workshops with them

I have had so many messages asking why I am not tweeting as much; besides the fact that I do not have ubertwitter on my BB right now, I have too much to do. There's more to life than twitter! lol. I'm serious! No honestly! Lol, I know you aren't all that bad, but not having ubertwitter is great right now. I didn't realise how much of your concentration it can use up; despite the fact that you can be working as you are tweeting.


So yes, I am alive but no, I'm not a twitterholic anymore. And I did it all without rehab :)

Lata potata

Keep striving high cos trust me; it's ALL worth it! Even the hard times are good times

Lioness xx


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Watup people?

So I've been booked for a big high fashion shoot! See! I told you height does not matter! You've followed me in my career and watched me do runway shows, high fashion shoots etc. But now you're about to witness some madness;

I've got a day and a half to go down a dress size


As you know I've been really happy to have got my curves back; my man kept telling me my arse was getting bigger daily and of course I'd just smile and walk with an extra swing of the hip. Noooooow I NEED to be lickle bit so I can fit into this designers clothing! I've already lost a bit of weight over the last few days, not because I've been trying because I've been stuffing my face as always, but my weight has always been up and down anyway.

But I'm not quite an 8 yet, and I need to be a SMALL 8 by Friday.

The stylist has even flown in from America; I really want to deliver and give them the best shots. That will all go down hill if I don't even fit in the clothes! lol

I was really happy when I was contacted for the shoot. I was told the designer is in love with my portfolio and loves my look and has been considering me for her next shoot for a while. I was also told that the stylist from the States has been hoping to work with me and is flying over! Cool stuff. I will be shooting with one other model; 5 ft 10, skinny, stunning; you know the type. So I really have to have my A game on.

It was my bday the other day so I've been eating sooooo much cake and drinking a bit too much alcohol. So it's detox time I think.

Oooooh let me brief you on my bday. I only wanted a quiet one as it's only my 23rd and to be honest now wasnt the time for distractions what with so many deadlines.

I told my friends NO RAVING

I even told my man, who had booked dinner at Nobu and then a table at a club, "No thanks".

He misinterpreted this as me being an ungrateful bitch! But he spends so much flippin money on me all the time and he had spent so much on my present I didn't see the point in wasting another grand on alcohol and food.

What I did instead was so beautiful :)

I went to the screening for a friends new film at The Gate in Notting Hill; soooo my kinda thing, followed by some drinks on Portobello rd with friends and then danced the night away at The Arts Club. The truth is I wasnt even dressed up; polo neck and jeans! I had only planned to walk down to the screening, the rest wasnt planned but I had such a fantastic time. The music was great; no commercial ish. I got so drunk though; shame on me :0 I got recognised numerous times which was nice but also embarrassing cos I was so wasted and I'm not sure what I said to them. Looooool. Then my man and I had a quiet one in with a few know the rest ;) Well actually it started off as a party in my bedroom; I think I'm a DJ (which I'm learning to be) and was playing the soulful Funky, then switched it up and gave him some Hip Hop...good times.

BUT. The BEST part of my birthday? My Chloe bag ;) Oh I should have taken a picture. I will post one up for you. I can't believe my man spent £1250 on a bag. To be honest it's not the price that touched me as much as the fact that he picked it himself and went to great lengths to choose the perfect bag for me. Awww I love him.

So that is a brief on my birthday. Hahaha I've got some funny stories to tell you (oh the shame) but I will hit you up in a next post.

I feel a bit overwhelmed with my deadlines that sometimes I'm not sure where to start! I've been given 5 new tracks to write to for various artists including myself, I have another shoot to do for my calendar cos I changed my mind about 7 of the images! I've just teamed up with a big lifestyle company; my workshops are about to change and they are gonna be BIG. More info on that soon.

I am currently seeking PR interns, song writers, graphic designers and photographers, so spread the word

I should be at the 50 cent Premiere tomorrow; it all depends on whether my mum comes down to visit or not

Will tell ya the rest another time

Keep ya mind right and your body tight

Portia xx
Cake made by FreeLayLay. Look out for news on her soon to be published book!

My journey..... 10 Oct 2009 1:02 PM (15 years ago)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

Just updating you quickly...........................

My 2010 calendar will soon be available; going through some more images as I type this.

I'm working hard on the new lingerie collection; it's a lot right now. My in-house designer is a great inspiration and fantastic to work with

I just took on a new intern who is jumping on board with pr and marketing. Her CV was extremely impressive and I knew within 10 minutes of sitting down with her and giving her the Portia interrogation that she was going to be an asset to Portia Freno™

Things are moving along nicely. I'm taking my time; sometimes even stopping and changing direction. I feel like I'm on a mad journey right now. Ive been struggling a little; everyone around me thinking they know me and trying to push me in their direction, the vision they had for me. I found myself kinda nodding and agreeing; so many people on my side yet I felt so lonely.


So I kinda took time out. I don't even really mean time out of work, but time out in my mind. That's hard to explain and might sound crazy to you all right now, but I guess to put it simply I blanked out. Blanked out and thought about ME. Best choice I ever made. I got rid of the shit and the people just riding my dick, wanting to jump along for the ride. I got rid of the pressure that I had put on myself feeling like I had to please everyone. And I feel great! Dropped a few projects so I had more time to focus on the main and important ones and also more time to find myself and God.

I think it is easy to misintepret who you are; we sometimes base our judgement on what other people think. I think in this industry it is easy to be socially created but what is so important is that you find yourself. And in order to do that you have to appreciate that your life is a journey and you will discover and learn new things about yourself along the way. Some journeys are rocky, some are smooth; it can't always feel like the trip of a lifetime, but ultimately, believe me, it will be ;)

So, I am still on my journey and right now I'm enjoying it. I'm only half sure of where I'm going, but I guess that's part of the fun. At least I certainly know where I am not going!

I've been spending a bit of time in the studio, writing songs and also tryna build up my confidence when it comes to my voice and my sound. Exploring different sounds/genres. Got some great producers on my side so I feel blessed for that. Also thinking about getting involved in the management of a hot new artist. Listen out for more details.....

I interviewed Tevin Campbell the other day for Portia Presents. Had the flu and found out about the interview the night before but oh well, went just to meet him really. He was actually jokes and revealed some home truths about the industry. Tevin kept it real! Bumped into my girl Toya Berry there as well; she's doing her thing. Check out her blog. Straight after I had to dash to a video interview with Nothing But Talent. I will update you on my latest interviews/features soon


Bumped into Geek Squad!


I think another reason why I feel so blessed is because I have had more time for loved ones recently. They say behind every successful man is a strong woman; and that is indeed true, but I also believe us career driven, dominating, power women need that sweet romance, that blissful love and lets not forget just the comfort of cuddles at home, with that special person. You can work on your career but if you neglect those you love who are you gonna reap the rewards with?

The first range in my lingerie collection will represent that kind of woman; strong and sexy, powerful, but not too dominating; still classy, sweet, playful. Can't wait to share ;)

I'vebeen having a lot of fun filming, brainstorming and getting creative. It's all about carefully selecting who you keep around you. Without sounding like the snob I sometimes get called before the person meets me, it's true. With the right people behind you (and God) you'll always feel inspired, you'll always grow and work won't feel like work.

Oooh the other day me and my darling went on a date. He'll argue and say it wasn't a date because of how long we have been together but I don't hear that shit. I put my diamonds in my ears and make the extra effort of applying make up same way. I get excited. What? Gotta keep the good old romance.


We went to Crazy Bear for dinner (divine) and I went to Gordon Ramsays restaurant "Maze" for the first time. We got wasted! Good times. Then his boys met us there and we continued on to Ghost. First time I've been there too. Not bad! Good music and not too ram. I spent the next day nursing his hangover. Poor thing. I felt like a mother. Overall a success. That was the first time I'd stepped in a club in goodness knows how long

My head often feels like it's gonna explode what with it feeling like I'm constantly working on proposals and marketing plans but I'm not complaining.

God is good ;)

Got more to tell but have to go through some images from a shoot today and also from from last week.


Oh, I did a shoot for phytospecific the other day to be featured in Black Hair magazine. I just thought I'd tell you how amazing these hair products are. You need to get hold of them. They are available at the Hair Lounge and can be ordered over the phone 0208 969 9444. Ask for Charlotte Mensah, celebrity stylist. Tell her I sent ya and she might do a deal! I first came across the product when my hair sponsors introduced them to me. Ever since using them my hair has been like Indian hair! I also sported a kinda afro in the mag so look out for that! My hair is nuts!

Anyway sweetie pies

Speak again soon

Big shout out to Nutty Nrg and Ask Your Girl

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter. Today I gave a step by step guide on preparing yourself and getting photoshoot ready in less than an hour, no matter how bad the hangover! I got a lot of tweets of appreciation so I intend on doing that more often! I was actually doing the things I was tweeting myself as I had just been informed of a last minute shoot. That can happen at any time and you need to be ready!

Ciao for now

xx P xx


This butterfly cloud was sent to me as I lay in Holland Park. It was beautiful


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Something to think about..... 18 Sep 2009 4:52 AM (15 years ago)

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I broke my promise!! Haha it's been way over a week hasn't it? Well sorry!!!! At least I write one sometimes! If it's any consolation I have been updating my secret diary in my Member's Only Section of my website, so if you feel you're missing out you know what to do!!

I have a mad love/hate relationship with this industry. But I'm not going to bang on or elaborate right now. I will be scheduling a live chat about it in my V.I.P section of my website and will pose a few questions beforehand for you to think about prior to the chat.

How are you all? Chasing dreams? Having faith? Striving high? I hope so. The world we live in now forces us to believe that to be successful is to be rich, or famous, or known by those "worth knowing". It isn't. Success is happiness and contentment. As long as I feel those things I couldn't give a damn who deems me "successful". This media culture will have you believe unless you're driving the fastest car, living in the biggest pad and mingling with all these celebs, you're not successful. People GET OUT OF THIS DREAM WORLD. Find your own reason to be happy, realise you ARE successful simply because you manage to deal with the everyday struggles of life and come out on top. You ARE successful because you kept your family well and healthy. You ARE successful because you raised a child. You are successful because you fought through an illness, or you graduated. You are successful for being you. Turn off your TVs. You won't miss a thing. You've seen Beyonce in that leotard before; it was just a different colour. You know that half of those rappers are liars, and should take up acting instead. You've heard it all before.


Now is a very important time to believe in God. It has always been an important time, but now more than ever we are being tested. Have faith. Have morals. Be practical and ask yourself if the rubbish you are focusing on and making a regular part of your lives, is it really important?

Learn to love, share and cooperate and when you have learned to truly do that teach others to do the same

Search for a book called "That book". Not sure if you can still get hold of it, but try


Learn to love and support, rather than hate and compete

We are sharing one world; is it possible we are sharing one dream?


Portia Freno x

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Portia Freno Celebrity Special feature! 2 Sep 2009 7:35 AM (15 years ago)

Check out my "Celebrity Special" feature for The Trusted Beauty Guide! Get advice on diet and exercise. I also reveal some of my beauty secrets. Thanks for reading xx

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Just For You.... 2 Sep 2009 7:19 AM (15 years ago)

Can you spot the rainbow? xx

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Well well well! I'm not even sure what to say..... I feel so guilty, honestly! Quite a few of you have been telling me off for abandoning my blog. Some have messaged nicely wondering when the next post will be. Others have sent me hate mail because I haven't updated. I find it really funny; "HOW DARE YOU NOT KEEP US POSTED YOU STUPID BI*@H". Lol. Funny thing is I'm not kidding. Luckily though, the majority have been nice, so nice in fact I feel obligated to write this. Unfortunately it's another quick one as I just stepped off a plane and I've got 101 things to do before hosting a party tonight. I feel shattered I'm telling ya. Happy, relaxed, but shattered. Photobucket
So obviously I can't go back to the 90's or whenever it was that I last wrote a blog, so I will, in my next post as I have to go back out soon, try to fill you in with bits and bobs. Before I do that though, can I just make you aware of my late, or early, New Years resolution? To write a blog at least once a week. So the second you catch me slipping feel free to nag. Just not as rudely as some of the peeps mentioned earlier. Oh what the hell be as rude as you like. It's a free world.

Ok so I just got back from Antigua! I don't think anyone on that island will forget me. Not sure if that's good or bad. Had some shooting out there and also a nice little break though to be honest not a lot of chilling was done. Ok ok I'm guilty of not being able to relax; what's your point? Ya'll relax too much KMT. No but seriously guys you'd be proud; I didn't use my blackberry, didn't Tweet every 5 minutes, abandoned my emails, correction; most emails. Only spoke to those it's absolutely impossible not to cos if I don't chat to them I might just die (hopeless romantic) I planned on detoxing out there but I may have possibly ate more than I miraculously do here in London. Food was greeaaaaaat. Damn! Talking about the food already.

I had to do one of the shoots without make up on. And when I mean no make up on I mean NO make up on. Not the "we're gonna put on a lot of make up but do the natural look so it looks like you're not wearing any". NONE. I mean c'mon, at least a base coat or something? But no, nada, niente. That was challenging. Done a few like that, but this one was quite frustrating; hanging off random things in the immense heat, not able to keep my eyes open because of the sun and my exhaustion. Tryna pull off all the different looks without any make up to accentuate my features. But I've already seen a couple and I'm more than happy; shocked even. I suppose that's when you can really call yourself a model; when you pull off a successful shoot with absolutely zilch to cheat with but yourself. Just you, yourself and your skin lol. Not sure when I'll be able to post up pics but keep checking the blog.


Damn it's midday; I've got a lot to do. There really should be more hours in the day. The mad thing is it's the first time in ages that I've actually found the time to sit down and write a blog, and I haven't the time to sit down and finish the blog! lol. Consider this a short and sweet apology.........forgiven?

Portia xxxx

xx Follow me ....xx


Where do I start? It has been a blur of parties, preparation, work and madness!


I was booked for a couple of appearances at events and also to host a few parties so it's fair to say I have had little sleep. Last week at Vendome was crazy; I'm quite ashamed to say I got rather tipsy; after 2 bottles of Grey Goose and a bottle of Champs the club refused to send any more drinks to my table! I was horrified! But ever so grateful the next morning when I realized what more alcohol would have done to me. TQ came down, Kano came down and performed, Bashy showed his face. Monday nights really are getting packed in there; it's madness.


To be honest the whole raving scene isn't my favourite thing, but I'm getting paid to party so can hardly complain. But it is hard work! I'm serious! Especially when you're ill but have to soldier through. I've had tonsillitis for the past 2 weeks! lol but haven't had a chance to rest it off. And I refuse to take all those government drugs; that crap that masks the pain but doesn't naturally solve the problem, so I was just dealing with it. It was only 2 days ago, when I left my friends house, that I left with a bottle of Benilyn that he put in a plastic bag for me. He said the stuff would knock me out! I believed him cos he's always drowsy on some kinda rubbish like that. Usually I lecture him for overdosing on all his medicinal substances (he has a whole windowsill full of drugs) but I was feeling so rubbishy and it was late and I wanted to just knock out as soon as my head hit the pillow. So I took one or two teaspoons.... Damn....the next day I was like a zombie! I felt soooo tired; not sure if it's worth it! The same friend offered to drop me round soup and dvd's but I said no thank you. I felt bad as he has a bad shoulder and should be resting himself! Not driving around playing Superman!

On Sunday I went to the Summer Ball!! It was so much fun! And at my favourite stadium ;) (Emirates) Over 55,000 people came to watch artists such as Leona Lewis, Dizzee Rascal, Alesha Dixon, Ciara, Akon, Shontelle, Sway, JLS, Lionel Richie, Calvin Harris, The Noisettes, Mark Ronson and many more. I was on the vip balcony with all the artists, though the only one I was excited about seeing was Ciara; she's hot. Is it bad that one of the highlights for me was the food? I love my food and the food was great, lol. Oh apart from the chicken. A little seasoning would have been welcoming.....

As usual Leona brought a tear to my eye with her rich silky tones, and Alesha impressed me with her stage performance; I'm not a huge fan of her but she has my respect; she's good at what she does and she owned that stage! And I don't even need to mention the Noisettes; love their style!

As usual Akon had to receive the biggest welcome and threw himself into the crowd as he always does. Lol. He's mad. His dad found it hilarious when he was being thrown up and down by the audience. His father is a lovely man; I spent a bit of time with him as it was the first time I'd met him.


Another highlight; walking into the celebrity gift lounge. I decided to walk in alone knowing that if I walked in with Akon they would only give me stuff cos I was with him, or they would ignore me and concentrate on him! So I thought let me walk in and see what the deal is...... So I walk past the first table counting 5....4.....3....2.. "Hi there Portia" YES Thank Goodness! Lol. If I didn't get stopped I woulda been pissed. The people are explaining their product to me, this product, that product, dropping a load of stuff into bags for me and I'm thinking there are some homeless broke starving people out there that would really appreciate this rubbish. These rich celebrities do not need all this stuff yet they get it on a daily basis! Don't get me wrong, I know it's free promo for the brands but it still feels a little wrong. Anyway after signing several guest books thanking them for the goods I spotted Sony giving away the brand new mobile phones. So I walked past slowly.....did anyone stop me? NO! And I'm proud; there was no way I was stopping unless I was stopped lol. So I kept it moving. I was asked my sizes for various shoes and clothing and I am getting sent some goods. And I can't wait for my pink Aviators. I tried on the brown ones but the pink ones looked hot in the pic so they said they would send me some. Cheers. Oh and I also got a load of Mac goodies ;)

But again, the highlight for me was the food

Did I mention that I am off to the Bahamas next month? No? Well, I am off to the Bahamas next month. You know now ;)

Can't wait!!


Writing this is taking longer than expected because I keep flippin coughing!

I haven't been working out...............what???? I haven't had the time plus I've been ill; I wouldn't be able to breathe if I jumped on a treadmill right now!!

My mum and sisters came down to a London a couple of times; the minute they leave I miss them immediately. My sisters bring me joy.... they are my precious little princesses! With attitude! lol. Maya has an obsession with photography right now; she's only 5 but so clever and has an eye for detail. She really is something else. The other day we went down to my girls allotment to help her water her little cabbages and brocolli lol and my sister kept grabbing my blackberry so she could take pics of flowers. And she's such a flippin perfectionist it takes about 5 minutes to take each shot. Aww I love her. I'm gonna invest in a really good professional camera for her when she's older. She's only 5, maybe it's a bit soon lol. Though I'm sure she'd actually master it; she's that intelligent.

I am actually looking for a new manager. I'm tired of trying to juggle everything alone; it's hard to get certain things moving when your time is divided multiple ways. I had to drop old management because they didn't share the same vision as me. And if I don't mentally click with someone it's not going to work. So next week I will be setting up some meetings, etc as this week I haven't got the time.

I wanna go and make a hot drink; maybe with a little pick me up in it ;)

Thank you to all those who voted for Charity Skin Deep and hit me up on FaceBook; appreciated

Portia xx
