Combining creatine, carbohydrate depletion, and carbohydrate loading within the 10 days prior to your show date could make a better presentation of your muscles on stage. Manipulating Carbohydrates The application of manipulating carbohydrates while preparing for a contest is done with intent on the muscle glycogen and water content. The thought is for you to […]
I’m just giving you a quick update from my previous post from where i stated i had ordered some ‘Controlled Labs Green Magnitude’ creatine, this stuff really tastes good. I got the Sour Apple flavour, and at first i was thinking it’d taste horrible, but it does really taste nice! If you’d like to take […]
Well it’s been a while since i’ve last posted on here, i’m fully setup in the new house now with my bench press etc. I’ve been bike riding daily for about half an hour. I haven’t done much weight training recently due to the move but i ordered some new supplements earlier today, Dymatize Elite […]
As you may or may not have noticed, i haven’t actually posted on my journal category lately. I have been busy, we’re moving house next week so everything’s sort of hectic! Along with that i’ve had a few bad cases of the common cold which hasn’t helped with being physically bothered to lift weights! I’ve […]
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The technology has been used since the beginning of the year by Atlantic Multipower Germany, Europe’s leading supplier in the sports food sector. With “Crea Max”, the company is introducing a ready-to-drink creatine product in Germany, UK and Austria. Cranberry-flavoured Crea Max contains 4.6 g creatine citrate, a natural dietary supplement, which enhances the performance […]
I got a news alert from Google news earlier today so i thought i’d write and see what people think! I would go on and on about what creatine is, but the whole site is full of creatine information and articles so i’ll get straight to the point! “The evidence from the studies “shows that […]
I actually wondered this myself, but after reading a thread on the forum (here) it made it abit clearer what actually happens once you stop taking Creatine! As you may already know by now, Creatine not only helps you gain mass, but it increases water levels in muscles.. So once you stop taking creatine […] has released a new article for teen bodybuilder’s, the post outlines basic rules and techniques for teen bodybuilding. Take a look at the post here, you may find some useful information!
I was reading up on a news item from the BBC which claims Creatine boosts brain power. An outline of the story was; Experts believe Creatine does not only boost fitness levels, but it has a role in maintaining energy levels to the brain, and have the theory that taking Creatine supplements WILL improve mental […]