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رؤية الشباب تطلق مسابقة العطاء الأكبر في نسختها الرابعة 17 Jul 2013 | 12:08 am
تعتزم مؤسسة رؤية الشباب إقامة مسابقة العطاء الأكبر في نسختها الرابعة، والتي تهدف إلى استثمار طاقات الشباب الفكرية للخروج بمشاريع تعكس مفهوم العطاء الذي يفوق معنى العمل التطوعي، وتتمثل فكرة المسابقة في...
جلسة الأمور طيبة: مستقبل عمان إلى أين؟ 6 Jul 2013 | 10:07 am
ندعوكم لحضور جلسة الأمور طيبة مع سعادة طلال الرحبي نائب الأمين العام للمجلس الأعلی للتخطيط، إذ سيكون عنوان الجلسة “مستقبل عُمان إلی أين؟” وذلك في يوم الإثنين ، 8 يوليو ، الساعة 7:30 م في موود كافيه، ب...
More مجلة perfect designer related news:
NewsMag 18 Nov 2008 | 07:20 am
We are proud to present this new 3-column theme from the award winning Design Disease team. This clean, professional looking theme is a perfect design for your news or magazine blog. Keep your readers...
iPhone Prototyping Templates 18 Jul 2010 | 04:55 pm
iPhone Templates V3.0 Create wireframes, high fidelity prototypes, and pixel perfect designs for iPhone apps using Apple Keynote or Microsoft PowerPoint. All elements are designed from scratch in Key...
Buying the Perfect Designer Handbag 11 Mar 2012 | 09:29 pm
Many ladies who are blessed with the right means to buy a designer handbag often have to face quite a challenge; they go out shopping for a designer bag, aiming to buy the best of the best, but when t...
Lizard Tattoo Flash ? Why It Is Perfect Design Choice? 21 May 2012 | 01:52 pm
One of the popular tattoo designs you will find inked on the skin of both ordinary and celebrity individuals is the lizard tattoo flash. Besides the fact that a lizard design is a great illustration o...
Free and Premium Corporate PSD Website Templates and Layouts 23 May 2012 | 09:11 pm
Perfect design for the website of your corporate house is really a big issue. Corporate houses like to hire highly qualified professional in order to get a website that have nice design in a well-org...
Work Your Home Based Business Idea in Three Easy Steps 27 Apr 2012 | 04:27 am
by: Jan Heering Create a Business Plan first The primary necessity is to get a perfectly designed plan of action for a genuine business. A business plan on its own is useless. It is a mere reflectio...
Classik Theme 2 May 2012 | 12:28 pm
We are very happy to introduce our latest product called Classik. Classik features the perfect design for businesses, blogs, portfolios, and more. This is another theme that was intended to be “mini...
chanel bags for sale 17 May 2012 | 01:32 pm
To hold upon dispatch our clients carry regular perfect designer handbag replicas. Our privy craftsmen being uses those finest benumbed materials and follows the manufacturing processes lone set on b...
ProCook Professional Steel Steamer Insert 20cm 6 Apr 2012 | 12:57 pm
The healthy way to cook - just add our 20cm steamer insert to a stockpot and you can steam fish vegetables and more to perfection. Designed to fit inside any of our 20cm stockpots and also to be stack...
convert PSD To WordPress 11 May 2012 | 10:01 pm
Do you have the perfect design and are looking for PSD to WordPress Services? Try us. is one of the best PSD to WordPress services providers which helps you get your designs co...