Most 腾讯 ip api related news are at:

20130620 无题 20 Jun 2013 | 02:36 pm
最近不知道干嘛呢,好像好久好久没来写东西了,不过看那垃圾评论,我还是有在管理的,那些垃圾评论,基本隔三差五的我就来清理下,不能以为没新日志,我就没关注我的博客了哦。 先说点什么呢,记得今年就发布了3篇文章,好少好少的,其实日子还是差不多的,每天都一个样,只是有时候,人嘛,有七情六欲,有喜怒哀乐,都有烦恼的时候,偶尔那么会心情不好,会喝点小酒,不过现在烟酒都少了,没什么事情的话基本不碰的了.当然在...
批量删除SVN文件夹 3 May 2013 | 11:54 am
More 腾讯 ip api related news:
"What is my IP?" API 10 Aug 2013 | 06:50 pm
Für ein Dynamic DNS Script für brauchte ich ein PHP Script, welches mir die IP des Besuchers ausgibt. Daraus ist dann eine komplette API entstanden. In verschiedensten Formaten liefert die ...
"What is my IP?" API 10 Aug 2013 | 06:50 pm
Für ein Dynamic DNS Script für brauchte ich ein PHP Script, welches mir die IP des Besuchers ausgibt. Daraus ist dann eine komplette API entstanden. In verschiedensten Formaten liefert die ...
"What is my IP?" API 10 Aug 2013 | 06:50 pm
Für ein Dynamic DNS Script für brauchte ich ein PHP Script, welches mir die IP des Besuchers ausgibt. Daraus ist dann eine komplette API entstanden. In verschiedensten Formaten liefert die ...
Rebtel Stops Group Messaging from Bankrupting You When You Travel Abroad with New API and Cheap Texting Service 21 Apr 2011 | 04:00 am
Stockholm, Sweden, April 20, 2011 – In a bold move to cut consumer costs on international text messages, Rebtel, the world’s second largest mobile VoIP company, today introduced ToIP (Text-over-IP) a ...
eBay Changes API Limit Policy 31 Jan 2011 | 05:44 am
The eBay API call limit policy for developers will be changing on March 1st, 2011. Historically, eBay has limited the number of calls from software applications to retrieve product information by IP ...
Using the PROWL push service for your nagios notifications on your IPhone 13 Oct 2009 | 09:47 am
Prowl is a Growl client for Apples IPhone OS. Notification can be send from your MAC, Windows computer or via API Call directly by the Prowl service gateway. Notifications are directly send to your IP...
IP to country converter – using MaxMind GeoIP API 7 Jun 2010 | 04:05 pm
We’ve covered the API for converting the IP address to a country and city of your visitor. But you may have noticed sometime does not convert everything and might have comparat...
How to get the country of an IP address in PHP? 5 Jun 2010 | 02:42 pm
The provides API allows you to get the country including the city as well. The simple PHP script that can get the country is as follow: <?php get_country_by_ip(); function get_country_...
IP Address Geocoding API for Google Maps 15 Jun 2011 | 03:22 am
IP Address Geocoding is getting more and more popular with people who are building their own analytics tools or want to track their users. There are a lot of free geocoding web services available whic...
makfruit edited Order API 23 Jul 2012 | 06:03 pm
Plain text Country code determined by customer IP address (if possible) discountCoupon Plain text Discount coupon name code ('AX-545DF-DD' for example) subtotalCost Double Subtotal (products) cost di...