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More .net reflector serial related news:
Red.Gate.NET.Reflector. Full 16 Aug 2011 | 09:43 am
Developers use .NET Reflector VSPro to: Debug assemblies without source code using the Visual Studio debugger Decompile and explore .NET assemblies inside Visual Studio Serve as a powerful object b...
.NET Reflector is becoming a paid-for product 6 Nov 2011 | 09:04 am
As you may already have learned the famous .NET Reflector created by Lutz Roeder almost a decade ago that was always free to use is becoming a paid-for product thanks to Red Gate Software. The decisio...
dotNET Spin 0.2 20 Sep 2011 | 02:13 pm
dotNetSpin 是免费的 .NET 程序集混淆工具,它的设计目的是增加反编译工具的难度,例如 .NET Reflector. 名称混淆 – 元数据中的方法名使用随机字符和数字重命名,例如 yM5tl6IwTX 这样。 流程混淆 – 这一特性可以保护您的 IL 代码不被反编译或者反编译错误。通过改变条件代码块和添加垃圾指令来蒙蔽反编译器。 点击下载 Related Posts: Or...
Context presents ‘Breaking .NET Through Serialization’ at Black Hat USA 24 Jul 2012 | 08:27 pm
Tomorrow at the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas, James Forshaw, a Principal Security Consultant at Context Information Security, will be presenting details of vulnerabilities discovered in the ....
.NET Reflector in Visual Studio 2012 19 Jul 2012 | 10:33 pm
Visual Studio 2012 is slated to ship soon, and when it does, Reflector will be sim-shipping right there alongside it. As part of our work to support the newest technologies from Microsoft (C# 5, WinRT...
Context presents ‘Breaking .NET Through Serialization’ at Black Hat USA 24 Jul 2012 | 08:27 pm
Tomorrow at the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas, James Forshaw, a Principal Security Consultant at Context Information Security, will be presenting details of vulnerabilities discovered in the ....
.NET Reflector is becoming a paid-for product 6 Nov 2011 | 04:04 am
As you may already have learned the famous .NET Reflector created by Lutz Roeder almost a decade ago that was always free to use is becoming a paid-for product thanks to Red Gate Software. The decisio...
Meet The Team: Rob Clarke 23 Aug 2012 | 04:28 pm
Rob joins us from the deep North (Okay, from Manchester). Never seen without his sweet leather jacket, Rob joined us as a software intern and had a baptism of fire working on the .NET Reflector add-in...
Tips: keyboard shortcuts 31 Aug 2012 | 05:44 pm
We’ve been doing some technical investigation around improving the Power Commands functionality lately. As part of that, we’ve been over some of the keyboard shortcuts in .NET Reflector, with a view t...
Version 7.7 – tidying up 3 Oct 2012 | 03:44 pm
.Net Reflector 7.7 is going to have a fairly quick turn around and a short beta period, as we’re looking to release later on this month. We’ve mostly been fixing bugs and tidying things up but there a...