Most .net wpf toolkit charting related news are at:
– LeeCampbell
Rx now open source 7 Nov 2012 | 04:35 am
Awesome news today that will please many (Thargy?) is that Rx is now open source. The new home page has just gone up Scott Hanselman himself is plugging it http://www.hanselm...
.NET 4 dynamic feature 11 Oct 2012 | 01:54 am
When .NET 4 was coming out a couple of years ago, one of the neat new features was the inclusion of (better support for?) dynamic languages. C# even got some love and the dynamic keyword was added. I ...
More .net wpf toolkit charting related news:
XWT - A cross Platform .NET UI Toolkit 29 Jul 2013 | 07:41 pm
Xwt is sort of like WxWidgets etc where this one open source library lets you write GUI code for different environments. In this case it's a C# library for WPF or GTK (using GTK#) on Windows, Cocoa en...