Most .stp import autocad related news are at:

November Reihe 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 07:25 pm
Vom 06.11.2013 bis zum 06.11.2013 in Stuttgart >>> Am 6. November startet in Stuttgart die diesjährige November Reihe. Immer mittwochs, immer 19.00 Uhr beziehen namhafte Referenten und spannende Newc...
Architekturpreis Beton 13 22 Aug 2013 | 05:22 pm
Vom 26.09.2013 bis zum 24.10.2013 in Zürich >>> Der Architekturpreis Beton ist eine nationale Architekturauszeichnung von höchster Qualität und findet seit 1977 alle vier Jahre statt. Er wird an be...
More .stp import autocad related news:
UNIGRAPHICS DESIGN SIMPLE TUTORIAL: Import AutoCAD to UG 28 Jan 2013 | 08:39 pm
Engineering Services 22 Jun 2008 | 04:40 am
Prototek utilizes MetalSoft FabriWIN, Solid Works, Pro-E and AutoCad to import your computer designed files. We can open your 3D solid models, unfold them
Anyone know of a 3D software that allows you to import a 2D Autocad floor plan into it and create 3D views? 22 Feb 2012 | 11:38 pm
I have drawn up a floor plan in CAD and now the people want to see what the interior looks like. I was wondering if there was any software out there that allowed you to import the cad plan into it and...
Data from Excel ® to AutoCAD® 3 Jun 2012 | 03:54 pm
It is very important especially for civil and surveying engineers to used the data already exist in Excel sheets, to plot it in a CAD drawing. you will find it very helpful if you are working on coord...
Free progeCAD Update for Existing 2013 Users Further Improves Performance 26 Jul 2013 | 11:00 pm
CADDIT is happy to announce the release of another important update for the progeCAD 2013 CAD software platform. progeCAD is a well-known AutoCAD alternative capable of fast DWG CAD drawing, PDF impor...
autocad den 3dsmaxe import sorunu 26 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
Autocad sürümü 2013 max 2011 . Max'e düşük sürümde kayıt yaparak import ediyorum. Fakat maxte sanki hepsi gruplandırılmış gibi geliyor. Tek tek kontrol edemiyorum.Herhangi bir line'a tıkladığımda bütü...
Dans SketchUp, comment créer des faces à partir d’un plan vectoriel importé au format DWG d’AutoCAD 21 May 2013 | 08:14 pm
Dans SketchUp, comment créer des faces à partir d’un plan vectoriel importé au format DWG d’AutoCAD Article publié par Laurent Brixius sur : ARCH’image infographie 3D. Sous réserve que les contours ...
Automatically create PDF or DWF files from AutoCAD 2 May 2013 | 05:36 am
As electronic drawing formats (PDF and DWF) are becoming more popular both for internal checks during the design process and even final deliverables, it is important to have good workflows for this. A...
Disponibilité des services Pack Moldflow 2014 12 Aug 2013 | 05:39 pm
Le service pack 2 de Moldflow 2014 est disponible. Lien général Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Insight Synergy Solver Les principales améliorations concernent l'import de fichier stp et igs, le calcul c...
AutoCAD : se créer des palettes d’outils : gérer et importer 03 9 Aug 2013 | 08:48 pm
Cet article fait suite aux 2 articles précédents sur les palettes d'outils article 1 : AutoCAD se créer des palettes d'outils 01 article 2 : Palettes d'outils avec des blocs Organiser les palettes par...