Most 100 rogues skill related news are at:

Ouya Shipping Update 27 Jun 2013 | 05:17 pm
So, we hit a snag. A snag that cost me about 4 months, for various reasons, and caused me to miss my deadline. As Julie Uhrman would say, “I’m pissed”. The snag came back in January when I discovered...
100 Rogues Ouya 4 Sep 2012 | 06:30 am
It’s been a couple of slow news months for us since the Dungeoneer released, but you can believe me when I say development has only accelerated. I have been hard at work porting 100 Rogues in a cross-...
More 100 rogues skill related news:
Happy Birthday to 100 Rogues!! 4 May 2012 | 03:07 am
Tomorrow is the second anniversary of the release of 100 Rogues. Yippee!! Our little game has come a long way in the course of the last two years. Thanks to all 350,000 of you who have grown to love ...
100 Trials and 100 Rogues 16 Feb 2012 | 05:57 am
Last week, we release a new game called 100 Trials that borrows heavily from 100 Rogues’ design, but whose differences took a significant departure in play style. I’d like to talk about how we arrived...
Bruisers in the Mist 26 Jan 2012 | 05:39 pm
Hello everyone! I’m Keith Burgun, the lead designer of 100 Rogues. When we started the initial design for the game back in late 2008-early 2009, the original design planned for four playable classes...
Now available Mac OS X AppStore! 13 Jun 2011 | 01:46 am
100 Rogues is now available for Apple’s desktop AppStore. Here’s a video tour, since video tours are much better at this kind of thing. Also, Runes!
Rogue Skills 28 Sep 2009 | 06:00 am
ACTIVE SKILLS Induce Max Lv.1 Dusk Slashing[Dagger] Max Lv.5 Heart Blast[Dagger] Max Lv.5 Power Shot[Bow] Max Lv.5 Needle Shot[Bow] Max Lv.5 PASSIVE SKILLS Dagger Training[Dragger] Max Lv...
Matt Firor verteidigt das Kampfsystem in The Elder Scrolls Online 15 Jun 2012 | 05:29 am
Das MMO-Genre ist nach Jahren der Stagnation in einem deutlichen Umbruch: weg von statischen Kämpfen und 100 verschiedenen Skills, die über unzählige Leisten auf dem Bildschirm verteilt sind, hin zu e...
100 Rogues Ouya 4 Sep 2012 | 06:30 am
It’s been a couple of slow news months for us since the Dungeoneer released, but you can believe me when I say development has only accelerated. I have been hard at work porting 100 Rogues in a cross-...
Acura NSX to be built in Ohio in 2015 15 May 2013 | 08:04 am
From AB Acura NSX Production Site Selected in Ohio Located Near Honda's R&D Center, Facility to Employ 100 Highly Skilled Associates MARYSVILLE, Ohio, May 14, 2013 Acura today announced that the a...T...
Rogue Philippines – August 2013 16 Aug 2013 | 01:13 pm
Rogue Philippines – August 2013 PDF | 154 Pages | English | 101,49 MB uploaded Related Magazines Download Rogue December 2010 - January 2011 (100%) Rogue Magazine - February 2011 (100%) Rogue Ph...
Tales of porting games to microconsoles 27 Aug 2013 | 01:11 pm
Developers on 100 Rogues, Shadowgun, Beast Boxing Turbo and others talk about experiences bringing their mobile games to Android microconsoles like Ouya and GameStick. ... More...