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More 10 meter geh related news:
Warpia brengt wireless hdmi-kit uit 2 Mar 2012 | 12:28 am
Volgens Warpia kan met de StreamEZ, die gebruik maakt van de whdi-standaard, zonder compressie een 1080p-videosignaal worden doorgestuurd tot over een afstand van maximaal 10 meter. Voor het verzenden...
Creative D200 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker 27 Apr 2012 | 11:33 pm
FEATURED Creative D200 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Share your music with anyone, wirelessly from virtually anywhere in the room. Stream music wirelessly from a range of up to 10 meters from the speaker...
Creative D100 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker (Black) 27 Apr 2012 | 10:47 am
FEATURED Creative D100 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker (Black) From a range of up to 10 meters from the speakers, wirelessly stream music from any Bluetooth-enabled device such as your mobile phone, notebo...
Starfruit/cucumber tree 30 Dec 2011 | 04:51 am
Starfruit has a sour fruit and comes from the Maluku Islands and can be found in Indonesia,Philippines,Sri Lanka,Myanmar and Malaysia. This tree can grow up to 5-10 meters high and is usually planted ...
Shoe throw at Rahul Gandhi in Dehradun 24 Jan 2012 | 04:53 am
A shoe was hurled towards Rahul Gandhi by a youth while he was addressing an election rally near here,barely two days after a similar incident with members of Team Anna here.The shoe fell 10 meters sh...
Ruim opgezette camping 22 Apr 2009 | 08:34 am
Onze camping is ruim van opzet, het gebied bestaat uit 3 hectare waarvan 1 hectare wordt gebruikt als camping. Er zijn 20 plaatsen van 10 bij 10 meter. die elk voorzien zijn een aansluiting voor elect...
Plot 4328 Bernard Khoury 15 Nov 2011 | 05:38 pm
Plot 4328 by Bernard Khoury Architects: “Plot 4328 is located in a 535 square meters parcel in Kfardebian, Mount Lebanon, on a steep topography with 10 meter drop between its road frontage and the lo...
9M2ZAK In The House 12 Dec 2011 | 01:51 am
Agak lama aku tak berjumpa dengan saudara aku ini. Perkenalan berlaku semasa kami masih lagi berjinak2 dengan hobi ini. 10 Meter menjadi penghubung kami berdua. 9M2ZAK Zaki memang berasal dari Perlis...
9M2SM...QRV ....ARRL 10 METER CONTEST....CW QRP 10 Dec 2011 | 03:26 pm
ARRL 10-Meter Contest: 0000Z, Dec 10 to 2400Z, Dec 11 Mode: CW, Phone Bands: 10m Only Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)(CW/Phone/Mixed) Multi-Single Max operating hours: 36 hours Max power: ...
Farsangkedd, avagy séta a napsütésben 22 Feb 2012 | 05:16 am
Ma egy szép napsütéses keddre ébredtem, kb. így örültem, hogy ilyen szép idő van végre, a figura amúgy a gyerek szánkópályánál van, igen gyerek, ami néhány 10 méter hosszú, az ovisok járnak ide szánkó...