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More 13 days diet related news:
Every Other Day Diet 23 Mar 2011 | 09:24 pm
The Every Other Day Diet Program is written by Jon Benson and is one of the most controversial weight loss plans to come out in recent years. Jon Benson is a fitness expert who created a diet approach...
Onyx Test Grow Using 180 Watt LED Grow Light, part 2 3 Feb 2011 | 02:26 pm
It's been almost two weeks since I started documenting the Onyx test grow using the 180 watt Pro Grow LED light. Here's the Onyx seedlings - Photo on the right was taken yesterday, 13 days after the ...
Is it May? 1 May 2012 | 02:31 pm
Ok, I have 2 days until Mom's Birthday, 13 days until Mother's Day, 20 days until Cupcake's Party (having 2 months early since we are leaving for the summer), 24 more school days waking at 6 am, and...
Tooth Tales 31 Jul 2008 | 03:49 pm
Last week we were gone to some training for our future (very near-13 days) move. We had to go to California for the week. The kids were not required to go so we left them with my family here in Oklaho...
Why the 6 Meals a Day Diet is Dead 25 May 2011 | 07:19 pm
If you believe you have to eat six meals a day to be healthy, lose weight and protect your muscle mass, you need to read this article. You might be wasting your time and efforts on something that real...
More prehistoric items arrive ! 3 May 2012 | 10:17 pm
FarmVille and Zynga have added a few remaining items to the Prehistoric Theme tonight, not quite sure why as we haven’t seen an update in this theme in a month. Never the less, for the next 13 days yo...
Master Cleanse Secrets - The Miracle Diet 16 May 2012 | 11:07 pm
Master Cleanse Secrets is a ten-day diet that will help you regain your energy and youth, while cleaning up years of construction waste to the residence. The main objective of this diet is delicious l...
control loading of content in lightbox 22 Mar 2012 | 05:37 pm
Hi, well i have a issue with lightbox like stuff that i am using here If you click on play that lightbox windows open and if you click close it clo...
FarmVille Flapper Dress Clothes: Roaring 20s Items 28 May 2012 | 04:16 pm
Zynga & FarmVille have released clothing into the new theme released today named as Roaring 20s Theme. Now you can purchase the Flapper Dress for the limited time period of 13 days. FarmVille Flapper...
FarmVille Grand Mansion Building: Roaring 20s Items 28 May 2012 | 04:14 pm
Zynga & FarmVille have released building into the new theme released today named as Roaring 20s Theme. Now you can purchase the Grand Mansion for the limited time period of 13 days.