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16 სურვილი / 16 Wishes (2010 ) 11 Aug 2012 | 03:17 pm
ხანგრძლივობა: 1 საათი 30 წუთი ქვეყანა: აშშ , კანადა , წელი: 2010 ჟანრი: კომედია , რეჟისორი: პიტერ დელუის , მოკლე აღწერა: ები ჯენსენი 16 წლის იუბილეს ბავშვობიდან გეგმავდა... როდესაც ეს დღე დგება, ის თ...
Media Q&A with Jean-Luc Bilodeau of ABC Family’s “Baby Daddy” (2013) (J!-ENT Interviews and Articles) 24 Aug 2013 | 01:07 am
We have seen actor Jean-Luc Bilodeau grow up on ABC Family. From “Kyle XY” to starring in the telefilm “16 Wishes” followed by the TV series “No Ordinary Family”. But this time, Bilodeau is the main a...
jumping about in the dark 10 May 2011 | 01:48 pm
I wish I knew what the neighbours thought I was doing. About 16 seconds of shutter time on these. Hard to avoid any light leak from all the backyards with anything more.
CiTe BeSDaY... 14 Aug 2009 | 08:51 pm
hehehe..korg2.... yea korg la..sape lagik..korg yg mengenali aku... jgn lupe tau.. 16 ogos 2009 = ari ahad BESDAY AKU..!! hahahhaahaha wish la besday kat aku tau tau tau... hik hik hik... xperl...
Alice Miyeko Odama (July 16, 1913 - April 29, 2012) OF ANOTHER... 4 May 2012 | 10:57 am
Alice Miyeko Odama (July 16, 1913 - April 29, 2012) OF ANOTHER FASHION wishes to extend our sincere condolences to Cheryl Motoyama and her family on the recent passing of Alice Miyeko Odama. Longtime...
my girls - 16 - 17 May 2010 | 09:25 pm
“hey my girls. How you girls have been doing there huh? Well, I hope everything goes just fine like how we always wished. Sorry girls for disappearing suddenly. I never meant to do that way but I got ...
Happy Birthday to En.Honey :) 16 Aug 2011 | 01:19 pm
Salam semua. Hari ni 16/08 birthday En.honey...So malam td Nuyu dah Wish dekat dia...Dekat FB pun dah wish walaupun en.honey xde FB.haha.Nuyu harap dia rajin buka blog ni.Ok,ni Nuyu punya ucapan untu...
today was a good day. 27 Aug 2011 | 07:11 pm
I will start out by telling you today was a good day. First, it was my wedding anniversary. Yes. 16 years. I wish I could tell you that it has been all bliss. That I married my best friend. That we a...
Modest Confusion 22 Aug 2011 | 07:57 am
Mathew 5:14-16 Mathew 6:2-4 I don’t want to say Jesus contradicts himself. But sometimes I wish I could ask him… “What!? Do I let my light shine? Or Hide my good deeds. What is my light, is this a g...
Wish to see You again - Drama Taiwanais 27 Dec 2008 | 10:30 am
Wish to see You again - Drama Taiwanais Titre : 在這裡等你 Genre : Romance,Drame Année : 2008 Nombre d'épisodes : 16 Pays : Taiwan Casting : Vic Zhou - Xu Le (Ye Zi) Chen Yan Xi - Pan Neng Xian Ken Zhu - D...