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Tuner Tuesday – 1986 Porsche 911 Turbo DP 935 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
In the world of tuners of the 1980s, there were bonkers cars like the Treser Quattro Roadster we featured last week, and then there were the seriously bonkers cars. What separated them was a level of ...
1981 Porsche 911SC 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Introduced in 1978, the SC would cement the legacy of the 911 and ensure that Porsche continued to produce this rear-engined rear-drive sports car. Upon release it featured a 3.0 liter flat-6 engine w...
More 1985 audi quattro s1 related news:
Mit Walter Röhrl im Rallye-Cockpit 19 Jan 2012 | 10:10 pm
Erstklassiges Video aus dem Cockpit von Walter Röhrl am Steuer eines Audi Quattro S1. Rallye-Feeling pur! …und dann fragt man sich: Wie wenig war den Menschen am Straßenrand damals eigentlich ihr Leb...
Mit Walter Röhrl im Rallye-Cockpit 19 Jan 2012 | 01:10 pm
Erstklassiges Video aus dem Cockpit von Walter Röhrl am Steuer eines Audi Quattro S1. Rallye-Feeling pur! …und dann fragt man sich: Wie wenig war den Menschen am Straßenrand damals eigentlich ihr Lebe...
Audi Sport quattro S1 Pikes Peak 4 Aug 2012 | 08:36 pm
Audi Sport quattro S1 Pikes PeakReviewed by Admin on Aug 4.Rating: Your ads will be inserted here byAdSense Now!.Please go to the plugin admin page to paste your ad code. Your ads will be inserted her...
Audi A1 quattro prototype 2 Feb 2011 | 05:34 pm
The Audi A1 quattro snow testing in Canada Audi is developing a quattro system for the Audi A1. Expect an Audi A1 quattro later this year and a quattro Audi S1 in 2012. It did seem a strange omissio...
Audi mostra RS 5 Pikes Peak em Jurerê Internacional (SC), ao lado das motos Ducati 4 Feb 2013 | 04:29 pm
• Esportivo foi estilizado nas cores do Audi S1 quattro, que venceu a famosa prova de subida de montanha de Pikes Peak em 1987, com o piloto alemão Walter Rohlr.
Audi: In arrivo la S1 23 Aug 2013 | 03:27 pm
Dopo la Audi A1 Quattro in edizione limitata, arriverà il turno della Audi S1, la versione dalle grandi performance della Casa dei Quattro Anelli. Sarà equipaggiata con lo stesso motore 2.0 TFSI della...