Most 30 thoughts blog related news are at:

New Site: 30 Dec 2010 | 10:57 pm
Attention Faithful Blogreaders, I’m switching from to In about a week I’ll just automatically redirect traffic from the old site to the new site...
10 Stupid Things Coaches Do 24 Dec 2010 | 01:28 pm
If you’re an intelligent strength coach, then chances are you can relate to this article. In training athletes over the past several years, I’ve been very surprised by some of the stupid things that c...
More 30 thoughts blog related news:
Home Business Tips Carnival 29 May 2012 | 02:00 am
These are the best articles that were submitted to the carnival over the past 30 days. Blog Carnivals are a great way to build incoming links to your site and generate new readers. Submit your article...
Holy Cow, 30,000! 19 Oct 2011 | 03:04 pm
Hey guys, So it appears that I have hit 30,000 blog hits! Luckily this time I didn’t realize this while staring at my computer at 4 in the morning studying for a midterm. I appreciate everyone lookin...
30 stunning blog designs for inspiration 5 Mar 2012 | 11:32 pm
1. Web Is Love You will find just a few colors used in this layout, effectively used whitespace, cool hand-drawn illustrations and little icons. Unique concept. 2. 15 June Very clean landing page w...
Day 16: A Photo That Makes Me Smile 4 May 2011 | 09:44 am
I know what you're thinking. 'Day 16? Where the hell is Days 1 through 15?' Well, you can find those here. See, for a while I was doing the 30 Day Blog Challenge but then I stopped. I don't remember w...
Day 30…Fucking Finally 8 Dec 2011 | 06:24 pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge Complete!
Day 1: Favorite Song 30 Jul 2010 | 02:42 am
So, we begin! Day 1 of my 30 day blog journal. The theme for today is my favorite song. What? I have to choose ONE favorite song?? Not happening! I don’t think I can even pick less than 10! I have a l...
30 Day Blog Journal 29 Jul 2010 | 03:36 am
So, this seems to be going around the blogging circles. I decided to jump on the fun train! I always have a hard time picking just 1 favorite, so there will be multiple favorites for each one. I’m doi...
baru pulang kerja......(4.30 pagi) 25 May 2011 | 08:31 am
blog ni akan bersawang ler nampak gayanye........ sbb tuan punya blog dah start keje malam.......(part time) ni pun blek awal.........jam menunjukkan pkul 4.32 pagi....... slalu smpai umah pkul 7.30 p...
30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 7 Update 20 Mar 2011 | 10:09 pm
My 30 Day Blogging Challenge is going great. In one week I am up to 358427 on the rankings, which means 64252 places in 7 days!!! There's something bothering me though... I am a little behin...
Caso Oziel... Uma Descoberta Animadora: A Solução Está Aqui, no Brasil, ao Nosso Alcance! 21 Apr 2012 | 01:40 am
Postado por Ivo S. G. Reis em 20 abril 2012 às 9:30 Exibir blog (Publicação simultânea, em 5 sites da Rede DDD, Texto original, do mesmo autor, em Irreligiosos) Vamos tentar informar tudo sobre est...