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Designing Web Apps Workshop with Ryan Singer 2 May 2009 | 04:57 am
Earlier this week I went to Ryan Singer’s workshop on Designing Web Application User Interfaces. Ryan is a designer at 37 Signals, the company behind the massively popular Basecamp project management ...
请给它 5 分钟的时间 24 May 2012 | 05:37 am
这是一篇很久前在 37 Signal 日志 SVN(Signal v.s. Noise )读到的文章,作者是 37 Signal 的 Jason F.。很有启发的一个故事,与大家分享。 标题是「Give it five minutes」,下面的故事,都是以 Jason 的第一人称陈述。 几年前,我曾经是个急性子(hothead)。不论任何人说任何事情,我都是不赞同。只要事情不符合我的世界观,我... 50%-off Discount Coupon Code 6 Jan 2010 | 04:14 pm
I just received an email from Jason Fried of 37-Signals (Basecamp, Highrise, and other popular web-based applications) announcing a temporary 50-off coupon code that expires on January 15, 2010. Here ...
Only the average care about averages. 7 Aug 2009 | 01:38 pm
David over at 37 Signals has a great post today about the problems with averages. It boils down to this: making decisions based on averages (average wait times, average turn-around, average production...
Mengapa Orang Tidak Bisa Bekerja di Kantor 13 Dec 2010 | 04:50 pm
Presentasi ide yang revolusioner dari Jason Fried, co-founder 37 Signals. Mengapa orang tidak bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan di kantor. Meeting panjang, gangguan dari Manajer dan lain sebagainya. Memang...
Apple Kullanıcılarına Öneriler 2 Jan 2012 | 05:29 am
Yeni yıla sözümü tutarak başlamak istedim ve ilk yazımı geçen yıl 37 Signals blogu SVN‘de gördüğüm bir yazıdan esinlenerek yazıyorum. 37 Signals ekibi yıl içinde kullandıkları ve hayatlarını kolaylaşt...
Quote: Fix problems don’t plan to prevent 14 Jul 2010 | 11:47 pm
One of the companies I follow regarding business ideas is 37 signals. They have a really great blog that offers great views on how to succeed in business. Their most recent post provides a quote from ...
Paper 18 Apr 2012 | 04:07 am
I’ve been playing with the new Paper app over the last week and realize that it is hands down the best “sketching” app I’ve used yet. Previously I’ve tried Adobe Ideas and Sketch by 37 Signals, but th...
37 Signals 22 Oct 2010 | 12:16 pm
One of the biggest names on the web, 37 Signals, has moved into a new office space in Chicago, let’s check it out. The epitome of the “Keep It Simple” mantra, 37 Signals has been developing for the in...
Centripetal Basecamp Backup 8 Mar 2010 | 09:16 pm
Centripetal Basecamp Backup allows you to maintain control of your critical business data by retrieving a complete back up of your files, application data, or application database from 37 Signals Base...