Most 3m blogher party related news are at:

Texts From a Marriage 23 Aug 2013 | 08:14 pm
Me: Where are we on the Basset Hound puppy situation? Husband: I don’t even begin to know what you’re talking about. Me: I’d like to have a Basset Hound puppy. I had a Basset growing up. And then as...
I’m Right, You’re Wrong: The AA Version 21 Aug 2013 | 05:35 pm
No, I’m not in AA, although please keep checking this post for updates, depending on how things are going. Recently, my “friend” Peajaye and I were having a loving conversation about people we know i...
More 3m blogher party related news:
Haute Green Giveaway 19 Oct 2011 | 04:01 am
The Haute Green Social Hour was a fun and exclusive BlogHer pre-party for cloth diapering, green & eco-friendly bloggers that I helped organize/co-host (and name if you didn't guess) back in August. S...
BlogHer – What’s It All About, IT Girl? 18 Jul 2012 | 09:26 am
Like many bloggers, I’m getting ready to attend BlogHer in my native habitat of NYC. Looking through the Twitter stream for the conference, you would think that all BlogHer is about is parties, priva...
BlogHer’12 – Memorials, Friends, and Parties 11 Aug 2012 | 01:33 pm
Lots o' pictures...lots o' fun. Head on over to the new place.
BlogHer – What’s It All About, IT Girl? 18 Jul 2012 | 06:26 am
Like many bloggers, I’m getting ready to attend BlogHer in my native habitat of NYC. Looking through the Twitter stream for the conference, you would think that all BlogHer is about is parties, priva...
Save the Date: B(L)oomers Party™ 2013 is in Chicago on Saturday, July 27! 19 Mar 2013 | 08:13 pm
If you happen to be attending BlogHer’13 in Chicago this July 25 to 27, or happen to just be one of our valued network member in the neighborhood, please… Yes! Please SAVE THE DATE for our Second An...
Non-Stop Work Life Party BlogHer Express 23 May 2013 | 07:56 am
After almost three months at my new job, I can honestly say that I am even more suspect of those bloggers who, despite their jobs and families, still find the time to write witty posts about their liv...
Let’s Party … Gluten-Free Style! 6 Jun 2013 | 11:51 pm
Attention Gluten-Free Austinites! This weekend, thousands of food bloggers, media, food companies and more are descending upon Austin for the BlogHer Food Blogger Conference! It just so happens that t...
Non-Stop Work Life Party BlogHer Express 23 May 2013 | 07:56 am
After almost three months at my new job, I can honestly say that I am even more suspect of those bloggers who, despite their jobs and families, still find the time to write witty posts about their liv...
BlogHer '13: Friday Night (Karaoke) Party Plan 7 Jul 2013 | 12:37 am
If there is one thing that blogging has taught me, it is that, no matter how you feel or what you are going through, there are other people out there who have gone through the same thing, are going th...
The People's Party at BlogHer 2013 Chicago: You're Invited! 15 Jul 2013 | 11:25 pm
You are invited to the 7th Annual People's Party at BlogHer! Are you attending the BlogHer conference in Chicago? The People's Party is an open-invitation opening party designed with you in mind. Y...