Most 3m carbon fólia related news are at:

A cégtábláról nagyon másképp 28 Mar 2013 | 11:13 am
Mi az első nagy lépés a céges siker felé? - a cégtábláról nagyon másképp A vizuális kommunikáció, a céges megjelenés a marketinghez tartozik, de semmiképpen sem reklám. Reklámra most kevés forint jut...
Lételeme a faltetoválás! Üvegfelületre szinte magától felugrik! 13 Mar 2013 | 11:52 am
Lételeme a faltetoválás! Üvegfelületre szinte magától felugrik! Még 0°C-on is működik! Van egy jó hírünk Számodra: tovább bővítettük 8900-as színválasztékunkat! Több, mint 20 új színnel egészült ki r...
More 3m carbon fólia related news:
3M Di-NOC Karbon Fiber Kaplama iPhone 4 / 4S 9 Jan 2012 | 06:57 am
iPhone 4 / 4S KARBON FiBER KAPLAMA USA 3M CARBON iPhone 4/4S için %100 Karbon Fiber materyalden ABD’de üretilen 3M Di-NOC 3D dokulu kaplama telefonunuza milimetrik olarak uyum sağlar. Telefonunuzu çi...
Ferrari F40 Blacked Out With 3M Carbon Fiber DI-NOC Vinyl 11 Nov 2010 | 04:54 am
It’s not everyday you see a Ferrari F40 roaming the streets. You’ll almost definitely never see one wrapped in 3M’s carbon fiber vinyl though! One owner has done just that, love it or hate it, we th...
Video: Wrap Your Refridgerator in 3M Carbon Fiber DI-NOC Vinyl 15 Jul 2010 | 05:50 am
We love to see 3M’s DI-NOC carbon fiber vinyl being used outside of just the automotive world. Things like prototyping, architectural design, technology, refinishing products, and more. The applicatio...
iPhone 4 Karbon Fiber Kaplama Full Koruma 3M Carbon 6 Dec 2010 | 06:45 am
Kullanıcıların en çok tavsiye ettiği ve beğendiği ! Stoktan teslimat, aynı gün kargo, 24 saatte elinizde..! Kullanıcı yorumları ve ilan sayfası için tıklayınız Kredi Kartı ile 3D güvenlikli şekilde Gi...
KARBON (carbon) fólia 22 Apr 2009 | 09:17 am
Új képek karbonnal bevont termékekről, járművekről!
Apple iPhone 27 Oct 2012 | 11:28 pm
Hi, I have For Sale officially UNLOCKED in mint condition iPhone 4 16GB white with 3M carbon fibre mod + many accessories: Inglewood Stirling Area $400.00
Red Carbon Fiber 3M DI-NOC Vinyl Now Available 7 Mar 2012 | 12:55 pm
In addition to the 7 original colors of 3M DI-NOC carbon fiber vinyl, we’ve now brought on a semi-gloss red. Lots of you have been asking for more extreme colors such as this, so we’re testing the wa...
Airplane Dash Re-Finished Using 3M DI-NOC Carbon Fiber Vinyl 21 Sep 2011 | 07:07 am
One of our customers has a personal airplane with an outdated instrument panel. He decided to upgrade the panel by cutting a new backing out .063 aluminum, which housed the new Synthetic Vision EFIS ...
Computer Modding With 3M’s Carbon Fiber DI-NOC Vinyl 3 Nov 2010 | 02:22 pm
We love being shown new applications that we don’t initially think of when using 3M’s DI-NOC carbon fiber vinyl. This time around, Jeff, took his computer modding to the next level by putting togethe...
~Artist創意工坊~正日本進口正3M™ Scotchprint carbon 車貼專用膠膜正式販售 21 Aug 2011 | 07:08 pm
~Artist創意工坊~正日本進口正3M™ Scotchprint carbon 車貼專用膠膜正式販售 ~Artist創意工坊~正3M™ Scotchprint Wrap Film Series 1080 車貼專用膠膜(CF12黑色碳纖維) ) 3M™ ScotchprintR Wrap Film Series 1080 車貼專用膠膜 高度表現個性化,新潮流與優質感 裝飾多樣,戶外耐候性最...