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ETF2L Season 11 - Final Tables 2 Apr 2012 | 09:32 am
The 11th edition of the famous European Team Fortress 2 League has come to his end. This season we participated with two ScS Gaming teams. Our european team in division 4c and our polish TF2 team in d...
ETF2L Season 11 - Week 1 25 Jan 2012 | 04:34 am
This week the ETF2L Season 11 will start and we are about to go in our first matches for the round one. Our european ScS Gaming team in division 4c will meet the english team of "9 Men". In division 4...
Clarity OSS Limited Releases Appendix 4C for Q3 2012 30 Apr 2012 | 10:00 pm
(ACN: 057 345 785) ASX Announcement Clarity OSS Limited Releases Appendix 4C for Q3 2012 Sydney, Australia: 30 April, 2012 – Clarity OSS Limited (“Clarity” or “Company”), the award-winning provid...
关于钻石4C 24 May 2012 | 05:28 pm
“4C”是您判断一颗钻石价值与品质的衡量标准。所谓“4C”即是4个以C开头的英文单词的简称,指钻石的克拉重量(CARAT WEIGHT)、净度(CLARITY)、色泽(COLOUR)、切工(CUT)。只需综合“4C”的四点来鉴赏,您就可以轻而易举的了解一颗钻石的价值与品质。钻石价格=重量+色泽+净度+切工。 克拉重量(Carat) 钻石重量以克拉(又称卡)计算。1克拉=200毫克=0.2克。一...
Alfa Romeo 4C Concept 9 Mar 2011 | 02:33 pm
The direction for design and feel in which car companies should be heading the Alfa Romeo 4C leads the way and shows us how it’s done. Heavily inspired by arguably the prettiest car of the past decad...
Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4GHz 8M LGA1155 20 May 2012 | 03:28 pm
Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4GHz 8M LGA1155 Ivy Bridge BX80637I73770【BOX】 対応ソケット: LGA1155 コア / スレッド:4C/8T 動作周波数:3.40GHz Turbo boost:3.90GHz キャッシュ:8MB List Price: ¥ 26,800 Price: ¥ 26,600
4=3 Theorem 9 Mar 2012 | 10:10 pm
It is a simple trick to proof 3=4 Like my previous post i.e. 2=1 so please read the proof carefully Theorem: 3=4 Proof: Suppose: a + b = c This can also be written as: 4a - 3a + 4b - 3b = 4c - 3c A...
Sejarah Manajemen Proyek 17 Apr 2012 | 01:38 am
Nama: Ryana NIM: 18100808 Kelas: 12.4C.13 Mata Kuliah: Pengantar Manajemen Proyek Sistem... - Xzero | Try To Glow In The Dark -
Pengertian Manajemen Proyek 17 Apr 2012 | 01:29 am
Nama: Fani Melfiani NIM: 18100743 Kelas: 12.4C.13 Mata Kuliah: Pengantar Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi Pengertian Manajeme Manajemen merupakan sebuah proses terpadu dimana individu-indiv...
Kompetensi Yang Harus Dimiliki Seorang Manajer Proyek 13 Apr 2012 | 08:53 am
Nama: Rika Amalia NIM: 18100644 Kelas: 12.4C.13 Mata Kuliah: Pengantar Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi Seorang manager proyek merupakan seorang professional dalam bidang manajemen proyek. ...