Most 617 area code related news are at:

Is That a Verizon Payphone? 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Actually, no. Closer inspection reveals that the bedraggled Verizon name crowning this curbside payphone belies the fact that it is now owned by Van Wagner, one of two display advertising companies wh...
Phone Booth Scene from Hitchcock's "The Birds" 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", released in 1963, is still an amazingly scary (if mystifying) story of birds gone bananas. These were the original angry birds long before a video game by that name exi...
More 617 area code related news:
Rolling Stone Gathers Animosity and Mayor Menino Responds with Eloquence 18 Jul 2013 | 06:17 pm
By Karen Reynolds, Treasurer, Publicity Club of New England We Bostonians are a resilient bunch. The past few months have not been easy. Inside the 617 area code, we have endured high-profile murder ...
Burglar alarms delay Georgia's new 762 area code 25 Feb 2006 | 10:32 am
The Georgia Public Service Commission has delayed the implementation of the new 762 area code in north Georgia by six months. The new area code, which will be an overlay over the existing 706 area co...
Area Code Scams – Don’t Call These Area Codes: 284, 809, or 876 23 Apr 2012 | 05:00 pm
There are many different ways a fraudster can try to commit phone call scams. A pretty scary scam that is going around right now, is convincing people to call a phone number to collect a some kind of ...
911 Area Code 29 Jan 2012 | 04:57 pm
The 911 area code is the number to dial the police for emergencies (house fires, report violence, etc.).
South Dakota Area Codes 10 Jan 2012 | 04:26 pm
South Dakota area codes (currently, there is only one): * 605 area code In the above listing of area codes for South Dakota, you can click on the area code link to lookup information on that particu...
Washington Area Codes 31 Dec 2011 | 10:07 am
Washington area codes are: * 206 area code * 253 area code * 360 area code * 425 area code * 509 area code * 564 area code In the above listing of area codes for Washington, you can click one o...
Virginia Area Codes 30 Dec 2011 | 03:45 pm
Virginia area codes are: * 276 area code * 434 area code * 540 area code * 571 area code * 703 area code * 757 area code * 804 area code In the above listing of area codes for Virginia, you ca...
Vermont Area Codes 30 Dec 2011 | 03:29 pm
Vermont area codes (currently, there is only one): * 802 area code In the above listing of area codes for Vermont, you can click on the area code link to lookup information on that particular area c...
Utah Area Codes 30 Dec 2011 | 03:20 pm
Utah area codes are: * 385 area code * 435 area code * 801 area code In the above listing of area codes for Utah, you can click one of the area codes to lookup information on that particular area ...
Texas Area Codes 30 Dec 2011 | 03:04 pm
Texas area codes are: * 210 area code * 214 area code * 254 area code * 281 area code * 325 area code * 361 area code * 409 area code * 430 area code * 432 area code * 469 area code * 512 a...