Most 8th edition dwarf faq related news are at:

Whats better than one High Elf Griffon? Two Griffons 27 Aug 2013 | 03:15 am
Started work on my 2nd High Elf Griffon which I've modified so it can be used as a BSB. Plan is to include him in my reworked High Elf army which due to some serious painting over the last week might...
1000pt Warhammer - Dwarfs it is.... but which list? 25 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
1000pts what to take when you know the filth... sorry fun lists others will be bringing. Was planning on Ogres but I miss my Dwarfs so they'll be getting an airing at Warpfire next month and then aga...
More 8th edition dwarf faq related news:
Dwarfs Inbound! 14 Jul 2010 | 04:11 am
As I stated in my last post now that 8th Edition WFB has landed I'm looking at getting my Dwarf on. I managed to get my grubby little mits on a copy of the new Rulebook on Saturday and I've gotta say...
Ogres vs Dwarf – Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report 7 Mar 2013 | 05:14 pm
This game took place on 16th July 2011 using the 8th edition Warhammer Fantasy Rules. It is part of our preparation for the local game stores battalion challenge. Each army has a battalion box, one he...
Warhammer FAQ, Errata (2013 updates) 23 Apr 2013 | 05:50 pm
Games Workshop, April 2013 - new Frequently Asked Fantasy Battle Questions/Answers, WFB Army Book Errata and 8th edition Warhammer and Storm of Magic rule book clarifications. Warhammer Errata and FA...
Warhammer FAQ, Errata (2013 updates) 23 Apr 2013 | 05:50 pm
Games Workshop, April 2013 - new Frequently Asked Fantasy Battle Questions/Answers, WFB Army Book Errata and 8th edition Warhammer and Storm of Magic rule book clarifications. Warhammer Errata and FA...