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ALM’s New York Law Journal Announces Winners of 2012 Reader Rankings 13 Sep 2012 | 12:25 am
NEW YORK – September 12, 2012 – ALM's New York Law Journal reported the results of its third annual Reader Rankings this week in a special section published in the September 10th issue. More than 6,8...
New York Law Journal Honors 'Lawyers Who Lead by Example' 12 Sep 2012 | 08:43 pm
NEW YORK – September 12, 2012 – ALM's New York Law Journal announced its second annual Lawyers Who Lead by Example awards, honoring outstanding pro bono efforts to solve legal problems of the economic...
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Aku Belajar Juga Disini 20 Dec 2011 | 11:29 pm
Seperti kata Alm. Steve Jobs, ” Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” .. aku rasa aku masih perlu banyak belajar, belajar kan ngga kenal umur .. Seneng banget ketemu sekolah ini, banyak sharing dan bener-bener k...
May 25, 2012 - Fashion Basics Blog 27 May 2012 | 08:44 pm
The Fashion Basics steer you to looking your best by giving recommendations on what clothes to select and how to put them together. However, it's absolutely possible to bend the guidelines to make alm...
Myriad Pro vs Helvetica 1 Mar 2010 | 08:08 pm
I was recently forced to choose between the popular fonts Helvetica and Myriad Pro. Both are great fonts, so it’s hard to choose between the two. Helvetica is used by just about everyone, which is alm...
JOEL ALME - WATING FOR THE BELLS (2010) 31 May 2010 | 09:34 am
En un principio, me pareció, música tipo The love boat o vacaciones en el mar, con aires de Rock and Roll; pero al escucharlo mas atentamente, me di cuenta de que ese tono eurovisivo, no le resta cred...
Merhamet ve Şefkat Çağrısı 13 Sep 2008 | 08:19 am
Allah’ın Rasulü oğlu İbrahim’i kucağına almış, onu öpüyor, kokluyor. Küçük yavru son anlarını yaşamaktadır. Çok geçmeden ruhunu teslim edecek ve kâinatın efendisinin gözyaşları yanaklarından süz...
Here was one hot and lusty babe that was irresistible and it didnât take much talking to get naughty Brisa out of her skin tight denim jeans. 16 Oct 2008 | 05:29 pm
Here was one hot and lusty babe that was irresistible and it didnât take much talking to get naughty Brisa out of her skin tight denim jeans. This horny bleached blond slut loved being on camera alm...
Aleyram SesliAleyram.Com Adam OL Tamammı 28 Feb 2012 | 09:15 am
Evet bu aleyram sahibi scorpion denen şahısa gelelim bu vatan daşı biz ne tanır nede muhabbetimiz olan bir it heriftir.. bu vatandaş bizden ayrılan bir şahsiyetle çalışma kararı almış bu aleyram sahi...
Gözlerim Açıldı 25 Apr 2011 | 01:06 am
Bir gün bir kadın banyoya girecekmiş. Kadın tam banyoya girmiş üstünü çıkarmış yıkanıyormuş ki; zil çalmış ,kadın söylene söylene banyodan çıkmış ,bornozunu giymiş kapıyı açmış. Kapıda polis varmış. P...
BEHIND THE APHOTIC AREA 1 May 2010 | 08:10 pm
Beneath the sea, more than two hundred meters under the sea surface, there is a place which is unable to reach by the sunshine. This area is completely dark because no sunshine here. This place is alm...
Çanakkale’de çekilmiş 57. Alay hakkında bir görsel 25 Apr 2011 | 08:07 pm
1 Şubat 1915′te kurulan, 25 Nisan 1915′te Anzak Çıkarmasını durdurmak için savaşa katılan 57. Alay, sancağını 22 Şubat 1915′te Yarbay Mustafa Kemal‘den teslim almıştır. Bigalı Köyü’nde 26 Mart 1915 ...