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Hocalı Katliamı – Ruhlarına El Fatiha… 26 Feb 2012 | 03:10 pm
Hocalı Katliamı – Ruhlarına El Fatiha… Hocalı Katliamı, Karabağ Savaşı sırasında 26 Şubat 1992 tarihinde Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti’nın Dağlık Karabağ bölgesindeki Hocalı kasabasında yaşanan ve Azeri siv...
Navigation system `to boost` Azeri tourism industry 22 Aug 2011 | 11:03 am
An online map of Azerbaijan and a navigation system will boost the development of tourism in the country, according to ICT company Sinam, which developed the project. The project, based on the guide-...
Free Faranak Farid: Azeri Feminist Speaks of Plight of Azeri Women in Iran 13 Sep 2011 | 07:47 am
On September 3, Faranak Farid, an Azeri feminist, writer, poet, translator and secretary of the First Azerbaijan Women’s Congress was arrested in Tabriz. Since then, she has been interrogated for long...
... 21 Jul 2010 | 06:40 am
Hüzünlü Azeri akşamı olsun... "Es deli rüzgar bu günü götür, O biten ömrü yeniden getir..." Gel Ey Seher Getme gel
The Azeris: Alim Qasimov 6 Jul 2011 | 03:03 am
“Björk “adores” a whole range of singers: “Chaka Khan, Beyoncé, Antony” – the latter being Antony Hegarty, a former collaborator who is here in the audience – though her “favourite singer alive today”...
Free Hugs 15 Feb 2011 | 03:27 am
About being positive: a group of young Azeris held a “Free Hugs” flashmob on the streets of Baku – one step closer to my idea of a Kissing Flashmob. Yes, we are a Muslim majority country. Filed unde...
Flying Carpets and the Land of Fire. 2 Oct 2010 | 06:45 am
I'm pretty sure I've talked about this blog before. It's written by Arzu Geybulla, who is an Azeri blogger. Her ideas and interests are along the same lines as mine, but I think a lot more interesting...
CONTEST PHOTO ANAKKU CERIA 17 Mar 2011 | 01:30 am
jom join klik link kat bawah nie tarikh tutup:10 april nama anak:mohd shaheizy ashar bte shahrul azeri umur anak:9 ...
"Posing With Ur Love One - Giveaway" 26 Feb 2011 | 10:38 pm
pADA SaPa-sApA Yg nAk jOiN KlIK Je KaT SiNi yEr Ms aYu nAk lEtAk pIc nIe i lOvE My sOn mUhAmmAd sHaHeIZy aShAr BiN sHaHrUl azErI So sO MuCh...
goodbye my friend 18 Feb 2011 | 11:15 pm
heyhey ! hmm . ta sangke kan kau punn na klua dpd class 4sc yg cun tho kan azery . haishh . lepas sorang , sorang yg na klua . next week , tnggal 14 orang . s'awl bulan 3 , rasyid pulakk yg klua n aka...