Most Booth Pameran related news are at:

Video produksi – pembuatan neon box 27 Aug 2013 | 09:50 am
Dear rekan ASTRO Berikut kami selipkan sedikit aktifitas kami dalam pembuatan neon box di workshop ASTRO. Kami kemas dalam bentuk video berdurasi 1:17 menit. Dalam video terlihat orang-orang kami den...
Neon box yang mana aja kena pajak reklame? 21 Aug 2013 | 09:40 am
Pertanyaan: Apakah semua neon box yang dipasang kena pajak reklame? Jawab: Dear rekan ASTRO Ini pertanyaan yang super sekali. Intinya begini. Menurut aturan pajak reklame yang berlaku, seluruh med...
More Booth Pameran related news:
MBfPC DI Hari Belia 2011 Putrajaya 29 May 2011 | 01:36 pm
Bersempena dengan sambutan Hari Belia 2011, Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (MBfPC) akan mengadakan booth pameran penyusuan susu ibu serta sessi khidmat bimbingan percuma daripada Pembimbing Ib...
Gempar !! Pihak penganjur #HariKoperasi13 kejutkan dengan penemuan senjata merbahaya @MuhyiddinYassin @MukhrizMahathir #KEDAHAMANMAKMUR 25 Aug 2013 | 12:35 pm
Apa yang sebenarnya yang berlaku. Jangan salahkan pihak penganjur. Ini semua hanyalah salah satu dari booth pameran yang disediakan oleh pihak penganjur. Koperasi dari negeri perak mempamerkan pembut...
Ceritaku : Promosi Wisata & Kuliner Indonesia di Perancis 11 Jan 2011 | 09:40 pm
Berikut ceritaku melakukan promosi kuliner dan pariwisata Indonesia melalui kegiatan demo masak (demo cara membuat tumpeng) serta pameran photo dan postcard yg berlangsung tanggal 12 Februari 2010 d...
WHITEvoid @ Light + Building trade fair 2012 in Frankfurt 14 Apr 2012 | 10:12 am
If you are in Frankfurt at the Light + Building trade fair please visit us in hall 5.1. booth D29. We will be presenting our Kinetic Lights system. Please also visit the LivingSculpture kinetic insta...
Meet us at the StarEast software testing conference, StarEast 2012, in Orlando, Florida. April 18-19, Booth #3. 21 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
London Affiliate Conference Review 2 Feb 2010 | 10:46 pm
Just on the train home from London Affiliate Conference today. Was a good conference. Lots of booth babes chasing wide eyes affiliates around. Always entertaining. Really cool spectacle was the organ...
Student Life Moving to University House 29 Aug 2009 | 12:00 am
Student Support services will be limited during the first week of September whilst Student moves from Humphrey Booth House to new accommodation in University House.
Sun/Earth Buffering and Superinsulation: Building for Energy Independence 10 Dec 2011 | 06:50 pm
Author(s): Don Booth, Jonathan Booth, Peg Boyles Publisher: Rodale Pr (September 1984) Paperback: ISBN: 0960442235 ISBN-13: 978-0960442232 Order From: Hardbound: ISBN-10: 0960442243 ISBN...
Presenting the second edition of the Mobile Travel App Guide at ITB Berlin 2012 29 Feb 2012 | 05:00 am
Get a copy of the “Mobile Travel App Guide Edition 2012 powered by ITB” at the booth of mvolution (Hall 7.1C, 104) at the ITB Berlin 2012! Smartphones go mains tream with market penetration surpassin...
LG Spectrum First Look and Hands-on 12 Jan 2012 | 07:14 am
Before day 2 (well, day 1 of the open show floor) ended, we had a chance to sneak into the Verizon booth and grab a quick hands-on with LG’s latest device, the Spectrum. This phone is headed to store ...