Most Bootloader related news are at:

How to troubleshoot hardware problems in Linux 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
I is back and all is well. And now, a rather serious tutorial explaining how to troubleshoot hardware problems in Linux, including classification of problems, methodology, backup & updates, /sys pseud...
XenServer + XenCenter review 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Something rather cool, practical and most unorthodox for today: a XenServer review on a T400 laptop with SSD, VT, and VT-d, covering server bare-metal installation and XenCenter remote management util...
More Bootloader related news:
Como reparar el gestor de arranque de Windows 7 21 Jun 2011 | 03:07 pm
El gestor de arranque de Windows 7, también conocido como bootloader, es un archivo utilizado para cargar el sistema operativo de manera automática, si este archivo se llega a dañar Windows 7 simplem...
What You Need To Know About Apple Repairs 22 Dec 2010 | 07:54 pm
by bootload If you are having trouble with an Apple product, you may be dreading the thought of having Apple repairs performed. It is rare for these products, which include iPods, iPod Touches, iPhon...
Ripristinare il bootloader di Windows 7 18 Mar 2012 | 03:10 am
Avete voluto provare Linux, vi siete “pentiti” e non ne potete più di quella schermata che ogni volta che accendete il computer vi chiede quale sistema operativo avviare? Tranquilli, non dovrete form...
How To Unlock Your New HTC One X Bootloader 3 May 2012 | 08:25 am
So you have the HTC One X. You like your HTC One X. You are bored with your HTC One X. You would like your HTC One X to do more. You want to unlock your HTC One X bootloader. If you’re reading this ar...
Liberación y bloqueo de bootloader de Nokia 710 30 May 2012 | 12:18 pm
La instalación de custom firmwares en nokia Lumia 710 y 800 es posible gracias a un descubrimiento de un dispositivo con el bootloader liberado (unlocked), esto permitió el desarrollo de firmwares mo...
Chung cho Android 17 May 2012 | 01:58 am
Unlock boot loader là gì? (Cái này tùy hãng, hiện tại mình thấy mới chỉ có HTC, Sony và Motorola áp dụng Lock Bootloader) Unlock boot loader sẽ cho phép điện thoại của bạn sử dụng các bản ROM bào ch...
Classic way to costumize linux bootloader 4 May 2011 | 11:58 am
This is a classic way to customizing Bootloader, since its the same way I modified bootloader until few months ago. GRUB Grub uses 640×480(px) and up to 14 color for the background image. You may co...
HTC Working on Unlocking EVO 3D Bootloader 29 Jun 2011 | 12:28 am
Earlier this year, HTC made a promise that going forward, they would ship phones with the bootloader unlocked. Unfortunately, the EVO 3D still arrived in a locked down state. This has caused great t...
Rilis distribusi : Chakra 7 Apr 2011 | 09:16 pm
Setelah bekerja keras selama 2 minggu dalam pengembangan akhir nya ‘Aida’ telah siap untuk di rilis. Beberapa perubahan yang ada pada rilis chakra kali ini adalah : Desktop : KDE SC 4.6.2 Bootloader :...
HTC will not lock the bootloaders on their future Android devices 28 May 2011 | 12:17 am
It should be a really good news for Android hacking community out there. HTC CEO Peter Chou has now said it very loud and clear on the HTC’s official Facebook page that HTC devices will not be shipped...