Most CRO related news are at:

Leaving your mark - How to maximise the potential of your brand online 15 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
Securing trade mark registration for your brands is now moreimportant than ever. Brian Johnston looks at the difficulties facedby those who failed to register their brands early and howregistering can...
Innovation Leadership Recognised in Dublin 21 May 2013 | 04:00 am
Dublin, 21 May 2013 Stockholm has the Nobel, Hollywood the Oscars and today Dublin hosted the first annual European awards for Innovation Leadership. The inaugural Innovation Luminary Awards took plac...
More CRO related news:
CROS Camp 2010. 8 Sep 2010 | 10:50 pm
Complexul 7 Crai din Plaiu Foii a fost asaltat de o gașcă de viitori specialiști în resurse umane și comunicare împreună cu cei ce aveau să contribuie la dezvoltarea lor și bineînțeles echipa de organ...
CRO 18 Jul 2010 | 09:31 pm
Rôti de porc en croûte de sel 7 Oct 2009 | 06:27 am
Lors de notre dernière escapade en Bretagne, nous avons ramené du gros sel marin en vue de faire une préparation en croûte de sel. Ce mode de cuisson au four, simple et savoureux, a l'avantage de gard...
Le e-commerce démarre l’année en fanfare, Actualités – Les Echos Entrepreneur 22 May 2012 | 06:59 pm
Les ventes sur internet continuent de croître à un rythme soutenu, selon la dernière étude trimestrielle de la FEVAD…. Augmentation de 24% par rapport au 1er trimestre 2011, plus de 100’000 sites e-...
Gros jambon, gros délice. 15 Feb 2012 | 09:17 am
Le Gros Jambon, parce que 90% du temps quand j’ai faim, je n’ai pas envie de la « soupe du jour ». Côté casse-croûte, le Vieux-Montréal me laisse un peu sur mon appétit. On fait vite le tour des menu...
Here is Always Somewhere Else 3 Dec 2010 | 09:54 am
Promotional design for Rene Daalder’s Film about the life and work of Bas Jan Ader, who in 1975 disappeared under mysterious circumstances at sea in what would have been the smallest boat ever to cros...
Géologie 2 Feb 2006 | 07:30 pm
Géologie du Belinois Le Belinois résulte d'un soulèvement géologique important qui a fait remonter en surface certaines couches internes de la croûte terrestre comme le montre le schéma ci-contre d'a...
Little Gift Bag (CORRECTIONS MADE 10/13/2010 5 Nov 2009 | 05:05 am
©Judith Prindle 11/04/09 The scan of this bag does not do it justice. The bag is really red and the ribbon gold! worsted weight yarn G hook Abbreviations sc = single crochet hdc = half double cro...
Contract Manager 7 Jul 2011 | 06:29 am
For a Pharmaceutical Company in Singapore: Description The Contract Manager is responsible for the relationship and contracts between the company and suppliers / vendors such as CROs. The main respo...
Zdjęcie: Zajawka: Miedzy 21 a 22 kwietnia hala sportowa CRS Bielany w Warszawie wypełniła się po brzegi entuzjastami fitnessu oraz pasjonatami nowej formy treningu wytrzymałościowo- siłowego – Cro.....