Most Claws Mail related news are at:

Spicebird 0.8 Released 24 Jun 2010 | 09:34 am
Spicebird is a collaboration application built on top of various other open source software, mainly the Mozilla Platform and Thunderbird. More than an year after the previous version we are really pro...
Spicebird Beta 0.7.1 Released! 13 Mar 2009 | 07:11 pm
Spicebird is a collaboration client that provides integrated access to email, contacts, calendaring and instant messaging in a single application. It provides easy access to various web services while...
More Claws Mail related news:
Claws Mail theme 26 Jul 2010 | 09:50 pm
Claws Mail is a GTK-based e-mail client for the Linux platform, formerly known as ‘Sylpheed Claws’. The ‘Coon’s Blue’ theme includes a complete set of graphics for Claws Mail 3.3.0 and above. It can ...
Claws-mail y la renovación de certificados SSL de Gmail 16 Jan 2012 | 08:56 am
Estos últimos días estoy teniendo un problema a la hora de usar claws-mail con Gmail (en Deusto tenemos el correo con Google Apps for Education, así que lo tengo que usar sí o sí) porque cada cierto t...
Getting a good grip on Claws - a review for daily use 17 Feb 2010 | 06:18 am
In 2009 I had written about my experience with Claws Mail. After almost a year with Claws and a few minor releases, I thought it useful to share my experiences after a longer period of time. read mor...
同步 Claws Mail 的回收站到邮件服务器 12 May 2013 | 07:44 am
Gmail 依然是经常抽风,没办法了,只好弄个客户端用, 至少工作的时候用起来比较方便,不用老是等待、重试。 我的使用模式比较复杂,简单描述如下: 工作邮箱主要从 Web 和 Mutt 客户端访问, 主要作用一个是搜索浏览,一个是存档。 所有邮件还会自动转发到另外一个个人邮箱, 这个邮箱使用 Claws Mail 客户端下载,本地管理。 日常工作中,以个人邮箱的客户端为主, 工作邮箱的 Web ...
Claws Mail 不识别 PHPMailer 发送的附件 3 Jul 2013 | 11:25 am
环境:Claws Mail 3.9.1, PHP 5.4.16, PHPMailer 5.2.6 c5e9f7873f 现象:PHPMailer 发送带附件的邮件,直接使用 AddAttachment() 方法 没有其他设置。Claws Mail 收到信以后,查看邮件内容为空白, 附件栏显示: 以下就是空白了。 而能够正常识别附件的邮件,附件栏内容一般为: gmail 和 mutt 中识别...
Как "подружить" Claws-Mail 3.8.1 и апплет уведомлений Ubuntu? 26 Sep 2012 | 06:40 pm
Для большинства пользователей Linux, которые уже долгое время “сидят” в операционной системе Linux стали привычны не те навороченные приложение, которые “укомплектовываются” современные версии операци...
E-Mailverschlüsselung mit PGP unter Windows mit Thunderbird Portable 22 Jul 2013 | 10:00 am
Nachdem ich bereits die Konfiguration von Claws Mail für PGP beschrieben habe, möchte ich hier noch kurz auf die Konfiguration von Mozilla Thunderbird eingehen. ( E-Mailverschlüsselung mit PGP unter W...
Claws Mail for Windows: E-mails em diversas contas ao mesmo tempo 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
O e-mail é uma ferramenta essencial nos dias de hoje. Afinal de contas, as comunicações precisam ser feitas da forma mais rápida possível. E hoje não basta que as pessoas tenham apenas uma conta de e-...
Více než 1000 e-mailových adres 20 Aug 2009 | 09:18 pm
Rádi Vám takto sdělujeme, že již více než 1000 uživatelů využívá e-mailové schránky Chcete-li si také registrovat v e-mailovou schránku zdarma, učiňte tak na
Punny Poll #35: Can You Survive on Five-Day-A-Week Mail? 31 Jul 2009 | 04:10 pm
Last week’s month’s … uh, last year’s (crap, sorry) Punny Poll asked how bad weather had affected your finances. If you can remember back to last year, the entire Midwest of the United States was des...