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EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is having a Twitter Chat 2 Aug 2013 | 08:16 pm
Earlier this week, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy asked that everyone stop talking about how potential regulations cost hard working Americans their jobs. We think it’s important to talk about the im...
Governors on Both Sides See a Future for Coal 1 Aug 2013 | 10:38 pm
Two Governors from opposite sides of the country and from opposite sides of the aisle are both standing up for our coal communities. This morning, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, a Democrat from West Virg...
More Clean Coal related news:
ENERGI BARU 8 Apr 2011 | 01:11 pm
# Clean Coal Technology (CCT) > Underground Coal Gasification and Generetion (UCGG) adalah mengkonversi batu bara di dalam tanah tanpa dengan menambang # Nuclear Energy # Fuel Cell # Pump Storage ...
Clean Coal 30 Mar 2010 | 04:22 am What is clean coal? CCS requires the deposit of carbon must be maintained. The most important thing now is the exhaust gases from power plants, pumps for liquids or gases and un...
Updated Fact sheets on Coal 28 Sep 2011 | 07:19 am
Here are some fact sheets Greenpeace has pulled together on topics to do with coal. Here are two new ones on Coal Ash, a basic fact sheet on Coaland one on the clean coal myth. These are going to con...
#211: Is “Clean Coal” a Dead End? 10 Dec 2009 | 09:12 am
MuseLetter #211 / December 2009 by Richard Heinberg Download printable PDF version here (PDF, 109 KB) 1. Is "Clean Coal" a Dead End? Note: this article is being featured in the...
Environment: Necessity or Luxury? 5 May 2011 | 03:33 pm
Ray Suarez: The Environment Moves From Necessity to Luxury Politicians and industrialists get all dreamy when they use the phrase “clean coal technology,” but there’s just no getting around the fact ...
stop talking about clean coal it don't excise 18 Jan 2009 | 01:59 pm
Economics and Climate Change in Australia 15 Feb 2008 | 02:51 pm
very interesting article, though i am concerned about the clean coal stuff. cameron +++++ Going green for cost of a phone call
Clean Coal or Dirty Coal? 3 Oct 2006 | 08:51 pm
When President Bush said “America is addicted to oil”, he could also have said that America is addicted to coal. Most Americans are not aware of the sheer scale of current coal use in the United Stat...
World’s 40%-plus dependence on energy coal set to grow – Clean Coal Centre 10 Dec 2012 | 11:27 pm
JOHANNESBURG – The world’s dependence on coal for more than 40% of its power needs was not showing any signs of decreasing, but was instead poised to increase slightly in the next 20 years, Clean Coal...
Updated Fact sheets on Coal 28 Sep 2011 | 12:19 am
Here are some fact sheets Greenpeace has pulled together on topics to do with coal. Here are two new ones on Coal Ash, a basic fact sheet on Coaland one on the clean coal myth. These are going to con...