Most DNA fingerprinting related news are at:

Captain Cook’s childhood home 27 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Before Captain James Cook set out to find Australia, he lived and worked on a farm outside a small village.
GALLERY: The Spokesman 26 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
See the four-room Queenslander that houses the 180-200 pushies of vintage bicycle enthusiast James MacDonald.
More DNA fingerprinting related news:
ДНК профили 31 Jul 2011 | 03:33 am
Преди няколко месеца в моя институт гостува cър Aлек Джефрис, който е открил и развил една от най-популярните техники за създаване на ДНК профили, известна като DNA fingerprinting (в превод нещо като ...
What are some of the qualities/characteristics of Ancient Egyptian art that are used in contemporary art? 31 Aug 2011 | 09:29 am
or how did it influence contemporary art? Related Posts: Genetic Dna Fingerprints Used in Exciting New Contemporary Art Contemporary Art Concepts How can i be a contemporary artist when i hate com...
DNA Fingerprinting 3 Oct 2012 | 01:11 pm
DNA Structure (also called Double Helix Structure) This is a very popular topic in Civil Services Exams scenario. So what is DNA Fingerprinting? DNA (Deoxyribo nucleic acid) is the material... This...
CDFD Recruitment 2013 JRF, Project Asst, RA – Apply online 24 Aug 2013 | 06:12 pm
CDFD Recruitment 2013 JRF, Project Asst, RA – Apply online : Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of ...
OpenPCR: DNA amplification for anyone 9 Jun 2010 | 02:54 pm
OpenPCR is a cool new project dedicated to building plans for an open source PCR machine. There’s not much inherently complicated about a PCR machine and it’s about time — a PCR machine built with $30...
DNA Network Tweet Cloud 29 Nov 2009 | 05:13 pm
FYI. I tweet about genetics and related science topics under The DNA Network Twitter account @DNAnetwork. Are you on Twitter? by Tweet Cloud
DNA{wesome} 16 Nov 2009 | 12:01 am
That’s right, baby! via Buzzfeed
Genetics = Real Science 15 Nov 2009 | 04:37 am
Matchmaking services are adding DNA testing to their list of offers. The DNA test analyzes HLA genes of the immune system that influence a person’s body odor. The theory is that people are attracted t...
Larry David’s DNA Test 14 Nov 2009 | 04:46 am
Larry David found out last night on Lopez Tonight that he “fails as a European” being only 63% European according to a DNA ancestry test. David seemed genuinely surprised by the remaining 37% of his e...
Lopez Tonight First Late-Night Show to Offer DNA Testing 13 Nov 2009 | 03:58 am
Now we know that claim is misleading. Maury Povich and other talk shows have been offering DNA paternity testing for years but I guess those shows are on during the daytime. In any case, Larry David o...