Most DSiWare related news are at:

Trailer di lancio per One Piece: Pirate Musou 22 Feb 2012 | 01:56 am
A pochi giorni dall’uscita, Namco Bandai ha pubblicato un nuovo corposo filmato di One Piece: Pirate Musou (conosciuto anche con la dicitura “Warriors”). La software house nipponica ci mostra le imma...
Primi dettagli sul Tokyo Game Show 2012 19 Feb 2012 | 01:56 am
Emergono dalla rete i primi dettagli sul Tokyo Games Show 2012 (date, appuntamenti, stand esclusivi). CESA, ente giapponese coinvolto nell’organizzazione dell’evento, ha rilasciato nuovi dettagli sul...
More DSiWare related news:
Pflanzen gegen Zombies ab heute für Nintendo DS erhältlich! 6 May 2011 | 10:00 am
Hamburg, 06. Mai 2011 - PopCap Games, weltweit führender Anbieter von "Casual Video Games", gibt heute den mit Spannung erwarteten Start von Pflanzen gegen Zombies® für Nintendo DS™und Nintendo DSiWar...
Daily Update! Motion Control op de DSi 10 Jan 2010 | 03:53 am
Er zijn nieuwe spellen op het DSiWare en WiiWare. Ook is er nu Motion Control op de DSi mogelijk. Daar hebben we een filmpje van en een interview met het bedrijf dat het mogelijk maakte.
Mighty Milky Way 10 May 2011 | 02:54 pm
Mighty Milky Way, WayForward’s latest and greatest downloadable game, is available right now on Nintendo DSiWare! I promise you’ll love it from the title screen onward; it’s a pretty addictive little ...
Nintendo 3DS eShop channel ... some thoughts 6 Jul 2011 | 02:39 pm
The eShop channel has been out for a few weeks and is a much needed improvement over the older DSiWare Shop channel for the DSi. Thank you Nintendo. I do, however, have a few gripes with the current e...
Final DSiWareHax 26 Aug 2011 | 06:53 am
The final DSiWareHax is now available, goto the exploitslist for the list of exploited DSiWare and the usage instructions for the exploits. The updated Sudokuhax is now available as well, the main cha...
DSiWare Exploit Sudokuhax Release 28 Jan 2011 | 07:13 am
Update: 28/01/2011 Nintendo removed Sudoku from the EUR/AU and USA DSi Shop. At the time of the USA Sudoku removal, there was 234 injection requests from the client software, and 1684 client software ...
Novidades serviços digitais Nintendo (02/08/12) 30 Jul 2012 | 05:49 pm
Fiquem com os lançamentos desta semana (quinta-feira) para os serviços de download das consolas Nintendo, nomeadamente eShop, DSiWare, Virtual Console (Wii), Virtual Console (3DS) e Nintendo Video. J...
>> News | 25.07.2011 - „Artillery: Knights vs. Orcs“ für Nintendo DSiWare 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Lass es krachen! Auf dem DSi geht es explosiv zur Sache: Bei „Artillery: Knights vs. Orcs“ stehen sich Ritter und Orks mit ihren mächtigen Kanonen gegenüber und beschießen sich aus vollen Rohren. We...
eShop Nieuws Week 37 10 Sep 2012 | 09:42 pm
Terug van weggeweest is de eShop Nieuws update, hieronder de nieuwste items in de eShop; Nintendo 3DS download software PICROSS e Nintendo DSiWare Crazy Hunter Virtual Console (Wii) REAL BOUT FATAL...
eShop Nieuws Week 39 28 Sep 2012 | 03:34 am
Deze week weer nieuw spul in de eShop; Nintendo 3DS download software Balloon Pop® Remix Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D Nintendo DSiWare Crazy Chicken Pirates WiiWare Successfully Learning English Year 5...