Most Dr Pepper related news are at:

As histórias por trás de itens à venda no eBay 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Uma intersecção entre antropologia digital e analógica, usando o ambiente online para compartilhar memórias, reconfigurando objetos, dando novos contextos e transformando o consumo. Desde 2007, Emily...
New Zealand Insurance usa cadeira endiabrada para falar de seguro 27 Aug 2013 | 12:15 am
Incêndio, inundação e alguns outros acidentes de percurso fazem parte de qualquer ramo de negócio e muitas vezes a diferença entre ter um baita prejuízo ou não é o seguro. Mas, convenhamos, uma apólic...
More Dr Pepper related news:
The Lazy Gamer’s Guide To: Fried Rice 6 Apr 2012 | 11:45 am
Let’s face it, we gamers don’t eat well. At all. I remember days in college when my diet consisted entirely of hot pockets and 20 oz bottles of Dr. Pepper. That is, when I was aware enough of the time...
Small Business Marketing: Learning From Others 28 Oct 2011 | 08:28 am
Guest article by Joseph Lizio Dr. Pepper has just kicked off a new marketing campaign for its latest soft drink creation targeted to men only – Dr. Pepper Ten. Ignoring the soft drink itself which ...
Country Style Ribs with a Dr Pepper and Dried Cherry Cole Slaw 14 Sep 2011 | 04:21 am
Braised Short Ribs 7 Feb 2011 | 06:35 pm
In honor of my home state hosting Super Bowl XLV, I braised beef short ribs in the unofficial soda of Texas--Dr. Pepper. Sweet and sticky with a touch of spice, these fork-tender ribs were an ideal ha...
DR PEPPER PhD. 250mL ERLENMEYER FLASK 8 May 2011 | 03:56 pm
Dá um gole? 24 Nov 2008 | 04:54 pm
Hahaha, eu sei que foi boba, mas eu ri! Via Dr Pepper.
invyte ™ Advertising Group Announces Its Sponsorship of One of the Premier Stops on the PGA’s Nationwide Tour 7 Aug 2009 | 11:28 am
Springfield, MO, invyte ™ Advertising Group proudly announced its sponsorship of the Price Cutter Charity Championship, presented by Dr Pepper. This stop on the PGA Nationwide Tour is part of a nearly...
The nerdiest soaps on the internets. 12 Apr 2012 | 07:07 am
Chrystal Doucette on Etsy. Yes, I said “soaps”. Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew scented and all! ∞ permalink » 1 comment » 16 words posted in: Geeking, Meanwhile, on the Internet...,
How far will companies go to keep up with the youth market? 11 Aug 2010 | 10:03 pm
After Dr. Pepper managed to post a mention of a porn film on a teenage girl’s Facebook profile last month, we have been pondering the boundaries that come with social media promotions and how far they...
Bottle Vase Trio 8 Sep 2011 | 09:23 am
I love the look of these little soda bottles. We like to indulge in the occasional Dublin Dr. Pepper. So we have a few of these cute little bottle hanging around. They were begging to have some flo...