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ecG 2 Mar 2011 | 11:30 pm
استاد پارسایی: Kinetic Foriat استاد صادقیان: ANS و استاد دولتی : (به صورتPDF) antianx-hypn antipsych-antepileptic-2 localanes-antihis پسورد دانلود :
ECG 18 Feb 2010 | 04:02 am
سلام، این یه جزوه الکتروکاردیوگرام هست که انگلیسیه. و مشکلش اینه که خیلی زیادی توضیح داده، pdfش حدود ۷۰ صفحه ست. در مورد الکتروکاردیوگرام شما فقط منشأ هر کدوم از موج ها رو بدونید کافیه. بعدش دیگه میت...
ECG Forum wieder online 1 Oct 2010 | 07:50 pm
Da wir es seit einigen Tagen geschafft haben das ECG-Forum wieder neu auf die Beine zu stellen, habe ich das virtuelle Gästezimmer hier 'mal wieder eingemottet... ;-)
Heart Function Review 21 Nov 2011 | 06:54 am
Cardiac cycle ECG p wave QRS complex T wave Ventricular pressure vs time tracing Aortic pressure vs time tracing Atrial pressure vs time tracing a wave: atrial contraction c wave: [...]
14th First Aid/BLS/Professional CPR with AED & ECG Training (last July 30 – August 01, 2009) 8 Aug 2009 | 04:06 pm
Cebu, Philippines (July 30 – August 01, 2009) – successfully finished the 14th batch of First Aid/BLS/CPR with AED & ECG Training. It was a fun experience and there were 51 participants joined the tra...
Electronic Tattoos For Body Monitoring & Lifelogging 13 Sep 2011 | 12:34 am
Flexible electronic temporary tattoos that can measure things like heartbeats on the chest (ECG), muscle contractions in the leg (EMG), and alpha waves through the forehead (EEG). The devices include ...
Philips Healthcare's Sierra ECG format XLI Compression Scheme 27 Dec 2011 | 03:52 pm
One of the services I work for has recently acquired a Philips HeartStart MRx cardiac monitor. It came complete with Bluetooth transmission of 12-Lead and event data. At roughly the same time our serv...
ECG Simulator 24 Jun 2011 | 02:01 am
ECG Simulator provides a variety of mimicked heartbeats and heart disease simulations. It's a valuable tool for learning about electrocardiology and the heart. With a simple layout and controls, this ...
Je hartslag op je smartphone 7 Sep 2011 | 04:27 pm
maandag, September 19, 2011 Polar heeft er voor gezorgd dat ECG-nauwkeurige hartslagmeting ook beschikbaar is op je smartphone met de Polar WearLink®+ hartslagsensor met Bluetooth®. Deze borstband wa...
Advanced Methods And Tools for ECG Data Analysis Ebook Download 18 Mar 2011 | 06:28 am
Gari D. Clifford, Francisco Azuaje, Patrick McSharry, "Advanced Methods And Tools for ECG Data Analysis" Publisher: Artech House Publishers | 2006 | English | ISBN: 1580539661 | 384 pages | File type:...