Most Edvard Munch related news are at:

Überelhetetlen animgif a Ben Géza Affleck lesz Batman témára. 24 Aug 2013 | 02:21 am
Überelhetetlen animgif a Ben Géza Affleck lesz Batman témára.
Ez már tényleg nem semmi, szeptember negyedikén The Star Wars... 21 Aug 2013 | 02:11 pm
Ez már tényleg nem semmi, szeptember negyedikén The Star Wars címmel kijön egy képregény George Lucas legelső, még nagyon jelentősen eltérő, nyers forgatókönyve alapján. Kicsit megkapirgáltam a témát...
More Edvard Munch related news:
Edvard Munch 27 May 2012 | 11:42 pm
Ich habe letztens einen Ausflug zu der Ausstellung Edvard Munch in Frankfurt (Schirn Kunsthalle) gemacht und habe dort viele schöne Bilder gesehen. Wir waren auch in einem Workshop und haben dort Bi...
A brief note on the awesomeness of Comics. 11 May 2012 | 11:29 am
Edvard Munch’s The Scream (1895). Sold at Sothebys New York on 2 May, 2012 for $119,000,000.00 Justin Green’s Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary (1972). Currently available on Etsy for $10.00...
À voir absolument 29 Sep 2011 | 01:29 am
Edvard Munch, LOeil moderne par centrepompidou
UNIDAD IV: BAJO EL SIGNO ATONAL (4) Expresionismo 19 Jul 2009 | 05:40 am
La danza de la vida, del noruego Edvard Munch, pintor vinculado al grupo El puente, uno de los fundadores del expresionismo plástico. ZAPKE, Susana, "Transfiguraciones líricas", en Revista de Occident...
EL CRIT 6 Nov 2010 | 08:47 pm
Els alumnes de 1r d'ESO reinterpren El Crit d'Edvard Munch. Aquest quadre s'ha convertiten un símbol de lluita i protesta contra el que ens envolta. Ells han fet la seva propia lluita i llançat el seu...
Edvard Munch: not just The Scream 11 Oct 2011 | 07:27 pm
Centre Pompidou’s exhibition “Edvard Munch: The Modern Eye” does not have his most famous painting, The Scream, in it. The exhibition highlights lesser know pieces, showing how the curiosity of the ar...
Happy Cupcake Friday 30 Oct 2010 | 12:21 am
Had to cap off the week with these Edvard Munch inspired spice cookies pops. Click here for the recipe. Have a happy Friday and Halloween everyone!
Sophistry Corner: Argh! 3 May 2012 | 09:09 pm
Edvard Munch’s The Scream. OK, it does have something about it. If you happen to be drunk, on a diet of sweet-smelling oriental herbs or four years old. That someone would pay nigh on $120,000,000 (th...
How do you say “AAARRRGGGHH” auf deutsch? 19 Mar 2011 | 03:01 am
If a cat cries miau, miau and person yells Aua! when he stubs his toe, what German sound should I make when I want to SCREAM? I'm no Edvard Munch, but I think I at least captured my fondness for purp...
Thiel Art Gallery, Stockholm 20 Dec 2009 | 08:10 pm
The Thiel family residence in Stockholm is today one of Swedens finest art galleries. Famous paintings by Edvard Munch, Anders Zorn, Bruno Liljefors and more.