Most FSM related news are at:

Bathed in the holy light of a desk lamp 17 Aug 2012 | 03:08 am
My coworker, Max, made the body on a lark using the paper shredder. Weeks later, His Noodly Appendage touched my heart and helped me decide that it should become an homage to the FSM. We began constru...
I spotted the FSM at the Olympics 8 Aug 2012 | 04:48 pm
And He has the best seat in the house. -Nate Nate, I think you might be right, but can we be sure this is the FSM, and not a Pastafarian evangelizing with athletic tape? I will watch more beach volley...
More FSM related news:
COMET FSM Las COMET son, ante todo, tablas diseñadas para... 5 Jan 2012 | 08:37 am
COMET FSM Las COMET son, ante todo, tablas diseñadas para freeride: stand-ups y derrapes en general son fáciles gracias al rocker, a la solidez y a los cóncavos agradables. Lo mejor: hechas 100% con ...
MEDIATION BP 17 Feb 2012 | 04:52 am
MEDIATION BP Familienmediation und Wirtschaftsmediation {loadposition VideoMediation1} Mediation BP ist Mitglied im schweizerischen Dachverband für Mediation SDM-FSM und im Institut für Mediation ....
Finite State Machines 14 Aug 2009 | 04:59 am
So after a long hiatus I have decided to jump back into the Flash scene. I am going to kick off my return with a continuation of the Building a Game Stucture series. Today we look into FSM ( Finite St...
iPhone 5: Are you going to upgrade? 26 Sep 2011 | 08:38 pm
In October of this year, Apple are expecting to release the iPhone 5, but are you going to be one of the people who upgrade from your old iPhone? Perhaps this infographic will help you decide. [FSM]
I challenged my Gran to make an FSM Cake 16 May 2012 | 07:02 am
Hello, my name is Daniel (devoted Pastafarian). I challenged my Gran to make an FSM cake for my 18th, and I’ve attached the result to this email. I thought it turned out rather well. Awesome!
What should we do with our own currency? 20 Apr 2012 | 07:21 pm
Jerry from VectorGeek made us some FSM money. Beautiful work! What should we do with it? My first thought is something like those propaganda tracts that when folded appear to be folded money but.....
God particle found 5 Jul 2012 | 02:26 am
Physicists at CERN say they’ve found the Higgs Boson. Not surprising – illustrations of the “God Particle” closely resemble the FSM. Below are two good articles about the discovery. Scientists s...
FSM and Raptor Jesus 1 Jul 2012 | 02:54 am
Check out this portrait of the FSM and Raptor Jesus. I notice RJ is giving the shocker. Artist Firell is the mastermind behind this work. More can be found at her site here.
Sırat bile geçilir FSM asla 18 Jun 2012 | 08:52 pm
Günler öncesinden yayınlar yapılmış “FSM’de üç şerit trafiğe kapatılacak” denmişti. TV’ler haberleri yapmış, biz de Radikal’de deniz yollarına vurgu yaptığımız haberi yayımlamıştık. Yani işin enformas...
HOR FSM 110 KİŞİYLE TÜRKİYE’DE 24 Jul 2012 | 05:55 pm
Bosna Hersek’in 110 kişiden oluşan Fatih Sultan Mehmet Korosu, Türkiye turnesine Manisa’nın Turgutlu ilçesinden başladı. Mehmet Bajraktareviç tarafından kurulan, Sırp, Hırvat ve Boşnak çocukların yer...