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Resep Puding Karamel | Flan au Caramel 11 Jan 2011 | 09:40 am
Puding Caramel atau Puding Karamel atau Flan au Caramel, cara bikinnya gampang, hasilkan puding lembut, enak dan bergizi. Menu yang cocok untuk anak yang gak suka minum susu langsung, sebagai alternat...
1.30c Change Log 16 Sep 2011 | 03:08 am
Changes Lowered mana regen per point of int to .03 from .1 Lowered flan hp to 200 Lowered flan level to 3 Changed creeps around a bit in undead dungeon first floor Added more rocks to harpies nes...
Classification des aliments: À EVITER 8 Oct 2008 | 11:58 pm
À EVITERQuiche lorraine, pâtes à la carbonara, frites, purée de pommes de terre, choucroute garnies, bricks, petits fours, barres chocolatées, crème de marron, crème dessert industrielle, flan, pain d...
FLAN DE HUEVO LIGHT 23 May 2011 | 02:50 am
Llevo unos días haciendo la famosa dieta Dukan y me esta funcionando. Necesitaba algo dulce, hay muchas recetas pero tampoco me quería complicar mucho. Así que aquí os presento los flanes que he hech...
Flan de vainilla sin azúcar 13 Mar 2012 | 11:39 am
Una de los aspectos que debe tener en cuenta un diabético es su alimentación. Estos, entre otras cosas, deben procurar llevar una dieta equilibrada, intentando en todo momento tener controlado el peso...
Flan Casero 17 May 2012 | 01:48 am
Un clásico de los postres que no podés dejar de disfrutar en familia y con amigos: Flan Casero! Ingredientes 4 Cdas de Esencia de Vainilla 1 Litro de Leche 9 Huevos 250 grs de Azúcar Caramelo, Crema y...
LAST PROJECT 9 Jun 2011 | 10:48 pm
Frutiflan & Naturfruit The easiest way to eat fruit The easiest way to eat fruit. It is a dessert which contains only fruit. Is not gelatin or compote, its texture is similar to that of a Flan but...
Mexican Flan Recipe 7 May 2012 | 09:40 pm
Flan is probably the most known Mexican dessert out side of Mexico, this particular recipe is about making classical Mexican Flan, with vanilla and caramel. It is great for any occasion and if you wan...
Flan on Dog Part II A tribute to Rick’s inspiring... 29 Jul 2011 | 04:33 am
Flan on Dog Part II A tribute to Rick’s inspiring statements about homosexuality and other sexual acts (including “Man on Dog”) that he believes Lawrence v. Texas legitimizes. Since the Supreme Cour...
Flan on Dog Part I Looking to beat the heat with your meat this... 10 Jul 2011 | 05:57 am
Flan on Dog Part I Looking to beat the heat with your meat this summer? There’s no better way to celebrate Cuatro de Julio than by pouring some cold flan on a hot dog. I would make some pun about wie...