Most Flickr vs Picasa related news are at:
Focal Length & The F-Number Mystery — Why Do We Call Them F-stops? 16 Jul 2013 | 04:02 pm
Focal length, f-number, f-stops — are you set for a little physics on the part of the art called photography? As much as photography is about capturing the shots with an artist’s eye, it is equally a...
Hands-On Experience With The Sony Cyber-Shot RX1 4 Jul 2013 | 04:45 pm
I‘ve shot around 60,000 photographs with my Nikon D80 and it is pending a shutter-unit replacement. I’ve shot almost everything with it. That’s the camera with which I grew as a photographer and that’...
More Flickr vs Picasa related news:
5 Major Differences — Flickr Vs Picasa & Which One Is Better 14 May 2013 | 12:38 pm
In the digital age, online photo-sharing has become a buzz word. Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, Photobucket, etc have facilitated sharing the photographs online. Primarily conceptualized as photo-sharing a...
Pixable 6 Aug 2009 | 04:30 am
Pixable es una aplicación que permite seleccionar fotografías disponibles para el usuario en redes y aplicaciones sociales como Facebook, Flickr y Picasa, diseñar un álbum de fotos en papel y enviarlo...
Flickr vs. 500px 12 Apr 2012 | 01:15 am
Bei den beiden Foto-Communities 500px und Flickr scheiden sich ja die Geister. Welcher Dienst hat jetzt am meisten zu bieten für sein Geld? Ich bin da ja relativ einfach gestrickt und habe einen Accou...
Facebook affine l’image 29 Mar 2012 | 04:16 pm
Le réseau social « gossip » est en passe de devenir aussi bon que Flickr ou Picasa dans leur spécialité : le partage de photos. En effet, l’album photos est la dernière amélioration de Facebook, après...
Уязвимость в WordPress темах 9 Aug 2011 | 08:29 pm
Входящая во многие wordpress темы утилита для изменения размера изображений timthumb.php, уязвима к загрузке произвольного PHP-кода. В конфиге скрипта лежат несколько доменов (,,...
jbgallery – Immagini da Picasa/Flickr via YQL 19 Mar 2010 | 01:40 am
DEMO PICASA FLICKR Pubblico due snippets di codice, per popolare jbgallery via Flickr o Picasa. Il vantaggio è avere a “costo zero” un backoffice per la gestione della galleria. ISTRUZIONI PER L’...
Fotos do Instagram, Flickr, 500px, Picasa e outros, como fundo de tela (Wallpaper) 22 May 2013 | 02:24 am
Se você não quer ter um desktop monótono, que tal um programa que troca a imagem de fundo do seu desktop, de tempos em tempos? Eu já uso um, faz algum tempo, é o programa gratuito John’s Background Sw...
Google acquires online photo-editing tool Picnik 2 Mar 2010 | 05:45 pm
Today Google announced that it is acquiring online photo editing software company Picnik. Picnik's online software lets users edit photos from picture sharing services like Picasa Web Albums, Flickr, ...
5 things that used to be common around me 10 Jul 2011 | 11:02 pm
1. Photo Albums Collection I’m not talking about Flickr, Picasa or Fotopages (de facto Malaysian online photo album site), but I’m talking about the classic Photo Album books. Once, every household m...
Home Values May Fall 30% in 2010 and You Want to Buy When? 10 Apr 2010 | 04:00 pm
Homebuyer Strategy vs. The Balancing Act of a Lifetime – what’s yours? Photo courtesy of Pink Sherbet’s photostream via Flickr Is now a good time to buy a house? Based on what you’ve heard here, in...