Most Four Roses Bourbon related news are at:

Are Whisky Stones Safe? 21 Aug 2013 | 07:53 pm
Whisky stones are made of soapstone, a metamorphic rock, and are often promoted as a way to chill your drink without diluting it. Ice can do it more effectively but it introduces more water when it me...
Oldest Known Record of Scotch: 1494 12 Jul 2013 | 09:56 pm
I stumbled upon this little nugget of trivia the other day: What is the earliest historic record of the distillation of Scotch whisky? The earliest historical reference to distilling in Scotland app...
More Four Roses Bourbon related news:
Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon review 22 Mar 2012 | 03:04 am
Some folks have regular drinks they pair with cigars. When I enjoy a stogie, I like to switch it up a bit between scotch, rum, bourbon and, most recently, beer. I’ll drink most of these with cigars, ...
Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon review 21 Mar 2012 | 11:04 pm
Some folks have regular drinks they pair with cigars. When I enjoy a stogie, I like to switch it up a bit between scotch, rum, bourbon and, most recently, beer. I’ll drink most of these with cigars, b...
My Four Roses 5 Jun 2013 | 11:35 pm
Gardens have their own way of doing things. Some years some plants look great, other years they don’t even show up; no real rhyme or reason to it. Of course, we could say it is the weather. After all,...
Ling & Louie’s Asian Bar and Grill Celebrates National Bourbon Heritage Month in September 31 Aug 2012 | 04:58 am
Popular East Meets West restaurant concept partners with Beam, Inc. to roll out special bourbon-infused menu, bourbon tasting event and four course bourbon pairing dinner. Phoenix, AZ— Ling & Louie’s ...
Rendezvous am Mittag 20 Aug 2013 | 09:57 am
Ein doppelter Four Roses ohne Eis würde es jetzt bringen. Ich bezweifle, dass sie die Marke hier haben. Es ist kein besonders nobles Schnäpschen. Mir käme es auf die Wirkung an. Der Drink schlägt in m...
whisky review 388 - Four Roses Single barrel Bourbon 26 Aug 2013 | 02:10 am
Nueva edición del bourbon Four Roses 22 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
La destilería de Kentucky anuncio para este año, el lanzamiento de la segunda edición limitada de Four Roses por la celebración del 125 aniversario de la marca, sera una pequeña edición de un sólo bar...
Idol’s Top 4 Add Duets to Rock Week 6 May 2009 | 01:21 pm
This week Guns N Roses’ Slash joined American Idol’s Top 4 for Rock Week. If the excitement of seeing the final four rock out wasn’t enough, Idol added duets to the mix this week. Starting the night...
New Colors 9 May 2012 | 11:14 pm
We have four new colors of silk rose petals being listed. Some are from our older color selection, and one is new. Cornflower, Mustard Yellow, Harvest Gold and Orchid
A bracelet with four stone embellished circular links. These are held together by a delicate chain. A bracelet that will gently drape over your wrist as you rest your hand down. This bracelet will wor...