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Δήλωση του Πρωθυπουργού κ. Αντώνη Σαμαρά 22 Aug 2013 | 06:14 pm
ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ Πέμπτη, 22 Αυγούστου 2013 Η πρώτη κατοικία των κοινωνικά αδύναμων πολιτών και όσων αποδεδειγμένα λόγω της κρίσης δεν μπορούν να εξυπηρετήσουν τα δάνεια τους, θα προστατευθ...
Δήλωση του Πρωθυπουργού κ. Αντώνη Σαμαρά, μετά το πέρας της συνάντησής του με τον Γενικό Γραμματέα του Ο.Η.Ε. κ. Ban Ki-moon. 10 Aug 2013 | 02:20 pm
ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ Σάββατο, 10 Αυγούστου 2013 Ερωτηθείς από δημοσιογράφους μετά το πέρας της συνάντησής του με τον Γενικό Γραμματέα του Ο.Η.Ε. κ. Ban Ki-moon, ο Πρωθυπουργός κ. Α...
More Greek government related news:
Market Analysis Forex - 14 may 2012 14 May 2012 | 10:52 pm
The Greek government hangs mired in discontent as Syriza continues to spurn attempts at creating a unity government with bailout parties. This indecision is forcing European Union leaders to reconsid...
Gold Bounces Back 11 Mar 2012 | 06:15 am
All eyes this week have once again been on Greece – as of a few moments ago the Greek government has announced that it will be enacting their “collective action clauses” (CACs) on Greek bonds. In its ...
Mikis Theodorakis warns against sale of Greek assets 28 May 2011 | 04:19 am
Mikis Thedorakis warns potential buyers of Greek assets against the privatisation plan of the Greek government. He says that the Greek regime acts against the wishes and interests of the Greek people...
FRONTEX border guard forces launched in Evros, RABITs first activation 5 Nov 2010 | 04:18 am
The deployment of European border guard forces under Greek command has been launched in the northeast Evros region along the river border with Turkey, following an official request by the Greek govern...
Acropolis Athens all decoration removing to museums 3 Jun 2007 | 03:38 am
UNESCO asks sculptures for the restoration of the monument according international laws. Greek government never asks officially restoration. Private interrests asking the remain decoration to be store...
Delay for Greek Online Gambling Laws! 24 May 2011 | 11:04 pm
The Greek government has been working hard to comply with the European Commission’s regulations in order to legalize and regulate online gambling in Greece. The country is in a particularly difficult ...
Greece Has Their Credit Rating Downgraded 17 Feb 2012 | 01:49 pm
While Greece is on their way to being bailed out by the European Union they just had their credit rating slashed to selective default. This is because the Greek government took the needed legal steps ...
Top 40 Holders of Greek Government bonds and Greek debt (July 2011) 5 Jul 2011 | 09:33 pm
Top 40 holders of Greek Government debt By looking at that table is quite clear why the sovereign crisis is a Pan-European issue. Most of the major European banks are holding Greek Bonds and that’...
Who Owns The Greek Government Debt And Why Restructuring Is Not So Easy 18 May 2011 | 11:30 pm
With all the traditional and online financial press referring to the possibility of a Greek restructuring, it is crucial to have more information regarding the holders of the Greek debt. Due to the E...
EU threatens Greece to expel owning to doubts over referendum 7 Nov 2011 | 12:13 am
Athens government is at the verge of collapse. There is no surety whether the Greek government would stay under euro zone or withdraw from it. The European diplomats severely criticized Greece’s choi...