Most HAARP related news are at:

Kontroverse Bücher (1): Die Steine lügen nicht: Geologie und Kreationismus [Astrodicticum Simplex] 27 Aug 2013 | 04:36 pm
Die Urlaubszeit ist ja schon leider fast wieder vorbei. Aber auch wenn man keinen Urlaub mehr hat, kann man ja trotzdem noch Bücher lesen. Ich möchte euch also ein paar der Bücher vorstellen, die ich ...
Der russische Meteorit aus Tscheljabinsk landet in Jena [Astrodicticum Simplex] 27 Aug 2013 | 01:21 pm
Gestern bin ich von meiner Reise nach Österreich wieder zurück nach Jena gekommen. Wie üblich bin ich von jeder Menge Post empfangen worden. Das übliche – Werbekram; Zeitungen; ein paar Bücher. Und et...
More HAARP related news:
J.O.R.N. / HAARP Anomolies: Perth, Australia 30 Mar 2011 | 03:00 pm
ping! A network of dedicated individuals who monitor anomalies in satellite weather data have issued a new alert in the area directly at/around Perth, Australia. These anomolies are likely associated ...
Il complesso di Cassandra 30 May 2012 | 09:42 pm
IL PARCO DELLE BUFALE – Dopo i Maya , HAARP e il fracking con una (spruzzata di scie... visita il sito per l'articolo completo
Tesla, HAARP ve Illuminati 10 May 2011 | 07:05 am
Selam taşağını yediklerim. Oldukça uzun fakat yine deşifre edilen gerçeklerle dolu bir yazı oldu. Karagümrük çocuğuyum, sözüm senettir diyorum. Boşa geçen bir dakikanız bile olursa cümle alem si...
Is HAARP a Doomsday Weapon or a Pentagon Bluff? 5 Aug 2010 | 04:42 am
by Notsilvia Night After reading on HAARP,the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program and watching a number of video documentaries on the issue, several questions came to my mind: The first que...
HAARP – broń ostateczna? 17 Jun 2009 | 04:21 am
Co by się stało, gdyby istniała broń, która pozwalałaby zniszczyć wszystkie satelity na orbicie i międzykontynentalne pociski balistyczne? Sprowadzać na wybrany cel falę promieniowania równie niszcząc...
Haarp clouds or “normal” ripple effects? 20 Jun 2008 | 02:26 am
I wonder… This morning I saw this (click to see larger picture) : and I wondered… normal ripple effect, as found in the desert sand, in the snow or on the water as the wind blows over them? Or is i...
HAARP clouds and new “normals” 13 Jun 2008 | 06:17 am
This morning, this is what I saw in the sky, before the cold and the gray moved back in: The pictures don’t show it that well, but these clouds were in a triangular region, with the base just over my...
Satellite view of N America shows distinctive radar reflectance 4 Apr 2011 | 07:35 am
Notice the statiionary roundish zones of increased radar reflectance in the satellite image sequence below. This phenomenon could be related to radar, localized atmospheric pollution, HAARP, or the...
Geoterrorismo: detectado el uso de armas escalares "HAARP" 28 Mar 2012 | 09:54 pm
El Director Ejecutivo del Observatorio Sísmico Solar de la Universidad de Chile habla abiertamente del ataque a Chile y otros terremotos ocurridos en el mundo, habla de geoterrorismo orquestado por lo...
Mayo: suma y sigue 14 May 2011 | 10:10 am
La manipulación total del clima es cada vez más clara, combinando operaciones puntuales de fumigación de estelas químicas o chemtrails con operaciones a mayor escala como HAARP. Fotos de mayo 2011 C...