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Peabody Orlando with Waste Management Achieves 25-Percent Diversion 27 Aug 2013 | 01:42 am
The Peabody Orlando hotel, with the collaboration of Waste Management Inc., has achieved a 25-percent diversion rate in two years. read more
North Carolina Governors Signs Landfill Law, Waste Leakage Order 26 Aug 2013 | 09:06 pm
North Carolina’s governor signed a bill that loosens environmental regulations for landfills and an executive order allowing local officials to protect against any leakage from waste trucks. read mor...
More HDPE related news:
Геомембрана Изолит 13 Mar 2011 | 03:48 am
Геомембрана Изолит – это материал, выпускаемый в рулонах, покрытый множеством упорядоченных выступов. Он производится из HDPE — полиэтилена высокой плотности, что обеспечивает его устойчивость к возде...
Worki hdpe – produkcja folii hdpe 30 May 2012 | 07:56 pm
Może się wydawać, że folia trzeba aż do przedmiotów, spośród jakich całkiem nagminnie nie korzystamy, natomiast jest to coś, co jest nam niezbędne, przykładowo koniec worki hdpedostarczyć uwagę na kan...
HDPE Price Chart 9 Mar 2012 | 08:01 pm
Date HDPE Price ($ / MT) HDPE Price (Rs./Kg) 05/03/2012 1455 94.75 02/03/2012 1445 94.75 01/03/2012 1445 94.75 25/02/2012 1420 92.5
Worki hdpe – produkcja folii hdpe 30 May 2012 | 08:00 pm
Może się wydawać, iż folia należy aż do przedmiotów, z jakich dosyć cyklicznie nie korzystamy, acz jest owo coś, co jest nam niezbędne, na przykład koniec produkcja folii hdpeoddać uwagę na kanapki. C...
SUMO850 System, 130AH Ultra Tubular Battery, Export HDPE Trolley 30 May 2012 | 09:27 pm
Package : BicronPower – SUMO 850VA x 1, BT12130UT-Ultra Tubular Battery-130AH Battery x 1, Export HDPE Trolley x 1 Pure Sinewave Output 850VA / 610 Watts Continuous Output load. Micro controller ba...
company profile 7 May 2010 | 03:49 pm
Established in 1989, Hengxing plastic pipeline Co.,Ltd., specialing in manufacturing plastic pipes & fittings, ppr pipe,ppr fittings,hdpe pipe,pipe fittings,pvc pipe,pvc fittings,drain pipe,valve, m...
PAC Chất Trợ lắng trong quá trình xử lý nước 7 Oct 2011 | 06:25 pm
ĐẶC TÍNH HÓA HỌC PAC A. Sản phẩm: PAC- Poly Aluminium Chloride (keo tụ lắng trong nước, keo lóng nước). B. Đóng gói: 25 kg/bao HDPE C. Xuất xứ: Trung Quốc. D. Mô tả: PAC là một muối biến tính đặc ...
Geomembrane (HDPE) 1 Aug 2009 | 02:20 pm
Geombrane adalah bahan kedap air (impermeable) yang digunakan untuk pelapis anti bocor. Digunakan pada proyek-proyek reservoir (penampung air), kolam atau danau buatan, kolam limbah, pombensin, lining...
How is Strengthex® useful? 14 Jan 2011 | 09:28 am
Strengthex® Improve Strength Strengthex® improves dispersion of polymer. Improves Gloss and Surface finish Improves/Retains Strength in Carry bag even at high Blown HDPE Dosage. Improve produc....
Effect of Addition of Blown HDPE without Strengthex 2 Nov 2010 | 06:28 pm
Effect of Addition of Blown HDPE without Strengthex Lower strength in carry bags. Unstable bubble. Incompatibility Melt-fracture Reduction in gloss & surface finish. Stiffness in film Tears eas...