Most HTML validator related news are at:

Public Identifiers for entity resolution in XHTML Draft Published 22 Aug 2013 | 11:06 pm
The HTML Working Group has published a Working Draft of Public Identifiers for entity resolution in XHTML. This document adds an additional public identifier that should be recognised by XHTML user ag...
WebCrypto Key Discovery Working Draft Published 22 Aug 2013 | 09:40 pm
The Web Cryptography Working Group has published a Working Draft of WebCrypto Key Discovery. This specification describes a JavaScript API for discovering named, origin-specific pre-provisioned crypto...
More HTML validator related news:
firefox瀏覽器外掛之Html Validator 14 Jan 2012 | 12:07 am
firefox瀏覽器外掛之Html Validator 繼上篇firefox瀏覽器外掛之flagfox 4.1.11外掛之外,第二個外掛我會推薦這個"Html Validator"。 這外掛"Html Validator"之棒,就在於通常寫網站的人對於偵錯這步驟,總是很頭痛。但是有了這外掛之後,Html Validator會幫你自動找出網站上的bug,再由它所偵錯的位置進行修改,是...
WordPress Seo Uyumlu Tema – Valid – Hızlı 28 May 2012 | 08:16 am
Merhaba arkadaşlar.SEO uyumlu yeni tema ile karşınızdayım. Temanın özelliklerine geçeyim hemen : - HTML valid - CSS valid - Google PageSpeed 91% ! - CSS Sprite Özelliği ! - Panelden ayarlanabili...
HTML Validation – Online HTML Validator 14 Jun 2010 | 08:42 pm
An often over looked factor in SEO is that of HTML validation. If you have poorly coded HTML it may hinder achieving good search engine rankings as it may affect spidering, keyword results and other o...
Briefly explain the various tools used for validating HTML document 25 Apr 2012 | 07:50 pm
Total Validator is a free one-stop all-in-one validator comprising a HTML validator, an accessibility validator, a spelling validator, a broken links validator, and the ability to take screenshots wit...
HTML5 And Microformats 5 Jun 2011 | 11:46 pm
What happened with meta name and rel attributes DC., XFN, ICBM, GEO…? I’ve spent some time this weekend trying to find out why W3C HTML Validator marks most of the “rel” attributes in head and body, r...
HTML validering nödvändigt? 16 Mar 2011 | 08:30 pm
Jimmy Wirsborg frågar Matt Cutts (21 pushar, 0 kommentarer)
Firefox Add-Ons Every Web Developer Must Have 12 Nov 2009 | 02:33 am
Here are my favorite Firefox add-ons Web Developer tool bar (gotta love Ctrl+Shift+f) Firebug (the best javascript debugger and more) Html Validator (great for seeing all your awesome htmlz c0dez) ...
Is HTML validation necessary for ranking? 11 May 2011 | 03:29 pm
Hi Matt, in a previous video you stated that validation of HTML wasn’t really important for ranking/SEO. This confuses me, would Google really want to send it’s users to websites which would be broken...
CSE HTML Validator Lite 11.0033 16 Dec 2011 | 08:00 pm
FREE fast offline HTML editor and syntax checker
HTML Validity and SEO 17 Jul 2007 | 09:31 am
Among the many important factors in search engine optimization is the validity of the code used to construct the site....