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S Nexian Antares Mi730, Tablet Android Murah dengan Prosesor 1GHz 12 Aug 2013 | 10:12 am
Selain menghadirkan S Nexian Viper Mi731, merek lokal yang telah Go Publik ini juga merilis tablet Android lainnya yakni S Nexian Antares Mi730. Tampil dengan konsep yang tak jauh beda, S Nexian Antar...
Venera Volt V2, Android Dual SIM Prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz Harga Rp 400 Ribuan 5 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Selain Gosco Groovy, Telkomsel juga menghadirkan paket bundling smartphone murah lainnya yakni Venera Volt V2. Menariknya, paket bundling Venera Telkomsel ini dibanderol dengan harga lebih murah diban...
More HT Mobile related news:
XLALAT - Search of Berita Top Indonesia 30 May 2012 | 05:45 pm
Modern Warfare 2 memecahkan rekor di UK. Ruben Onsu Pamer Pacar Baru. Google Dilaporkan Akan Merilis Ponsel. Perbedaan BlackBerry Storm 1 dan 2. Cara Memukul Anak yang Dibolehkan Dilarang. HT Mobile G...
Bagi-bagi Hp GRATIS (Ht mobile G33) 6 Aug 2011 | 09:29 pm
salam semua.... ada kabar gembira nih bagi yang suka gratisan. Ada program yang membagi-bagikan hp gratis.Anda pasti berntanya beneran ga nih? sama ketika pertama kali mendapat info ini bertanya demik...
Ponsel Cina HT Mobile G76, Tampil QWERTY Plus Triple On GSM-GSM-CDMA 15 May 2012 | 02:49 pm
Rabu, 05 Januari 2011 Bila dahulu ponsel Cina booming lewat fasilitas dual SIM card, kini tampaknya mulai lebih ‘ekstrim’ lagi. Banyak bermunculan ponsel Cina dengan tiga slot SIM card sekaligus, yan...
HT Mobile G12 5 Nov 2010 | 04:57 pm
Jaringan : Dual slotSim card GSM & Dual On Dimensi : -- cm Berat : -- gr Layar : warna Fitur : Polifonik (MP3), Dual Camera, video, sms, mms, GPRS, WAP, slot MicroSD card, Keypad Qwerty, GT Messenger,...
HT Mobile G61 5 Nov 2010 | 04:53 pm
Jaringan : Dual slotSim card GSM & Dual On Dimensi : 11.15 x 6.0 x 1.33 cm Berat : 89 gr Layar : TFT 262.144 warna, 240x320 piksel, 2.3 inchi Fitur : Polifonik (MP3), Dual Camera VGA, video, sms, mms,...
HTMobile F9 31 May 2011 | 03:54 pm
MENU Although China holds a cell phone, display interface HT Mobile F9 does not necessarily resemble with other Chinese mobile phone on the market, and was impressed uniform. Even the appearance of F9...
Pricing and full specifications Mobile Phone "HT-MobileCL35" With Flip Design and Touchscreen 9 Feb 2012 | 08:46 pm
Pricing and full specifications Mobile Phone HT-Mobile CL35 With Flip Design and Touchscreen Price Rp 500.000, - There's a new phone made in the design of HT-Mobile, see the mobile phone market is a...
HT Mobile F9 6 Apr 2011 | 12:26 am
People’s interest to mobile phones with a full QWERTY keyboard has decreased. Most mobile phone users are choosing touch screen phones. The amount of touch screen phones in the market is not as much a...
Google mobile app to identify people’s faces 1 Apr 2011 | 01:09 am
You meet someone in the restaurant and want to know his/her personal profile. You don’t even have to ask him. Just take your mobile phone and snap...
Vans for Individuals with Mobility Concerns 13 May 2011 | 02:03 am
A person on a wheelchair should have the option to be mobile as and when he or she requires being so. Normal cars are not provisioned to enable easy entry and exit from the vehicle or even sitting ins...