Most Hasselblad related news are at:

Eric Chenal : White Inside : 29 Jun 2013 | 04:00 am
Comment êtes-vous venu à la photographie ? Tardivement, après avoir passé une partie de ma vie professionnelle au développement d’activités de détachement et de recrutement de personnels, j’ai intégré...
Jean-Claude Moschetti : Sierra Leone - Images des hunting societies 29 Jun 2013 | 04:00 am
Ces images ont été réalisées en mars dernier à Freetown en Sierra Leone. Les créatures à tête d’animal sont issues des hunting societies ; ce sont des sociétés secrètes nées à Freetown avec le retour ...
More Hasselblad related news: 20 Mar 2011 | 08:33 am
Another long exposure on the Hasselblad, again multiple light sources. This is about a 10 minute exposure at 3 in the morning, the ceiling of an overhang outside of a beauty parlor, lit from one side ...
Rumor: Hasselblad to introduce a new family of digital cameras at Photokina (digital X-Pan?) 27 Mar 2012 | 06:08 am
Hasselblad X-Pan film camera I received a tip that Hasselblad will introduce a new family of digital cameras this year, probably at Photokina. One of the possibilities is a smaller DSLR type camera. T...
Photokina 2010: Day 2 – A look at other medium format offerings 23 Sep 2010 | 11:21 pm
With all day yesterday spent at the Leica booth and with Hasselblad's announcements today, I figured I'd try to check out the S2's main competition. Phase One First on the tour was Phase One. Their ...
A Winter’s Stroll Around London (E6) 4 Mar 2012 | 10:45 am
I’m still finding my way with positive slides and metering on the Hasselblad, but the more I shoot the more I learn how to expose properly in different conditions. So rather than let these test slides...
Hasselblad 503cx 10 Feb 2012 | 10:40 am
I’ve waited so long to able to say I own a Hasselblad, the medium format camera that surpasses all other cameras ever made. The Hassy is still regarded even in the age of digital as the best you can g...
Technoparade – oct 2011 8 Dec 2011 | 05:59 am
Paris, Octobre 2011 Hasselblad 203FE, 110mm F2
Hasselblad Masters 16 Oct 2011 | 05:12 am
Hasselblad Masters Awards : 2001 - present Truly a great source of inspiration to me : the work of the Hasselblad Masters! Check out who made it to the finals this year and bring out your vote(s). ...
FERRARI + HASSELBLAD 13 Jan 2011 | 04:15 am
Hasselblad dan Ferrari telah pun bergabung tenaga menciptakan kamera digital format medium eksklusif yang hanya mempunyai 500 unit. Hasselblad H4D Ferrari diciptakan khas untuk juru-jurugambar yang me...
パリでアナログ写真してきた人のニッチなまとめ 31 Dec 2009 | 08:09 am
旅前に色々調べた時にあまり参考になる記事がなかったので、パリでフィルムカメラしてきたニッチなまとめしてみます。 カメラ・フィルム・現像 カメラ まず悩んだのが…どのカメラを持っていこうかということ。まったくもって贅沢な悩みです。 条件は1日持って街を撮り歩くと言うこと。 Hasselblad→最高だが重い、疲れる、肩が凝る(笑)。音が大きい。 PenEED→写りは↑より劣るが、ハーフな...
2.02.12 Hasselblad Launches Hasselblad tv 7 Feb 2012 | 11:48 pm
Hasselblad launches Hasselblad tv – an exclusive new multi-language online video platform that will ‘target and engage’ the company’s global audience of professional and aspirational photographers. Af...