Most Ho Chi Minh related news are at:

Päivitetty klo 12:52: Häiriö Elisan mobiiliverkon palveluissa pääkaupunkiseudulla 27 Aug 2013 | 12:04 pm
Elisan 3G mobiiliverkon palveluissa on pääkaupunkiseudulla häiriö 27.8. klo 03:43 alkaen. Häiriö näkyy asiakkaille mm. puheluiden yhdistymisenä vastaajaan tai tiedotteelle, puheluiden katkeamisina tai...
Elisan valtakunnallinen verkonhuolto 28.8.2013 klo 00:30-05:30 välisenä aikana 26 Aug 2013 | 03:58 pm
Elisa suorittaa normaalin kahdesti kuukaudessa tehtävän huoltotyön valtakunnallisessa verkossaan yhdessä yhteistyökumppaneidensa kanssa 28.8.2013 klo 00:30-05:30 välisenä aikana. Kuukausittainen huol...
More Ho Chi Minh related news:
Niña-Mutante en la vida real hace arder las cosas que toca al estilo X-Men 18 May 2012 | 06:40 am
Una niña de 11 años de la ciudad vietnamita de Ho Chi Minh ha saltado a primera plana de la prensa nacional de su país por su capacidad de conseguir que las cosas que toca salgan ardiendo. Así es amig...
Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam (2011) 23 Feb 2012 | 12:43 am
Hallo My Lovely Blog, Gomennasai sudah sekian lama tidak menyentuhmu :p, kali ini cuma mau post pengalaman travelling tahun lalu. alhamdulillah kali ini saya ditemani sahabat aneh saya @reisme :p. Nic...
WE MOVED OUR OFFICE 10 May 2008 | 01:54 pm
Dear valued customer, Dai Hoang Gia co. has moved our office to 6th floor, JABES II building - 110 Cach Mang Thang Tam str., ward 7, dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh city. We really are grateful for your support...
Bookends to a war: Ap Bac and that Saigon rooftop 15 Jun 2011 | 04:17 pm
The 1963 Battle of Ap Bac in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta should have been a warning to the US of the perils ahead in their campaign against Ho Chi Minh’s communists. Instead it presaged an escalation of a ...
Attractive cluster tours for fall and winter 4 Dec 2011 | 08:52 am
Autumn and winter this year, visitors can participate in excursions journey as the South (Phu Quoc – Ho Chi Minh City – Dai Nam tourist area), discover the land of a million elephants or conquer the r...
Ho Chi Minh city - Saigon 19 Apr 2012 | 05:49 am
Hồ Chí Minh City has gone by several different names during its history, reflecting settlement by different ethnic, cultural and political groups. Originally known as Prey Nokor while part of the Khme...
Quite kitesurfing in Mui Ne on the WE of November 12th, 2011 16 Nov 2011 | 03:45 pm
While Ho Chi Minh City was under the rain and with undiscontinued flow of activity, Mui Ne was pretty quite and under the sun. There were not so many people on the water … on this picture, just one k...
Zuid Vietnam 17 Dec 2011 | 01:17 pm
Dinsdag 15 november komen we vanuit Singapore aan in de economische hoofdstad van Vietnam. Saigon, officieel Ho Chi Minh City, is de grootste, drukste en welvarendste stad van Vietnam. En dat merken w...
Activities mark President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday 5 Nov 2011 | 03:08 pm
A meeting to mark President Ho Chi Minh’s 120th birthday was held in his home province of Nghe An in central Vietnam on May 16. Addressing the ceremony, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Comm...
Vietnam – Laos friendship highlighted at Vientiane exhibition 5 Nov 2011 | 02:56 pm
120 photos were showcased at an exhibition entitled “Vietnam-Laos relations in the Age of Ho Chi Minh” in the Lao capital city of Vientiane on May 14. The exhibition focuses on three topics: Nguyen A...