Most Hollywood Glamour Photography related news are at:

Model – Ash D. 12 Dec 2012 | 11:50 pm
Ash is a makeup artist I’ve worked with on and off for a few years but she has since moved back to New Mexico and is now raising a family. Lisa Medley helped with the styling and artistic direction of...
Boudoir Photography Course – Coaching and Mentoring 28 Jun 2012 | 02:44 am
I just wanted to let you in on a little special that’s going on this weekend, and only this weekend. This weekend Michael Zelbel, author of “The art of boudoir photography with speedlights”, is openi...
More Hollywood Glamour Photography related news:
Hollywood Glamour Photography, Behind the Scenes with Daisy Devine 24 Sep 2010 | 10:48 am
I thought I would post some behind the scenes shots from a shoot I did a while back, in fact several years ago, with one of my favorite models, Daisy Devine. In this shoot we were going for a Joan Cra...
how to shoot vintage Hollywood glamour photography 22 Dec 2008 | 06:30 pm
A few months back some friends and I did a test shoot, recreating a vintage Hollywood portrait. While mentioning some specifics from the shoot I’d also like to share a few general thoughts about appro...
Red Carpet Glamour at The Academy Awards 2012 7 Mar 2012 | 03:43 am
White Rooney Mara in Givenchy( makes a change from black she’s worn at other awards) Gwenyth Paltrow Tom Ford (old Hollywood glamour loose sleek ponytail) Jennifer Lopez Shailene woodley (the ...
Preparing for a photography shoot 29 Dec 2011 | 10:13 am
Getting sexy photos taken in today’s society is very fashionable. If you browse on the net and in ladies’ magazines you will see many photographers selling stylish glamour photography services. Quite ...
Information About The Glamour Photography Business 25 Sep 2010 | 12:38 pm
Glamour photography is dominated by women. This is a commercial and artistic type of photography business, because it portrays subjects displaying sexually attractive or romantic postures . In blunt t...
Welcome! 14 Feb 2007 | 07:26 pm
Romance captured! Welcome to the new home of Shot By Venus, your photographer of choice for romantic wedding and glamour photography. We will gradually ad more photos, comments are welcome.
The coffee table lives on 9 Mar 2011 | 04:13 am
My endeavor of transforming my bedroom to the old Hollywood Glamour is still a work in progress as I have finally finished working on a corner of my room. It is a corner that I was not unhappy with, b...
I won a giveaway! Sigma Hollywood Glamour Marilyn Kabuki 27 Jan 2011 | 02:11 pm
A few weeks ago I entered a giveaway Yolonda was having on her blog Diva In Deep Thought and I won! The prize was a Sigma Hollywood Glamour Marilyn Retractable Kabuki Brush. The metal casing is red a...
Hollywood Glamour with Kelly Devoto with Lighting Diagrams 24 May 2012 | 05:22 am
A while back I had the pleasure of working with an up and coming star, Kelly Devoto. When Kelly came to me she was just doing modeling and building her portfolio. She wanted some old style Hollywood G...
Fashion Glamour Photography – Lighting Diagram and Explaination 12 Nov 2010 | 06:06 am
Hey folks, this is one of my favorite shoots and favorite ways of doing a night shoot. With an small strobe and a long exposure. We know that Aperture is what controls the flash and that shutter speed...