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Mobile, eCommerce e Advertising: An IAB Research 25 May 2012 | 01:51 pm
Introduction: “The IAB Mobile Phone Shopping Diaries” is a study of 260 smartphone owners and featured phone, with the aim of understanding the relationship between the user of a mobile device and the...
Gorka Zamarreño: El uso de las redes sociales en España se dispara 27 Nov 2010 | 02:08 am
IAB presentó en el IV Festival de Publicidad Digital Inspirational wwweding, el II Estudio de Redes Sociales realizado en España. Los datos más significativos son que el consumo que los internautas ha...
ADMAN supports VAST 2.0 Video Ads 30 Mar 2011 | 03:03 am
ADMAN adopted the IAB VAST Video Ads serving standard (VAST 2.0). VAST, short for Video Ad Serving Template, facilitates deployment and playback of video ads on VAST compliant video players. Adman su...
IAB Rising Stars 28 Mar 2011 | 08:25 pm
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has announced the six new ad units that won on "Rising Stars" competition. IAB Portrait, Slider, Billboard, Filmstrip, Pushdown and Sidekick were chosen from ...
Il T-Marketing sbarca allo Iab Forum 2011 23 Sep 2011 | 03:05 am
Quest’anno allo Iab Forum ci saremo anche noi! A dire la verità è il terzo anno che partecipiamo da professionisti del settore a questo evento, ma dopo due anni da visitatori abbiamo deciso di parteci...
IAB México – Conecta al Consumidor 2.0 27 Jul 2007 | 07:31 pm
La IAB celebró por segunda vez en el país el foro “Conecta al Consumidor 2.0″ Las redes sociales ocupan el 6° lugar en sitios visitados en México El nuevo consumidor establece qué tipo de publicidad q...
Internet: Conecta tu marca con el Consumidor 2.0 12 Jul 2007 | 09:45 am
Conferencia, Talleres & Expo 2007 Desde el IAB México me llega la siguiente información acerca de un muy interesante evento que tendrán el 26 julio 2007. Esta es una gran oportunidad de convivir con l...
IAB Forum e Ravenna Future Lessons. Siamo stati un po' in giro! 24 Oct 2011 | 09:00 am
Si è conclusa questa mattina Ravenna Future Lessons, tre giorni romagnola di "Conferenze per i giovani che si confrontano con il futuro" in cui personaggi come Luca De Biase, Roberta Milano e Gianluca...
Eventi 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
ContactMail parteciperà allo IAB Forum 2010 3/4 Novembre MILANO
Жанет Найденова 10 May 2012 | 07:19 am
Председател на IAB България Жанет Найденова Жанет Найденова е завършила математика в СУ “Климент Охридски” и маркетинг и иновации в “Koichev’s International Business School”. Притежава над 25 годише...