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Ian Somerhalder Girlfriend 19 Feb 2011 | 06:26 am
Hey, it's Daniel from TMZ here, back with another edition of the "Lost" Diary. Not sure how many sports fans we have here on TMZ, but let me make an analogy for you. After two amazing episodes of "Los...
Ian Somerhalder Shirtless in Vampire Diaries Ep 3x19 23 Apr 2012 | 01:04 pm
Here's some caps of Ian Somerhalder shirtless in this Thursday's "Vampire Diaries", which was a VERY BIG episode for Delena fans. I have to admit I squealed a little! See more pictures in my Ian Some...
TV Fanatic: Ian Somerhalder ou Jensen Ackles? 27 Jul 2012 | 06:45 am
O site TVFanatic está promovendo uma pequena votação para o melhor ator ou atriz de séries. Depois dos escolhidos passarem por uma sequencia de chaves, chegamos a grande final. Nessa final encontram-...
Ian Somerhalder Shirtless in Vampire Diaries Ep 3x19 23 Apr 2012 | 09:04 am
Here's some caps of Ian Somerhalder shirtless in this Thursday's "Vampire Diaries", which was a VERY BIG episode for Delena fans. I have to admit I squealed a little! See more pictures in my Ian Some...
TV Series DVD Box set- The Vampire Diaries Season 1-4 14 May 2013 | 06:17 am
the vampire diaries season 1-4 dvd The charming and hot actor Ian Somerhalder, who is most known by the fans by his character as Damon in Vampire Diaries Seasons 1-4, has shared his journey in the int...
NT1 diffusera la saison 4 de « Vampire Diaries » à partir du 6 septembre 2013 16 Aug 2013 | 09:27 pm
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de Ian Somerhalder (Boone dans Lost ) , TF1 (la petite soeur de TF1) diffusera à...
Ian Somerhalder Named 2013 Visionary in Conde Nest Traveler September Issue 19 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Oh Ian Somerhalder: Is there anything he can’t do? When the Vampire Diaries actor is not hard at work filming scenes as Damon Salvatore, he’s out there connecting with fans and trying to make the worl...
Ian Somerhalder's Sexy New Photos Are More Proof He Should Play Christian Grey 27 Aug 2013 | 03:40 am
Post by Rebecca Stokes 50 Shades of Grey fans have been waiting with baited breath to discover who will have the sexy, sexy honor of playing Christian Grey once the movie becomes a reality. "Plllleas...
Ian Somerhalder Named 2013 Visionary in Conde Nest Traveler September Issue 19 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
Oh Ian Somerhalder: Is there anything he can’t do? When the Vampire Diaries actor is not hard at work filming scenes as Damon Salvatore, he’s out there connecting with fans and trying to make the worl...
Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev e Kevin Williamson entre as estrelas que postam fotos na cama 26 Aug 2013 | 10:21 pm
O site WetPaint fez uma lista com os famosos que tiram fotos enquanto ainda estão na cama e o Ian, claro, não poderia ficar de fora. Algumas celebridades parecem não conseguir desligar a máquina de a...