Most Inspirasi Islam related news are at:

Semua Manusia Sama Pentingnya 15 Jun 2013 | 12:03 am
Khutbah Jumat Masjid Andalusia Islamic Center, Sentul Bogor Oleh : Abu Ziyan Al-Qurthuby Ada sebuah cerita sederhana yang patut kita simak untuk memulai renungan kali ini. Adalah seorang Kiyai di...
Cara Hidup Sehat 18 May 2013 | 05:30 pm
Kami Merekomendasikan Smart Detox Untuk Anda Yang Ingin : Mendapatkan Berat Badan Yang Ideal Memiliki Tubuh Yang Bebas Racun Mendapatkan Kesehatan Yang Sempurna Meningkatkan Vitalitas & Sistem Kek...
More Inspirasi Islam related news:
Seorang guru, 2 buah kapur & Kefakiran Yg Terselubung | Inspirasi Islam 2 Feb 2013 | 06:05 pm
Sadarkah kita ??? Seorang Guru tampak bersemangat di depan kelas sedang mendidik murid-muridnya dalam pendidikan Syari'at Islam. Di tangan kirinya ada kapur, di tangan kanannya ada penghapus. Guru be...
retroREVIEW: “Tea For The Tillerman” by Cat Stevens 9 May 2012 | 08:41 am
1970′s “Tea For The Tillerman” is one of the great underrated gems in music. It doesn’t hurt that Yusuf Islam could sing the phone book and make it listenable, but from start to finish, “Tea” is full ...
Salam Ramadhan 11 Aug 2010 | 03:08 am
Salam Ramadhan serta Selamat Berpuasa untuk teman-teman dan semua pengunjung blog Santai Sejenak yang beragama Islam. Semoga persahabatan, persaudaraan dan silatulrahim antara kita semua akan selalu....
Mencaci untuk membuktikan keimanan, Benar kah? 26 Jul 2010 | 04:30 am
Salam, Sekadar pendapat seorang mualaf yang tidak arif tentang al-Quran dan tidak pula memahami bahasa Arab. Mengenali agama Islam cuma melalui falsafah Islam dalam buku bahasa Inggeris, dan membaca...
Kartu Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2012 30 Dec 2010 | 10:35 am
Kumpulan kartu ucapan selamat tahun baru 2012 berupa kata motivasi, inspirasi dan resolusi tahun baru 2012 dan ucapan tahun baru berbagai bahasa di dunia al : bahasa inggris, jerman, perancis, belanda...
Will Simon Cowell Convert to Islam to Marry Mezhgan? 18 Mar 2010 | 06:33 pm
If the latest Hollywood gossip is to be believed, Simon Cowell’s girlfriend Mezhgan Hussainy`s family wants him to convert to Islam before their marriage, says a report. The “American Idol” judge had...
World’s Top 20 Largest Mosques 9 Jul 2010 | 07:04 pm
20. Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem Al-Aqsa Mosque also known as al-Aqsa, is an Islamic holy place in the Old City of Jerusalem. The site that includes the mosque (along with the Dome of the Rock) is al...
Hit hard, hit fast, hit often 28 Dec 2008 | 08:42 pm
By Cherson Islam is this, Islam is that…? ANY monotheist religion is peaceful until it is weak. But as soon as it becomes strong it stops being peaceful. Christianity is peaceful? And millions of mur...
Malaysia religion 2 Feb 2008 | 09:28 am
Malaysia is a multi-religious association and Islam is the official religion. According to the Citizenry about 30 percent of the citizenry accomplished Islam, 20 percent Buddhism, 20 percent Christian...
Ground Zero Islamic Center - My Take 2 Sep 2010 | 04:13 pm
I am atheist and proud of it. I am of the firm opinion that everyone should be free to practice their religion (or lack thereof) as they see fit. This is part of who we are as Americans. It is a sacre...