Most Invoke related news are at:

Issues with Apache caching on VirtualBox 27 Aug 2013 | 01:25 am
There is a known issue with Apache caching of non-parsed content. For example if you post an image, then replace it on the file system, the image shown in the browser is still the original. Deleting ...
All hands go hands-on: Live testing the ARC Madness prototype 24 Aug 2013 | 12:01 am
Yesterday, we introduced you to the details of our research and discovery work for a new project we’ve been working on: ARC Madness™. Though we learned a lot during this initial phase of exploration a...
More Invoke related news:
Invoking through the Dispatcher on Windows Phone and Metro 18 Apr 2012 | 08:26 am
On the Windows Platforms there is a rule that you cannot modify UI elements from secondary threads. On Microsoft's XAML based platforms there is a member that exists on most UI objects called the Disp...
Obama and Israeli Leader Make Taped Appeals to Iran 21 Mar 2009 | 07:03 am
Invoking art, history and "the common humanity that binds us," President Obama offered a "new day" in America's relationship with Iran, using a videotaped message released on the Internet to make an u...
Private Property and the Ground Zero Mosque 25 Aug 2010 | 05:09 am
I was watching a video on the anti-mosque rally on youtube, and I was surprised to see people in the comment section invoking “private property rights” to defend the mosque.
How To Invoke Script from a Siebel Button At the Business Component and Applet Levels 9 Nov 2010 | 12:54 am
This article describes the steps required to configure Siebel to invoke Siebel eScript code from a button. You can invoke siebel script from a button through business component server script, applet ...
puts, to_s and inspect on ruby object 31 Jan 2012 | 09:37 am
`puts` converts ruby object into string by invoking to_s method on object. The default to_s prints the object's class and an encoding of the object id. In order to print human readable form of object ...
Flash Builder 4 – Data Centric Development (DCD) Service Wizard 2 Jun 2009 | 06:40 pm
[Updated for Flash Builder Beta 2] The Service Wizard defines a service and corresponding operations which are used to invoke RPC operations returning a certain data. Service Wizard can connect to PHP...
Flash Builder 4 – Data Centric Development (DCD) Wizards 2 Jun 2009 | 05:01 pm
DCD had three main wizards Service Wizard The Service Wizard defines a service and corresponding operations which are used to invoke RPC operations returning a certain data. Service Wizard can connect...
Selectors in WebSphere Integration Developer 5 May 2010 | 06:28 pm
Selectors in WebSphere Integration Developer A selector is a component that determines which implementation of a component should be invoked at run time based on a set of selection criteria. Every sel...
Trayvon Martin case Classmates Rally 3 Apr 2012 | 02:51 am
Trayvon Martin case Classmates Rally Washington– President Barack Obama support out Friday on the Trayvon Thespian shooting for the best example, business the incident a “tragedy” and invoking his own...
NewContact Tweak Lets You Add New Contacts from Anywhere 16 Feb 2012 | 04:17 pm
NewContact is a free Cydia tweak for iPhone and iPad that lets you add a new contact from anywhere on your iDevice. NewContact utilizes an Activator method of your choosing -- and when you invoke NewC...