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Developing a Winning Social Media Marketing Plan 21 May 2012 | 12:02 am
Social Media is all About Building Relationships. First, here is a quick glimpse on some revealing social media statistics: Facebook – According to ExactTarget, the primary reason why peopl...
Reprise d’entreprise : reconversion d’un ancien salarié de Freescale 9 Feb 2012 | 04:59 am
Ancien salarié de Freescale, Patrick Sanz travaillait à la maintenance des machines de production du site de Toulouse. Lors du plan social annoncé par le fabricant d’électronique en 2009, Patrick a dé...
Misión Ciencia despliega a nivel nacional 14 laboratorios de salud animal. 17 Apr 2012 | 09:41 am
Arrancó en Aragua Plan Social de Vacunación Prensa Unidad Territorial MPPCTI-Aragua/ 16 de Abril de 2012.- Este lunes 16 de Abril se dio inicio al Plan Social de Vacunación a nivel nacional el cual, ...
Featured: Do you have a Social Media Plan? 17 Nov 2011 | 05:29 am
Social media has become a business strategy to help build businesses and brands. And, just like any other business strategy you need a plan. “A Content Plan for Social Media Marketing” published by ...
Comunicarea eficienta. Evita greselile de comunicare! 17 May 2011 | 01:43 am
Iata cateva greseli care se fac in comunicare si recomandarile noastre pentru a imbunatati comunicarea in plan social, profesional, relational si intim si familial.
Do not Run Out of Money in Retirement 29 Aug 2009 | 07:47 am
Company plans, IRA or 401 pension plans, social security benefits, old age benefits, real estate and any personal savings are the common sources of retirement income. Most companies have retirement in...
L’affaire Viveo, qui fait trembler les DRH, sera réexaminée en avril 13 Mar 2012 | 12:17 am
Article de Derek Perrotte publié le 7 mars 2012 sur Les Echos La Cour de cassation a reporté hier sa décision sur le plan social de Viveo, annulé en 2011 par la cour d’appel de Paris pour absence de ...
Utilizing Social Networking Sites as Part of an Online Social Marketing Plan 17 Feb 2011 | 06:37 am
Social networking offers home based businesses a place where they can market their products or services to a large number of people as well as targeted internet users.
ProBlogger’s Guide to your First Week of Blogging 28 Jul 2012 | 08:24 am
It can be overwhelming when starting a blog. You’ve got a lot of decisions to make… niche selection audience targeting content planning social media and promotions post ideas and more Making gr...
Sanofi et Montebourg: Zéro pointé ! 11 Oct 2012 | 12:15 am
Le Blog Economique Et Social avait déjà dénoncé l’attitude d’Arnaud Montebourg concernant le plan social de Sanofi, nous pensions, bêtement, que le ministre porterait une plus grande attention à l’ave...